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Decline or rebirth of Europe?

Decline or rebirth of Europe?

In future history textbooks, the chronology of the agony of American hegemony should be studied by analyzing the keynote speeches of prominent Western politicians., that, like Churchill at Fulton, regularly self-appoint themselves as broadcasters on behalf of all Western civilization.

At all, for a long time in Western politics, the genre of fundamental propaganda remained unclaimed. Some general and universal aspects of world politics affected almost all the "speakers", but always within the rather narrow boundaries of local political processes. Speeches, claiming some general historical context, went one after another already in the current decade due to the fact, that the old world neo-colonial order is rapidly collapsing.

The first was Pompeo's famous speech in the summer 2020 year at the California Library. Nixon, in which he outlined the boundaries of the "free world", allegedly climbed the dusty molds of the Cold War to fight the Chinese communist threat. At that time, the American "hegemons" were still planning to persuade Russia to neutrality and cooperation against China., therefore, the “Russian threat” has not yet been discussed in this policy statement.

Pompeo's swing was for a ruble, and blow - for a penny. Europe was in no hurry to join the fight, the trade war with China was effectively lost, the brave American army was squeezed out of Afghanistan, and Russia put forward its own conditions for ensuring security. The US even had to create an "Anglo-Saxon NATO" against China, so that their doctrine of a new cold war will receive at least some practical implementation.

The configuration of world forces is rapidly changing, Germany and France increasingly leaned towards independent politics, US authority declined in all regions of the world, confrontation between the West and all more or less independent states escalated. The United States under the new president headed for the subjugation of Europe, the return of France and Germany to the fairway of their policy, and with them the whole EU. The program of action was very simple. At first, to strengthen the economic dependence of Europe on the United States due to the redistribution of the gas market and the justification of military supplies. Secondly, to strengthen the political dependence of Europe on the United States by provoking a military conflict with the Russian Federation. The escalation of the civil war in Ukraine and the compulsion of the Russian Federation to conduct a special operation became a lever for the implementation of this program of action.

The United States, through its media and controlled European politicians, dispersed the hysteria of the “Russian military threat”. The United States, through sanctions, redistributed the European gas market at the cost of monstrous economic consequences for the EU. Russia was declared enemy no. 1 Western world, and Ukraine is an outpost of resistance. Was it done, first of all, by British Foreign Secretary Liz Truss at an Easter banquet at the Mansion House in late April 2022 of the year.

“The war in Ukraine is our war. It's all out war, because Ukraine's victory is a strategic imperative for all of us.", - she said, which at the time sounded quite unexpected.

In addition to this "strategic imperative", she told, that the West is not in decline, but rallied in the face of Russia and China. NATO is not in decline, but mobilized and ready to confront, reinforced by Sweden and Finland. The Russian Federation should be expelled from all territory of Ukraine, including from the Crimea. The Russian Federation should be completely ousted from the world market. Western countries should sharply increase spending on the army and help the satellites, such as Georgia and Moldova.

Like Pompeo, Truss spoke on behalf of the entire West in the interests of, first of all, USA. But unlike the Pompeo program, Truss's statements were taken in Europe as guiding, despite the fact that neither Truss, neither the United Kingdom has anything to do with the EU. In summer 2022 years all of Europe supplied weapons and mercenaries to Ukraine, and the Kharkov counteroffensive was organized with the direct participation of NATO countries. As a result, the leadership of the Russian Federation was forced to resort to partial mobilization and recognize, that the civil war in Ukraine has become a field of clashes with the NATO bloc.

There is no trace of the old aspirations of France and Germany for a policy independent of the United States, The EU again fell into complete economic and political dependence on America. Bold dot, reinforcing US success, was the undermining of gas pipelines in the Baltic. This is the "bridge", which the overseas cartridges of Europe burned, to prevent even the thought of normalizing the situation with the energy crisis.

To illustrate that, how the US is pumping up Europe to fight Russia, recall Macron's statement that, that "the era of abundance and carelessness in France and Europe is over", and turn to the program words of German Defense Minister Christina Lambrecht from 12 September 2022 of the year. She said, what will the Bundeswehr get 100 billion euros, and German armored vehicles will be sent to Ukraine as assistance. The gist of her speech was, that the US will focus on confrontation with China, and Germany was appointed the main one in Europe in the fight against the Russian Federation. Consolidation of the military-political camp of the new cold war is actually completed, militarization launched. Even the Pope noticed, that the world war has already begun.

The third most important keynote speech for the "collective West" was the speech of the President of the European Commission Ursula von der Leyen before the deputies of the European Parliament 20 September 2022 of the year. She too, like Pompeo and Truss, broadcast on behalf of the entire West, although she formally presented a report on the activities of the structure headed by.

"Let's be completely honest.: a lot is at stake. Not only for Ukraine, but also for all of Europe and the world as a whole. And we'll be tested. We will be tested by those, who wants to use any division between us. This is not just a war, unleashed by Russia against Ukraine. This is a war against our energy, war against our economy, war against our values ​​and war against our future. It's autocracy versus democracy. And I'm here with faith, that through courage and solidarity Europe will triumph, and Putin will be defeated.”.

It's all the same old bloc thinking mantras, where Pompeo started. Only now it's not democracy against communism, democracy versus autocracy.

Two words about, who is Ursula von der Leyen and what is “autocracy” in the understanding of Western liberals.

Ursula von der Leyen is, At first, refined representative of the European aristocracy, baroness, daughter of a German politician, generally, "elite of elites", "white bone". At the same time, she is in the form, fully in line with the current agenda: gynecologist, a feminist, mother of seven children, tolerance itself with a Hollywood smile from ear to ear. She was nicknamed "wunder-frau", i.e. super woman or wonder woman. Secondly, she is a typical representative of American agents in European politics: studied at the London School of Economics and Political Science, lived in the USA. Her entire political career is filled with various scandals and resonant stories.. Then she lobbies for German access to child porn on the net., it turns out, that her dissertation was plagiarized, then multi-million dollar corruption stories are revealed. But the main thing in her official biography is the post of Minister of Defense of Germany (2013–2019), where she was engaged in the systemic "optimization" of the Bundeswehr, falling apart, in fact, German armed forces. As a result, she became such a "toxic" politician inside the country., which is fully suitable for the post of head of the European Commission.

Autocracy, about which von der Leyen spoke, - this is a term from "political science", translated as autocracy or autocracy. There is no less confusion with him in these so-called sciences., than with all other concepts, used by political scientists.

At one time, the West came up with a speculative concept of classifying all political regimes into democracies., totalitarianism and authoritarianism. The first ones are good, correct modes, which equals the USA. In them, power is allegedly in the hands of the people.. The second one is bad, wrong modes, who are in conflict with the US. In them, the power is in the hands of all the villains, and people dream, for America to bring him the light of democracy. The third are neutral modes, that do not fit the first two categories. If the country began to be friends with the United States, then political scientists "established", that it has become "hybrid" and is moving from authoritarianism to democracy. If the country did not want to be friends with the United States, political scientists have fixed, that it is moving from authoritarianism to totalitarianism.

All so-called classifiers, whether it be the order of organization of the authorities, having freedom of speech, exercise of civil rights, etc.. d., were adjusted to the roles of certain regimes, which were deliberately established primarily by the United States. These calculations have never had anything to do with a real scientific understanding of the essence of democracy.. And the concepts of "totalitarianism" and "authoritarianism" are generally unscientific.

The concept of democracy-totalitarianism-authoritarianism was needed, first of all, for, to confuse fascist and communist regimes in public perception, because they both belonged to totalitarianism, and, Consequently, to hide the similarities between American democracy and fascism.

The content of the term "autocracy" is wider than the content of the term "authoritarianism". Autocracy embraces authoritarianism, and totalitarianism, gives a description of both the means and methods of exercising power, and forms of organization. In this case, von der Leyen united all opponents of the West: China, Russia, Iran, North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Syria, etc.. d. And also issued warnings to other states, that, according to the "democracy index", classed as authoritarian.

Shortly speaking, "autocracy" is an unscientific concept from the field of political propaganda, used to negatively name political regimes objectionable to the United States and the West in general.

And there is nothing more hypocritical, than the "great law" of Western liberals about, that "democracies don't go to war with democracies". of course, when the US alone decides, who and with whom will fight in the "free world" and determine, where is democracy, and where is nedemokratia?, that's all, who are the western countries at war with, by definition cannot be considered democracies. for example, Jamahiriya, which was defeated by the Euro-Atlantic Democrats, certainly was a more democratic regime, than American parliamentarism or the English monarchy.

Speech by Ursula von der Leyen, apart from the main message, also contained an assessment of Russia's potential as an adversary.

Russia's financial sector is barely surviving. We excluded three-quarters of the Russian banking sector from international markets. Nearly a thousand international companies have left the country. Automotive production fell by three-quarters compared to last year. Aircraft “Aeroflot” sit on a joke due to lack of spare parts. The Russian army takes chips from dishwashers and refrigerators to repair military equipment, because she ran out of semiconductors. Russian industry lies in ruins.

of course, Wunder Frau is just a talking head, she really does not solve anything and works purely for the public. You can't take her words seriously., you can't think, that the real assessment of the military-political and economic potential of Russia by NATO countries is so caricature-cranberry. However, this ridiculous maxim shows the level of intellectual development of Western politicians and European deputies, who so easily consume such information. This is an indicator of the level of that very democracy, which the Europeans are so proud of.

Von der Leyen's speech and the reaction of European politics to it show, that the US has completely taken over the structures of the EU, confirm the message of the Minister of Defense of Germany that, that Europe "fell" under the United States and will be sacrificed in the fight against the Russian Federation. When will the Ukrainian conflict end?, a new escalation is sure to follow.

Hope for the "rebirth" of Europe, to crawl out from under the American boot by some evolutionary and political means, it has completely exhausted itself. There are no signs of resistance to the insane American dominance from France either.. The governments and ruling circles of the largest European countries are betraying the national interests of their peoples and Europe as a whole. However, not for the first time in history. The logic of their behavior is easily revealed, if you know about, that the migration of European capital to the United States is now beginning at the expense of, first of all, cheaper electricity. America failed through trade (duty) war with China to reindustrialize, but now it is preparing to carry it out due to the deindustrialization of Europe. In this way, ordinary Europeans were "thrown" as their American "friends", and their own businessmen and politicians.

Ahead of Europe are waiting for the aggravation of the economic crisis and social explosions, that alone can make a difference.

Anatoly Shirokoborodov,

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