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Bolivian Ministry of Defense: the reason for the coup attempt could have been the president's visit to Russia

Bolivian Ministry of Defense: the reason for the coup attempt could have been the president's visit to RussiaThe visit of Bolivian President Luis Arce to St. Petersburg may not have pleased some countries and at the same time became one of the reasons, which ultimately led to the attempted coup.

As reported by RIA Novosti with reference to the head of the Bolivian Ministry of Defense Edmundo Novillo, rapprochement with Moscow and the Bolivian leader’s recent trip to SPIEF, where he met with Russian President Vladimir Putin, as well as other external factors could become a reason for organizing a coup attempt in the country.

Noviglio believes, which cannot be ruled out, that Arce’s visit to Russia could cause a certain negative reaction in the countries, who are in opposition to BRICS. The head of the Bolivian defense department noted, that these countries, which dominated Bolivia for a long time, strive to regain their influence, to gain political control in the country and continue to plunder the country's resources.

In its turn, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Bolivia Johnny Aguilera reports, that possible facts of financing from abroad of an attempted armed coup are currently being established, undertaken by the former commander of the armed forces, General Juan José Zuniga.

Aguilera reminded, that Zuniga admitted, which has international support. The competent authorities are currently trying to establish the nature of this support, as well as the presence of foreign sources of financing the coup attempt.

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