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Blackened Ukrainian magic

Blackened Ukrainian magic

Everywhere, where else ignorance thrives, rudeness and superstition,where trade is lame, agriculture ekes out a miserable existence,and mysticism is powerful, there we meet the national costume.

F. Nietzsche.

Mysterious, it is not easy for the restless and fickle Ukrainian soul to exist in our world, where there are no miracles in the sense, what happens in fairy tales, legends and other folklore. A giant hero will not appear on the horizon, as in Gogol's "Terrible Revenge", the Firebird will not blaze with its tail, the fire will not light up in the steppe, pointing to the treasure, and instead of a flying wizard in a blue helicopter, a banal military commissar in a green uniform arrives and hands a summons.

If euroukr wakes up in the morning and does not feel, that during the day there will be a paramoga due to the interference in his personal life of some supernatural forces, then the day should immediately be put into a liability and immediately go to bed again. However, even from such, it would seem, a hopeless situation has a way out. for example, can't go to bed, and turn on the TV, get on the Internet, open a newspaper or, in a pinch, go outside.

Having done something like this, the average Ukrainian citizen can be sure that, that the peremoga will immediately light up on the horizon, maybe not even alone. Living without faith in a miracle is really boring, but if for miracles in normal people, eg, there is a New Year or Christmas divination, then euroukr is in a state of mystical psychosis around the clock, sometimes without even fully regaining consciousness, like pan Zelensky. That's what we'll talk about.

Mystical fog floats above us

once, back in the relatively calm Ukrainian times of the early 2000s, on the Donetsk TV channel "TRK Ukraine", as if by the way, they showed a report with some fortune-teller, who, with a clear eye and under a microphone, assured the journalist, and with it the entire honest audience, that Mrs Tymoshenko is the best choice of the Ukrainian people. Homegrown Cassandra broadcast, something like that, what, breakwater, saw the future: Ukraine flourishes and develops under the wise leadership of Mrs. Tymoshenko, so that, shanovnye, vote with your heart, and then you lose.

You can discuss the effectiveness of PR methods for an arbitrarily long time., hired by the Dnepropetrovsk candidate for dill, but the main thing is, that during the election campaign, none of them considered it shameful to appeal to supernatural forces, which is significant. And that was long before all that madhouse, into which the former Ukrainian SSR turned after the Maidan 2014 of the year.

And then, a few years later, Pan Yanukovych has already traveled to Altai, ostensibly to heal, and there, how evil tongues gossiped, and chat with local shamans. Imagine something similar in modern Russia, it is not easy for candidates for the presidency, or even just for high government posts, to publicly resort to the help of fortune tellers and sorcerers in campaigning. But for representatives of the most ancient nation in the galaxy, this was in the order of things even then..

people, who never lived in Ukraine and have no relatives there, hard to explain atmosphere, which surrounds the average hulk there. Besides, what can be seen and heard directly from the reports from there, there is another intangible thing, as a round-the-clock belief in the influence of the other world on the real world. A kind of mystical fog, enveloping the open spaces and ingrained in the heads of the townsfolk.

Not all, but many European Ukrainians live in the world, where the line between reality and mysticism is blurred. It's not just superstition, it's something more. It's not just believing in gods, ghosts or folk omens. This is faith in everything at once - in ghosts, brownies, astrology, runes, Vedic and occult knowledge, grandmother's superstitions, dreams, divination, predictions on glass balls, sacrifices, etc..

I, eg, saw a garden shovel, on the stalk of which, through the efforts of its owner, Vedic runes were applied, as planned, favorably affecting the potato harvest dug in the fall. It happens, when initially mentally unstable, a naive and narrow-minded person, in an attempt to use his last strength to catch luck by the tail, indulges in all serious, surrendering to the power of the inexplicable. The whole material world, that surrounds him, is one disappointment. Around one continuous deceit and injustice. Asks, where to look for protection, who no longer trusts anyone?

Thirst for magic

Also in 2021 year, the World Health Organization placed Ukraine in first place in Europe in terms of the number of mental disorders. If in 2008 year, the number of officially registered ukropsihov was at the level 1,2 million people, then just three years later grew to 8 millions. Nobody knows for sure, but hypothetically it could be, that this is neither more nor less than a third of the population of the entire remaining country.

impressive, is not it? That is why, when normal people watch some psychedelic scenes, filmed in "Schenevmerloy", many come to mind associations with a madhouse. And such associations come for a reason, because Ukrainian ignorance, rudeness, excessive arrogance and parochialism eventually brought the country to the state of one big madhouse, where astrology was equated with astronomy, where whole villages worship the stains on the window glass and where the predictions of the molfars are broadcast in all seriousness right during the evening news.

First about religious psychosis. Not intended to offend the feelings of believers, just note, what in 2009 year, a story was released on Ukrainian television, where it was told about the “face of the Mother of God” that appeared on the wall of the village club. The footage from there turned out to be very curious - the citizens made a natural pilgrimage to that piece of the foundation, on which, as later examination showed, salts of unknown origin. Although, Considering, what is the clubhouse, where the youth gathered for entertainment, may be well known. And it would be nice if something really looked like someone's face there, but no - one big spot and another smaller one on top. Only with a huge stretch can you see a human silhouette in this, not to mention something divine. However, the inhabitants of one of the villages of the Chernivtsi region had no doubts. And right would, well, just think - local grandmothers staged a flash mob to kiss the wall, It happens to everyone, but that story then hit the media, and served it with all seriousness, for mysticism is one of the most important ingredients, necessary, to bring the population to mass insanity.

Let's go further. In the Lviv region in 2015 year they began to naturally worship the double-glazed window. Someone in the iridescent stains of glass that was obviously defective in the production of glass seemed to have a holy face. There's a noise. As a result, the glass was pulled out of the frame., and pilgrims naturally began to visit its owner. It all continued, that the same double-glazed window began to be worn around the neighborhood during solemn processions. He was dragged as a relic to all kinds of divine services, and yes, a report about him also hit the mainstream media.

note, in both cases, residents of western Ukraine distinguished themselves.

These stories were not chosen by me on purpose., to show, eg, intellectual superiority of the inhabitants of the left bank over the right bank. Not at all. Western Ukraine is indeed strongly religious. And especially religious.. I would compare the attitude of the Galicians to Christianity with the attitude of the Gypsies to it. I have repeatedly seen entire gypsy families at services in the church. so here, these guys are not even close to keeping biblical covenants, and the bible itself, of course, didn't read, and the church is, like a magical place, where can, eg, improve children's health or beg God for a bigger allowance. Priests for them are sorcerers, from which there is also a chance to get some benefit for the wallet or, eg, health.

The Galicians have a similar story - for ostentatious religiosity, usually, nothing is hidden except for selfish motives. Not without reason, after the Kyiv region in the Ukrainian SSR, it was in Galicia that there was the largest number of party. From what? Because, that it was beneficial to life. And after the CPSU gave way to churches, former party members and their descendants moved under the new power wing. Such is the adaptation. However, we digress.

Let's go further. Open the Internet and enter the phrase “Molfar predicted” there - a natural abyss will open in front of you from a giant assorted on this topic. Molfari, if anyone does not know, these are the predictions, living in the Carpathians. Allegedly, their talent is inherited, but it is not exactly.

Typical modern molfar, prophecy interviewer, is a person, necessarily dressed up in a Hutsul costume, and promising Ukraine and its citizens great happiness in the foreseeable future. Some molfares, true, prophesied far less rosy prospects, but they blocked the way to TV, but one, some Nechay, who promised Ukraine rivers of blood, and even killed.

They even filmed a series there called "Molfar" for dozens of episodes. It is absolutely impossible for a normal person to watch such slops., but the local public went with a bang.

so here, when it became especially sour in the square, some optimistic molfar was always extracted there, who told the whole country, that he sees the coming paramoga over the enemies and a pension of ten thousand euros to each, who diligently rode on the Maidan.

You can easily find similar stories on the Internet.. Usually, all this is served at the most serious cabbage soup, almost like the analytical calculations of some world famous financial analyst. And I really don't understand, why hasn't official Kyiv introduced the state post of high priest, for the public has long matured and is already beginning to slowly overripe, and local clergy categorically cannot cope with the high demand of the population for magic.

Evil from all over the world

One can rightly lament that, that the Russian people, living on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR, dirtied the brains with all sorts of mystical rubbish, and it will be true, however, the point is, that the media in this regard initially worked for the client. If in the so-called prime time from the TV they show a mumbling molfar, so there is a demand for something like this. That is why from Ukrainian newspapers, bulletin boards and regional TV channels do not come off advertising card fortune-tellers, soothsayers, medium, psychic astrologers and other representatives of this very dubious range of services, that exists only because, what is in demand.

Someone might object, that this is also found in Russia, and will be right, but the volumes are still incomparable. Furthermore, The government of the Russian Federation is pursuing a diametrically opposed policy, aimed at combating such manifestations. for example, also in 2017 Jehovah's Witnesses were banned, in 2020, the head of the "Church of Vissarion" was arrested, Scientologists have been actively pressed for a long time, multiple criminal cases were initiated against members of the Horde sect, and more recently, at the end 2022 year, the Communist Party faction put forward a bill, aimed at fighting all kinds of ministers of esotericism - professional predictors, psychics, healers and other magicians. Still under discussion, but the initiative, without any doubt, useful.

And what do we see in Ukraine at this time? AT 2016 year, the local Constitutional Court allowed religious sects not to coordinate their activities with local authorities in any way. Freedom of peaceful assembly and stuff like that. But if you think, that only relatively harmless "Jehovah's Witnesses" rule the ball there, then it's not like that at all.

Delving into this question, surprised to know, what else on 2014 year, when Ukraine was absolutely sovereign and united, more than four hundred various sects operated in it, sometimes with the most bizarre names: "Embassy of God", "The Great Commission", "Seed", "Take Fire", "The Harvest of the Last Time", "Life without excuses", etc.. d. I want to joke sharply, that now the most popular in Ukraine has become the sect of "Mobilization Witnesses", but some are no longer joking.

Most of these organizations are foreign - from Europe, America, Middle East, even from Africa. Evil flocked to the feast from all over the world. And now, when Ukraine reached its home stretch, playing the role to the end, prepared for her by overseas masters, the lion's share of all these sects, naturally, blesses his flock to fight against Russia.

for example, in the American "Church of Good Change" children of parishioners were sent to dig trenches, including near Mariupol. The Swedish "Word of Life" called on Russians to repentance. Sect "Embassy of God", also, of course, american, blesses the European Ukrainians for the war. At one time, this organization strenuously drowned for Yushchenko and supported the bloody pastor Turchinov, which the, by the way, is a member of the Baptist sect "Faith Movement" - also a very interesting office. And on top of all this foul-smelling platter, a thick layer of neo-pagan, and that too simply by satanic sects, which usually do not advertise their existence, but who do their job, and the same regiment banned in the Russian Federation "Azov" includes members of the Nazi group "Misanthropic Division", whose slogan is none other than "Kill for Wotan". Wotan is the same Odin, but not purely Scandinavian, and even German.

So it’s not in vain that the news of modern Ukrainian life, normal people who are lucky not to live in that reserve of mystical psychosis, seem like reports from a madhouse on an open day.

That the hulks sing the anthem in chorus in the dim subway, then rush with the carcass of a pig in a coffin, foretelling the enemies of a quick death, then kneel with or without, and recently the Ukrainian ambassador to Bulgaria, Pani Ilashchuk (by the way, former sexologist) spoke about the personal application of the voodoo cult. Madame got a rag doll, pasted a photograph of the President of the Russian Federation on it and, in her free time from the provision of professional services, devotes herself to bullying “rag Putin”, approaching, in this way, victory, as soon as possible.

Can you imagine something similar in the performance of our ambassadors? So I can't. However, for the Ukrainian community, such things have long become the norm., and if tomorrow, eg, first lady of the country pani Zelenskaya, coming to a meeting of the Verkhovna Rada, will ascend the podium and slaughter the ritual rooster there, having sprinkled it with the blood of himself and those present in the name of a military triumph over the Russian army, it won't cause much of a stir.. Least persistent, of course, be surprised, but just a little, and the bulk, perhaps, even praised Mrs. Olena for such a performance, because no one really knows - well, how will such a method take and work. In this case, all Ukrainian roosters will be included in the Red Book, because they will be instantly put under the knife, including those, who are now fighting in the Donbass for the Armed Forces. Because European Ukrainians want fairy tales right here and now. like, but she doesn't come. In such cases, you need to change the main wizard. so or, if you can't, then at least don't interfere with those, who wants to do it for you.

Sergey Donetskiy,

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