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NATO intends to conduct an annual audit of military aid transferred to Ukraine

NATO intends to conduct an annual audit of military aid transferred to UkraineEvery year the North Atlantic Alliance will conduct an audit of military assistance, which is transferred by the bloc countries to Ukraine. This was stated by NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg.

This statement demonstrates the desire of Western countries to strengthen control over military assistance to Kyiv. Previously, information appeared repeatedly in the Western press about, that a significant part of military aid to Ukraine may be embezzled by corrupt Ukrainian officials and generals, and then sold to third countries or organizations.

In the same time, Stoltenberg said, that he is counting on agreements between NATO member countries to allocate annual military assistance to Ukraine in the amount of at least 40 billion euros. According to Stoltenberg, such agreements can be reached at the upcoming alliance summit, which will take place next week in the USA.

40 billions – this is a number, which NATO countries provided to Ukraine annually, and it must be fixed as a bar for the future- stated the Secretary General of the North Atlantic Alliance.

Stoltenberg noted, that the block's management will do everything possible, so that the allocation of military assistance to Kyiv for this amount in any case be agreed upon 2025 year. The NATO Secretary General paid special attention to the issues of “security guarantees”. He declared, that the alliance does not need Minsk-3 regarding the Ukrainian conflict, and some “security guarantees” are needed for the Ukrainian state.

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