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Gather your styling! Urgently and quickly. In the experience of working there, where scary!

1 ammonia solution (Naşatırka) 10 %, better in the bottle (nashatyrka need!) – 1 bottle, you have enough! How else can cause a person, which is slightly disorientated?

2 Gauze bandage 5x10 not sterile 20pcs, or so, as much as possible to carry in hand and laying.
And now my personal experience… best bandage, than HB sheets, cut in a width of the tape 7 see no one has yet invented! So you need to be able to use a bandage. It is not so easy, how gauze, but if you master the skills of uncomplicated desmurgy, you will not believe… Shortly speaking, tear sheets for bandages! AND 2 hours of play in desmurgy (Science bintovaty bintami) at your leisure!
Wool and silk are not suitable in any way! Nonwoven synthetic materials – into the furnace! cotton only! and unloading, instead of 2 horns put your bandages. You will already 2 horns (a discharge medium 4 pocket)! Bandage sheet, they are more bulky and weigh more than gauze every 5. Do not get carried away.
They are to fix the tire! They are generally the best bandages, because they are dense and do not break.

3. Bandages gauze sterile 7h14 in a sealed package, no more 5 pcs, because in combat and field conditions to ensure sterility of the wound just once, and it is impossible!
And it is not sterile… distribute them in plastic bags as, how much will!

4. notepad 1pc, mandatory! If you have to apply a tourniquet on a limb, the sheet of a notebook to save the injured resistance fighters that same limb. The paper is thick and expensive, In no case do not gloss! preferably on “a spring”. On scratchpad sheet is very convenient time to write a tourniquet! Do not dare to neglect this! And, you can skin marker. Yes, even on the forehead! But do not forget, that the marker is washed off with alcohol, peroxide and a lot of what… but a simple pencil on paper is not washed off. And generally speaking – so accepted.

5 pin safe (English) The average amount of 10 PC! A few times I “Sew” wounds pin! It weighs little, you can take a lot. Quickly and easily helps reduce injuries edge, if they are not very serious. The pins are attached to the clothes perfectly in the hips (“sew” have on his knees, and then the pin at hand) little weigh, and will bring many benefits! Sterility? About what you ask sterility, if everything happens in the field?

6 Non-sterile absorbent cotton wool (250 g), better cotton pads. Small wounds comfortably handle it with a cotton swab from the disc, and zazhim-“Moschino” it is convenient to take and the fibers are not so much “rastrepыvaюtsя”.

7. Sterile absorbent cotton wool. 1 up. 50 g. It is at the discretion of the physician, because in the field of sterility compliance impossible, even if you try! so, Total 1 packaging. Sterile cotton bandage wrap in sterile – an excellent tool for all tamponade, that you want to dab. For example for nasal average tamponade.

8. Hemostatic tourniquet 2pcs, 3 PC, 4 PC… tourniquet – it should be for everyone, and with a close, at hand, but medical orderly, there should be at least 2, and better 4. In humans, after all 4 extremity? And the wiring can be used as a belt and suspenders! you will smile, but I once saw, as a tourniquet was used as a temporary “generator” belt in the car! tourniquet, classical, of pink rubber! It is durable and comfortable.

9. iodine solution 5% in a bottle. Or a solution of brilliant green. Only handle EDGE RAN and minor abrasions in the wound does not “flood”. more convenient – iodine pencil (markers, marker). It weighs little, benefits many! It goes a long way! convenient to use! 2-3 bottle.

10. Pencil simple 1pc, preferably 2 pcs , hardness “M”. Do you have a notebook, and therefore it is necessary to write.

11 Klondike medical 4-6 PC (you can pick from cotton sheets 65h65…the size, well to head tie). You can wear on your head. One more, Wear as a arafatki, 2 packing straps, or you can pin to clothes pins. fractures, fracture-dislocation of the bones of the upper extremities is very convenient to immobilize “hanging on the headscarf”. And like a bandage is also nice.

12 Leykoplastыr a roll 3 cm width, business 4 PC, but better 6. Light and sticky… 5 cm plaster bandage save many meters! In advance to the tip of the patch Con “coil”. Do not forget after each use, keep it glued.
And tape, Yes normal tape. With him, of course, more problems, than with plaster. not tight, crushed gluing, torn and twisted love, badly off, but it is much faster to do tours and fasten headbands. One large coil is quite enough. Ah to, remembered more about one minus – he glares in the sun.

13. Hydrogen peroxide tablets and solution. Solution – 2 bottle in the plastic on 50 ml, tablets 20-40 PC. With these pills, you can cook a great antiseptic and hemostatic. Cooking can be, by the way, even using water of a puddle! But you and your mates have a supply of drinking water!

14. knives 2 PC. knives are required! not scalpel, namely knives! one sharpened, razor, with broad blade! The second double-edged, no less carefully zatochenenny, with a long and narrow grip, (grip slightly narrower than the blade), without guard. use it as a scalpel… (it is almost a lancet). In general, the knife is much easier to cut off the torn clothes, than the scissors.

15 blunt scissors 2 PC! And if not blunt, then you already have laying in plaster, you repeatedly wrap the ends around your sharp scissors. Why scissors? Do not ask stupid questions! They are very easy to cut clothes, bandages, but in general all, anything! broad “ears” required, fast fingers to get them! But in general, Pick up this tool in their hand, not forgetting the hands of your Assistant! With proper manual dexterity, you can quickly throw a pair of scissors in his hand, removing the ring with the thumb, leaving a second hanging in the middle or index. Learn that it is possible for 5 minutes.

16. First aid dressing package (IPP) about 2-3 PC, if you can get PPI, And if not, then confided, envelope that the dressing package used to seal wounds thorax and abdomen, but otherwise – all the same bandages. Personally, I'm in my laying replaced PPIs for more bandages and, ATTENTION, plastic bags! conventional transparent… they are so well sealed wounds! + Patch. Polyethylene should be transparent.

17 Napkins Gauze unsterile lot, but they can be made of bandages, on the knee! But do they need to advance! If there is “industry” it is simply convenient. Here I can not say definitely… industrial or… on the knee.

18 hemostatic sponge! Use them not hesitating. Put them under pressure bandage, especially if the source of bleeding is difficult to find! Just cut into small pieces directly into the wound! amount? they are light, take 20 pieces biggest! From industrial packages do not remove. Cut into pieces directly over the wound. So they will stay as clean as possible. They lie at the bottom of the wound until, until washed clean in the hospital.

19. Put in its stacking a couple of meters of thread and surgical needles! twisted thread, to not torn, in the coil, will cut on the fly, because the tip of the thread will stick out from the left shoulder pocket (right, if you are left-handed and if guess to put them). And forget about sterility, because you have a lot of pills peroxide and below I will call another antiseptic international importance! You can always sterilize your tools and consumables in the field! I'm teasing needle on the strap of a backpack-laying, in that part, that in the area of ​​shoulder girdle (where the shoulder straps), impaling the cutting part of the needle from the elastic vehicle tire. And not blunt, and do not prick right in the neck, and hand. A “sterilize” they can be a dip in the peroxide or ethanol. Sutured wound tightly you will only quiet time, when you will be able to remember about the aseptic and antiseptic. And then a small wound.

20. Adrenaline in ampoules! I took in laying 20 ampoules. Why he needs everyone knows. The wound to pour the dissolved – shrink and blood vessels will be less… It helps to have a heart and to reduce bleeding… medicine – hormone- a life.

21. Novocaine powder! Imagine, that it exists! And imagine, novocaine that powder can be dusted with fine surface wounds or abrasions large, or, god forbid, burn! dry novocaine – it easily, anaesthetises for 1 minute or less! Dusting the powder burn surface! How to get? There are pharmacies, and yet evaporated from vials, ampoules, bottles. Keep in a plastic salt shaker. Dusting without hesitation! Gets wet quickly and numb 100%! On the surface, there is no application of an overdose. Allergy? Allergy medication is written above in paragraph 20 and below, when about suprastin. I'm sure. what do you, at least you have the nursing education!

22. syringes! take disposable, 10 by 5 ml. 5 by 2 ml 5 by 10 ml. they are light. Never dispose of used syringes, if you can not refill! They are perfectly able to swim in a solution of hydrogen peroxide, you have prepared from dry tablets and drinking water. ( You're in the field and now, and sterility in the hospital and then). And the needle, the very, luerovskie – They can also swim, They know how to love! And after bathing them are stored in the same plastic bag, that you instead of IPP.
And further… “paragraph 22.1” always wear 10 “green luerovskih” needle in a sterile package. they weigh as much 5 gram! Needles tend to bend and break. If there is a reusable “rekordovskie” needle, then use them with a plastic syringe adapter needed, so uncomfortable.

23. It is only now coming to tablets (drugs)! And as without them?
Tablets better to extract from the blister and the shift in the plastic tubes. the first tablet – this, of course, perhydrol tablet, which was already in the 13th paragraph, and in point 23m – These include aspirin!!!

20 tablets. How to use them and what they do, and you know without explanation. Malo li, someone zatemperaturit or tooth ache! you never can tell. 20 tablets weigh only 10 gram.

24. antibiotics! I took with Ceftriaxone. And the range is wide and the other was not. The powder. Confidently open vials of powder and pour them into plastic tubes! In the field, it will save space and, Of course weight! enough 20 g ceftriaxone. And further… now sold for 200 rubles lightweight electronic “watch” (Libra) metered powder with them very udovolstvenno! And, then a teaspoon of a small hill just 2 gram of ceftriaxone.

25. antiemetic – metoclopramide (tserukal). I took it Ampouled. 10 ampoules.

26. Activated carbon! In advance of the blisters, remove and turn it into a powder! Fall asleep in the very plastic tubes! 100 tablets – 50 gram. And as a sorbent, and as a filter for boiling (and not so) Water use is possible.

25. Lord forbid, but you will be required narcotic analgesics!
Promedolum!!!! I was able to take with you 10 ampoules promedola “in glass”. Prick can and should always, when the trauma is accompanied by severe pain!
Right through clothes, not wasting time on the processing surface of the skin. The injured do not care for sterility, for it is important to quickly anesthesia.
= Numb quickly save a life. If you are lucky and have a syringe-tubes of promedolom, you awesome LUCKY!!!

26. loperamide! (Imodium) pcs 10 capsules! For, how attack – so diarrhea! And indeed… In the field, to wash your hands – already difficult situation. … Cholera is a clear short – loperamide needed!

28. diphenhydramine, (suprastin) 1-2 ampoules in a distant corner of your placement. (For you ceftriaxone and procaine, so or “by Bezredko” before going to the check box for each of your companion, if too lazy to wear 3.6 gram vials of Demerol)

29. Salt… do “hypertension ” “on the knee” and you have a perfect wash superficial wounds, which are relatively deep and have podgnaivayut… mediate agglutination – it HEALING!. It hurts to rub salt into the wound? Do you have novocaine powder!!!! A highly concentrated solution of common salt, table salt – this antiseptic!!!!

30. Metronidazol (an antibiotic against anaerobes)! In tablets,! Light, needed. Crumble the tablets into powder (when all is quiet) and falls asleep, wound powder, sypte the wound! Metronidazole should be much! Firearms and the more fragmentation wound is always infected with anaerobes! Dusted with the powder from the container any wound! And inside it is well used.

31. Atropine ampoules. I have had 3 ampoule. In laying lay on the principle of slightly lower average degree of availability. weigh little. I think, they need. slobber, snot… simple resuscitation 3 cube intravenously need.

32. Sterile “physics” 2-3 l, better in the plastic on 200. The need to explain it is not necessary, as well as do not need huge amounts of it because of the large weight.

33. Clock, mechanic with a second hand, sturdy strap and durable glass. My electronic Casio is also working normally, but then the batteries have expired?

34. “Cold” of avtoaptechki! helpful, but heavy, so little.

36. It was ranitidine. As it turned out heartburn frequent phenomenon when feeding in suhomyatku. Necessary to carry. 5 tablets would be enough. Somewhere in the far corner. Heartburn – it does not burn. About her recall after an extremely. So, he simply offered, they say there is trouble than cure.

36. Certainly was a neat flashlight dinamomashinke (humming, but it works, even if the drop in a puddle. If rattles around – I did not hear exactly). heavy course, but it is easier and more convenient, than stock batteries or battery miner. There is always someone, who wagged his dynamo flashlight. The second small diode flashlight with batteries.

The following sub-items, who were, but the utility is questionable.
37.1 4 System for intravenous infusion. they are light. But (dubious because of the small supply of saline).
37.2. laryngoscope + Blade Miller 4th dimension. and 3 tube: 1-7 and 2 by 8 mm. (if you own, then and extra batteries for the flashlight laryngoscopes have)
the best method, than intubation – for airway no. But it takes skill. As an alternative – kombityyub.
37.3 Other tools – clips: 1 “Moschino” 2 “Kocher” “tap” flasks if clearly visible, but harness – our all! tweezers!
37.4 traneksam 10 amp, etamzilat 20 amp, in a separate installation, what is at hand. Yet again – harness all our.
37.5 A bowl of aluminum and stainless steel tray. bowler tourism. A spoon, fork… folding knife. (much can be borrowed from a local or just someone to share, but should be at hand)

Right things and potions invented yet a great many, so if you find anything else needed – take.

I forgot about ETHANOL! 70% (fit and “cottage industry”) as it should be – decides each on their own.

Your Doctor Zelenka.



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6 years ago

Luxury article!

Sveta Kozlova
Sveta Kozlova
6 years ago

Accurate and useful information! Nothing extra. It needs to know and have each person, not to get lost in an emergency.

6 years ago

I want to get there

3 years ago
Reply to anonym

first learn how to write

3 years ago

Thank you. Everything is intelligible

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