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NI: In Russia hypersonic bullet may appear soon

The American media have material, which states, that Russia may soon appear hypersonic small arms ammunition. Article such statements published in the edition of The National Interest . is approved, that we are talking about ammunition, using which the bullet would come out of the channel of small arms barrel at about 5,8 M (including Maha). it is about 2000 meters per second.

for comparison: bullet departure rate from the channel sniper rifle barrel "Orsis" T-5000 is about 925 m / s.

NI: В России вскоре могут появиться гиперзвуковые пули

About, on what basis the conclusion about the possibility of the imminent appearance of hypersonic weapons in Russia, The NI do not report. In this case protrude into a lengthy discourse about the fact, sniper using weapons, Curb such ammunition, increasingly have to consider a number of related factors: wind speed, its direction, density of air depending on altitude. At the same time announced, hypersonic warhead that in any case will reach the normal goal, situated at a distance of reach, before, than that can leave the trajectory of the bullet movement.

also notes, hypersonic munitions that do not get wide distribution and will be used primarily by special units in special situations.

edition, Recalling the words of the president of the Association of veterans of "Alpha" Sergei Goncharov, reports, that weapon with the ability to fire bullets hypersonic may reveal significant shortcomings. for example, great weight, excessive noise and increased wear of shooting.



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