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Ignite in the Gulf. As US Fifth Fleet were taken hostage in Iran

US exit background of the so-called Iranian nuclear deal increasingly hear threats against Iran. The main message of threats is as follows: all sanctions against Iran is necessary not only to return, but also to further deepen. Often sound and statements overtly militaristic nature, what Iran has to respond. One of the reactions - the development of missile programs. And to date, the program has reached a level, that the same to the United States would be much more profitable not saber-rattling and threatening sanctions, and with Iran to talk at the same table.

For the US, the problem is that, that the country's Fifth Fleet actually finally got "hostage" to Iran. Recall, that the main base of the fleet of the US Navy is a tiny nation of Bahrain in the Persian Gulf with the deepwater harbor Khalifa bin Salman. This port can receive ships with a draft of up to 12-odd meters, that the United States - very convenient option.

During protests 2012 year in Bahrain, when clashes broke out between Shiites (of the country's most) Sunnis, US experts said, that the Fifth Fleet base need to be relocated. The main reason was called next: Tehran can support Bahraini Shiites, to those carried out sabotage against the onshore and offshore facilities (including staff) Fifth Fleet of the US Navy. Then, on a wave of anti-Iran statements in Washington, Tehran said, that an increase in US military activity, he will block the Strait of Hormuz. Overlap the Strait of Hormuz - is not only a blow to the hydrocarbon traffic and expensive for American allies of the United Arab Emirates, Kuwait and other countries in the region, but also the transformation of the US Fifth Fleet in the "filler" option. "Priming" in the sense, that being based in Manama (Bahrain) US warships are simply nowhere to get away from the Persian Gulf.

Зажечь в заливе. Как Пятый флот США оказался в заложниках у Ирана
On one of the sites of the Fifth Fleet in the Persian Gulf

But the protests subsided in Bahrain, and Fleet Plan Americans did not change anything.

Зажечь в заливе. Как Пятый флот США оказался в заложниках у Ирана

Today, when we are talking about the need to strengthen the anti-Iranian pressure, suddenly remembered, that Iran besides the possibility to close the Strait of Hormuz, and there were more opportunities to burn the US Navy Fifth directly on its base in Bahrain. Iranian missiles have performance characteristics, allowing them to easily get to the US infrastructure.

With the approval of the same problem. Indian partners suddenly said, that they intend to continue to buy oil from Iran, and not for dollars, and the national currency. Oil and Gas Minister Dharmendra Pradhan India declared its readiness to sign an agreement with colleagues from Tehran, and this agreement will provide for the supply of oil to pay Indian rupees.



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