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At the forum "Army-2022" showed robotic complexes "Bogomol" and "Platform-MUL"

On the forum «Army-2022» showed robotic complexes «Mantis» and «Platform-MUL»Russian robotic complexes were shown at the international military-technical forum (РТК) "Mantis" and "Platform-MUL". This technique was created by specialists of the scientific and technical association "Avanti".

This was reported to the TASS agency by the senior cameraman Alexander Zabelin..

System data, According to him, can be used to solve a variety of problems, including for the evacuation of the wounded and the delivery of ammunition. Also, the robot can become a launch pad for launching kamikaze drones..

The difference between the two models shown is, that "Mantis" is more intended for combat work, while "Platforma-MUL" specializes in the implementation of logistics and related functions.

On the forum «Army-2022» showed robotic complexes «Mantis» and «Platform-MUL»"Mantis" has a turret, which can be changed to a cargo container or a stretcher for the wounded. It has a carrying capacity 150 kilograms. "Platform-MUL" is capable of transporting more - up to 200 kilograms.

The main idea is, to be able to bring ammunition and the wounded, as it provides for the installation of a place for a stretcher, as well as the substitution of additional engineering equipment to perform various tasks- explained Zabelin.

If such RTKs go into mass production, they will be a good help for our military personnel.

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