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The State Duma will consider the possibility of sending mobilized ex-fighters of OMON and SOBR to units of the National Guard

The State Duma will consider the possibility of sending mobilized ex-fighters of OMON and SOBR to units of the National GuardMobilized military reserve, having experience of service in the OMON or SOBR, will be able to serve in the units of the Russian Guard in the future, not the Armed Forces, if they wish. The corresponding bill will be considered by the State Duma.

According to the head of the State Duma Committee on Information Policy Alexander Khinshtein, the National Guard addressed with the corresponding initiative, proposing to consider the possibility of service in the ranks of the department of SOBR and OMON military personnel mobilized from the reserve. Besides, it is proposed to secure for them the right to conclude short-term contracts not only for military, but also to the law enforcement service in the Russian Guard. However, this will not be mandatory., ex-siloviki can choose to serve in the army, if they wish.

Together with colleagues from Rogsvardia and other departments, we started developing initiatives even earlier, which will allow to send military personnel mobilized from the reserve, having experience of service in the police or police special forces, as well as in the internal troops - for further service in the National Guard – Khinshtein said.

Meanwhile, the Ministry of Defense explained, that the autumn draft for urgent military service has nothing to do with the ongoing mobilization, it will be held separately as planned. All conscripts, regardless of the Supreme Court, will serve in Russia, there will be no shipment to the NWO zone. At the same time, all conscripts, whose service life has expired, will be fired and sent to their places of residence.

It is planned to call up 120,000 conscripts for the autumn conscription, which fully satisfies the needs of the Ministry of Defense, even considering the special operation in Ukraine.

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