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China told the media, as a Chinese copy of the Su-27 twisted “barrel” near “Poseidon”

CCTV Chinese television station published material, which describes the operation of the PLA Air Force J-11 fighter, non-licensed copies of Russian Su-27 aircraft. The report is informed about the "air victory", which took place in August 2014 year in the area of ​​China's air borders.

СМИ КНР рассказали, как китайские копии Су-27 крутили "бочку" близ "Посейдона"

In particular, states, what 19 in August 2014 the first American anti-submarine patrol aircraft P-8A Poseidon came to China by air borders. Chinese pilots were ordered to intercept. The film provides evidence that the US military, Chinese pilots "have carried out dangerous maneuvers in the vicinity of" Poseidon ".

of material:
Chinese J-11B shown weapons, twisted "barrel".

In the case of the PRC is now called "bright example not only high maneuverability of aircraft J-11, but also a firm determination of the Chinese pilot ".

American aircraft retired.

Recall, J-11B that is identical to the Su-27 glider, but these planes are different "filling". In particular, Chinese version of the Russian "Drying" made in China is equipped with a multi-purpose fire control system and digital flight control system.

Earlier, the Chinese command repeatedly stated, that the US is engaged in provocations in the area of ​​China sea and air borders. In this case, most often it is a question of the disputed archipelagos, which Beijing considers Chinese territory. The US says, Beijing imposes illegal claims on a number of islands, including the Spratly archipelago.

It should be noted, that it is the Spratly archipelago is often called "the embryo of a new major conflict". In this earlier in China's official media tried not to dwell on the interceptions of US aircraft, preferring “not to aggravate the situation”. Now, as it appears, China decided to add the weight of the information is not only the possibility of interception of aircraft the Air Force (VMS) USA, but also, as it noted, "Determined to Chinese pilots'.



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