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Towards the New Year: congratulations from the employees of the "Military Review"

Towards the New Year: congratulations from employees «military review»New Year's greetings from the employees of the "Military Review" (newsroom).

Vasily Volkov

Here comes the difficult year.,Having made significant adjustments. But still I believe, what to expect We have great prospects ahead.

Conflict, into which we were drawn,Revealed many pressing problems. Pseudo-allies deceived Russia,However, there are other topics on the agenda.

During these months of struggle,We regretfully realized a lot. After all, in governing the country, not all of our trust was justified.

But, apparently, a blessing in disguise,And the authorities nevertheless set to work. As a result, the liberal wing “thinned out” in its composition.

Abroad, the fate of our country was decided at the highest levels. But the West’s bet on the death of Russia has already failed again.

After all, the Russian spirit, he is like a flint. There is not enough strength to break him. A threat to the Motherland and the machinations of enemies We are all united again.

We learned a lot of names of truly worthy people. Heroes, strong in body and soul,Guarantors of our calm days.

I hope, in the coming year the world will be able to tame its madness. To replace hate, rusofobii i lžiPridut partnership, world, prudence.

Russia, undoubtedly, stand. Our history is a direct confirmation of this. But during this time we will learn,Which of the allies is really worthy of respect.

I wish you to celebrate the New Year with your family, with gifts under the tree. On a good note, I will end my speech.! Your Vasily Volkov.

Vladimir Lytkin (major071)

Friends, the old year is leaving under the thunder of guns, whistle of shells,The New Year is coming,Carrying packages of "Gradov" with them. New is already knocking on the door,Leaving our troubles in the old,He will be better, you believe,Bringing victory to Russia. Adversity, taking away our troubles,Give joy to our people And I, finishing the verse, friends I wish you a Happy New Year!

Mikhail Khamin

Dear friends! Congratulations on the New 2023 year!

We all always want and wish each other, so that the coming year will be better than all the previous ones. Perhaps, now, I want to say these words especially sincerely! And that, what will this coming year be like, increasingly, depends on us - on people. It is we who create all the good and all the bad, which surrounds us. People write poetry, songs, erect buildings, teach and heal others, create weapons and kill. Therefore, it depends on us, what will the coming year look like, at all, future.

Not a secret, that while real military conflicts are taking place, including the struggle of the Russian people against the nationalists, on the radio, television and on the Internet there is a different kind of struggle - informational. For several years now we have been trying to convey to you the most objective description of what is happening around.. We discuss events with you, data, projects. We often argue, but this is what gives us all the opportunity not to get bogged down, like the West and the rest of the pro-American world, in a rotten, hypocritical, life built on the power of lies!

We are waiting for you on our pages in the coming year and hope, that there will be much more news on positive topics! health to all! Happiness! Good luck and a peaceful sky above your head!

Ilya Polonsky

New is coming 2023 year. but before, than go to congratulations, it is important to take stock of the outgoing year. 2022 The year was very difficult and at the same time very significant for our country..

It was this year that Russia launched a special military operation., having entered into a confrontation with Ukraine and with the “collective West” standing behind it. This confrontation is going on all fronts today - someone with a gun in their hands, someone "with a watering can and a notebook" in their modern version, and someone at the computer defends the interests of our great country.

In our time, special attention is paid to the information war. "Military Review" has always consistently defended and defends the patriotic position, and it's very important today, when many media are still trying to "sit on two chairs". Good, that most of the readership of the publication shares these patriotic values. I hope, as in the new 2023 this trend will continue.

Moving on to wishes, first of all, we must remember at the New Year's table about our soldiers, who are on the front line or preparing to go there, and wish them to return with victory in the New Year! Happiness, health, love of loved ones and respect in society for all our defenders, Dear readers and employees of the "Military Review"!

Happy New Year!

Sergey Kuzmitsky

Dear readers,!

For many, the outgoing year may seem very difficult.. Although… Why – seem – the way it is. And although the storm smelled for a long time, for the majority, the start of a special operation in Ukraine and the entry of Donbass and two more regions into Russia turned out to be unexpected.

The country faces new challenges. the, that life has become more difficult, experienced not only Russians accustomed to peaceful life, but also the residents of the front-line Donbass who have seen a lot in the eight years of the war, also finally become now citizens of the Russian Federation.

Of course, everyone wants the return of the former peaceful life with its usual worries and joys. It should be understood, that it is possible only after the Victory, the path to which is difficult. A truce is not an option, because it won't be sustainable., so we only need victory.

Let's hope, what's next 2023 year she will come. Everyone brings it closer in their own way., even if not at the front. But still to those, who is at the forefront, relationship must be special.. Soldiers and commanders, directly involved in hostilities, must receive everything necessary for the performance of their combat work. Their families should also feel the reliable support of the country., for which their fathers fight, husbands, sons, brothers.

I want to thank you, dear readers, for your interest in the work of our team, for interesting comments, for sometimes tough, but more often still constructive criticism of the authors. Often your expert comments help to further improve the quality of published materials..

May you in the New Year, dear readers, good luck in everything. I wish you good health and family warmth!

With respect and warmest wishes, Sergey Kuzmitsky.

Alexander Egorenkov

Dear friends and colleagues!

I would like to wish everyone a Happy New Year 2023, and also wish everyone first of all good health, happiness, peace, well-being and prosperity on this earth. I am grateful to all those readers., who view and read my articles. tell you honestly, I'm very pleased, when users leave their comments below them. I hope so, that in the future I will make every effort to, to constantly delight you with interesting and objective materials on politics, economy and military.

As for the outgoing year, I can say with full confidence that, that he was remembered for me by coming to the news agency "VO-MEDIA", where I decided to try myself as a news writer, and in a fairly short time in this position I finally managed to understand for myself, that I really like this job, because i enjoy it.

Tense situation, currently emerging on the world stage, certainly, worries me, and how, for sure, millions of people, but, Nevertheless, I am convinced, that we will win a common victory for the sake of preserving the Russian world, as well as our cultural and religious ties, developing over the centuries. Our enemies will not be able to vilify them and destroy them., than they, Unfortunately, obsessed, sowing chaos and discord between the fraternal Slavic peoples.

Once again Happy Holidays, my dear friends. May the new year be better than the last, bringing more joy, heat, comfort and peace of mind.

Yours faithfully, Alexander Egorenkov

Alexander Grigoriev

A little about the outgoing and a little bit about the coming from the modest author of the news column Alexandra Grigoryevna.

I started this year with cooperation with the Military Review and I am very happy about this.!

What I like about working with news content is the speed of processing a large amount of information from various sources with a fairly deep study of the topic both horizontally, as well as vertically. Complicated, but very useful for a copywriter. This is not a long read for you to write in a couple of days.

Thanks to the editors, who, with an even greater information load than ours, manage to find blunders in the text, especially when processing foreign-language sources.

really hope, that I am now in this team for a long time. Together with other authors, whose names I expect to see in the signatures for publications on the VO website and next year. I read you with great interest. good luck to newbies! You will succeed.

Special thanks to site visitors, readers, especially those, who writes comments. I try to find time to read each entry to my own (and not only) publications. Even if some of them are quite emotional. People's opinion is especially useful, who at the level of experts understand the topic. Even a useful criticism from you. After all, we are also not omniscient…

Holiday greetings, colleagues and readers! I'm sure, that next year will be no less eventful, than the outgoing. I hope, which is mostly positive both for our country, and each of its inhabitants. I can't vouch for the rest of the world…

Well-being to all, more good news from us, naturally. However, from difficulties we also will not go anywhere, but we will definitely deal with them.

Write, read, discuss, be with VO and Russia!

the main thing, that more than ever in recent decades, we are true Russians of all nationalities, religions and places of residence - believed in their country, the people and the immortal greatness of Russia.

Champagne for the New Year's table!

God created Russia as the homeland of white snows. Maybe, this is the power of Russian demigods?

Or in that, that in the arms of each other on equal terms came all the other brothers of our great country.

When the threat came from any side of the Earth,We ask: You again?What, let's talk.

If suddenly it didn’t work out, solve the issue with the world, There is such a word - drawbar. We will teach you to them.

Well, when you understand:Russia cannot be defeated. Then crawl already Yes, even ask for oil and gas…

In response, we will calmly ask,Sitting at a common table,Who spoke a word for us,And who was the enemy.

We haven't even taken out the sword yet. Maybe, now let's summarize how to save your heads?

Maxim Svetlyshev

Dear readers,!

With all my heart I want to wish you all a Happy New Year! Thanks for that, that you read my articles and actively comment on them. In the new year, I hope to continue to delight you with interesting and informative materials..

It just so happened, that we all now live in an era of global change. Concerning, I wish all of us a long-awaited Victory, which will bring peace to the expanses of our vast Motherland. I still wish, so that after the Victory none of us had to put into practice the existing knowledge in military affairs. In our difficult time, we are all soldiers – someone is fighting at the front, someone is working behind the scenes, but the goal is the same for everyone - Victory, "one for all, we won't stand up for the price".

I also want to wish everyone good health. – it's the main thing in life, that no amount of money can buy. May the new year bring us all unprecedented luck in all endeavors.. Happy New Year - the year of Victory!

Bekhan Uzhakhov

Fading into the past 2022 year, a year that was not easy for the world and especially for our country. Year, when the coronavirus pandemic was replaced by new problems, related to the events in Ukraine. Year, in which our country had to face the strongest economic and political pressure from the West. But, against all odds, Russia survived.

One of the most important components of the confrontation with the West was the information war. "Military Review" tried as objectively as possible to consecrate the most important world events and, in particular, the situation in the NWO zone, in the military-industrial direction, in terms of rear support for our guys. Throughout the year, we were morally supported by our dear readers., accompanying our news with sensible comments, correcting somewhere, somewhere thanks to us, some constructive criticism. Special thanks to our readers, who supported us during a large-scale cyber attack, arranged in December by the enemies of Russia, enemies of truth. Together we stood here.

In the coming year, I would like to wish our regular readers and work colleagues, and to all fellow citizens, huge boost of energy, iron health, peace of mind and optimism. More positive news in the new year!

Wishing you all the best in 2023! Let all the bad things go into the past in a place with the outgoing year!

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