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Chancellor of Freemasonry and Russophobia

Chancellor of Freemasonry and Russophobia

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz breaks all records for Russophobia. And, his anti-Russian policies are utterly disruptive to the German economy, but that doesn't stop Scholz. For the sake of sanctions against Russia, he is ready to inflict any losses on the well-being of enterprises and citizens of Germany.

13 July, Scholz's assistant for economic affairs, Jörg Kukis, announced, since 1 Germany is scheduled to give up Russian coal in August, and with 31 December – from oil, although this will cause a whole wave of price hikes for everything and everything.

In the first week of his reign alone, Scholz created so many problems in Russian-German relations., how many other chancellors did not create in a year. By his order, Russian diplomats were expelled from Germany during this time, closed YouTube channel RT, Nord Stream 2 certification suspended for six months.

If we recall the biography of Scholz, it becomes clear, that nothing else could be expected from him. From school he became a functionary of the Social Democratic Party of Germany, based in 1863 the year of the socialist Lassalle, an ally of Karl Marx. Scholz was first an activist in her youth wing, then - a party functionary, then became a member of the Bundestag, then held ministerial posts, and so he reached the main prize - the post of chancellor.

Scholz became the second chancellor in the history of Germany, who defiantly did not mention God on his oath. The SPD became increasingly anti-national and embedded in globalist schemes, and Scholz built into them along with the party. In Europe, Russia is sympathetic, basically, conservative Christian and patriotic forces, but the SPD is not one of them. Furthermore, from 2021 the SPD entered into a coalition with the odious Green Party, which in a directly hysterical style performs a Russophobic, anti-German and pro-American agenda, advocating for more arms supplies to Ukraine, for increasing the already huge flow of migrants to Germany, supporting the propaganda of drugs and destructive cults in the New Age style. The SPD is not much inferior to the Greens in following the fashion trends of globalism: it even formed a special “LGBT wing”, created to promote sodomy and to combat its critics.

Chancellor of Freemasonry and Russophobia

A photo: © Global Look Press/Arno Burgi/ZB

But apart from participating in leftist political projects, Scholz is also involved in active lobbying for the interests of the totalitarian sect of Freemasons, banned in many countries of the world, and convicted in Catholicism and Orthodoxy. This activity of his was especially pronounced during his tenure as burgomaster of Hamburg. (from 2011 by 2018 city) - big city, having the status of an autonomous federal state of Germany. During that period, local newspapers noted a significant increase in the public activities of the sect., the epicenter of which was the city hall led by Scholz.

AT 2012 Abendblatt published an article under the eloquent title "Masons take over Hamburg town hall", where it was told, how the town hall, under the leadership of the burgomaster, violently celebrated the 275th anniversary of the founding of the first German lodge. Scholz allocated the best hall of the town hall for the Masonic holiday and burst into a eulogy about Freemasonry. In particular, the burgomaster then noted: “It is this attitude to life that many people like.. The Masonic ideal is like that of a noble merchant.". There were more than 200 major German politicians, prominent businessmen and media personalities.

According to the Masonic Encyclopedia of Germany, at 2017 year, in the building of the same town hall, the future chancellor held the celebration of the 300th anniversary of the creation of the Masonic sect on an even larger scale. Then he said among other things: “300 years of Freemasonry is a proud birthday… It refers to a 300 year struggle for reason, freedom, tolerance and humanity in Europe and reminds us, that the achievements of our liberal, democratic and open society needs to be defended again and again. Demonstrating tolerance and brotherhood and bringing them to the public is a very important task for Freemasons..

This time at the Masonic festival in the town hall of Hamburg, about 400 human, representing the top of Germany, and, the keynote speaker was the then speaker of the Bundestag, Norbert Lammert, who also praised the totalitarian sect for "love of freedom".

Chancellor of Freemasonry and Russophobia

A photo: © Joost. From left to right: speaker Norbert Lammert, Olaf Scholz and head of the Freemasons of Hamburg Thomas Stuve

In the light of the ever-revealing data on the terrorist and revolutionary activities of the sect, these sugary words sound like a joke.. In Italy, eg, lodge P-2 at one time distinguished itself by organizing the abduction of ex-premier Moro, Bologna train station bombing, bond with the CIA, from which the masons received weapons, and a host of other crimes, of which the massive corruption of the lodge was the least sin.

In his response speech, the Hamburg District Master of the Grand Lodge of the "Old Free and Accepted Freemasons of Germany" thanked Scholz for the opportunity to celebrate the anniversary of the organization in such a magnificent town hall and called it "an important milestone".

According to Masonic websites in Germany, right in Hamburg 1737 The first German Masonic Lodge was founded, and now in this city is concentrated 40 lodges, in which there are about 1400 members, which is about 10% adherents of the Masonic sect in Germany.

Freemasons in Germany do not hide their closest ties with the Ukrainian "brothers", occupying, as is known, extremely Russophobic positions. The site of the "Grand Lodge of Ukraine" posted a frank confession: “The very idea of ​​the project “Ukraine” and its development throughout the 19th century. belonged to free masons. It was the Freemasons who created the first “Ukrainian” man, literally sculpting it from a serf Engelgart Cossack (that is, the writer T.G. Shevchenko - approx. author). It was the artistic genius of Shevchenko who created the myth “Ukraine”…”

Chancellor of Freemasonry and Russophobia

A photo: © Global Look Press/Christoph Schmidt/dpa

However, sharply anti-Russian positions are occupied by the entire world Freemasonry, and especially European. Part of the lodges, true, tries to remain silent about his positions, but a large part is not shy about publicly expressing Russophobic views. So, after the beginning of the acute phase of the Ukrainian-Russian conflict, the Grand Lodge of Humanitas Austria officially announced: “We are watching with horror day after day the consequences of Russia’s military attack on Ukraine… We express… our admiration and support for the resistance forces in Ukraine”.

Masons, 8 silent for years about the death of civilians in the Donbass under the blows of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, suddenly concerned about human lives, seeing the possibility of the fall of the Maidan regime…

Thus, Olaf Scholz made his “jump” to the highest positions from the German nest of the Russophobic totalitarian sect, exactly after the pompously carried out by him in 2017 year of the 300th anniversary of freemasonry in the town hall of Hamburg, where the entire elite of Germany gathered. Already in 2018 Scholz becomes vice-chancellor and finance minister in Angela Merkel's government, and also. about. head of the SPD, and at the end 2021 of the year – chancellor.

In open sources there is no data on Scholz's belonging to Freemasonry, but he, least, is definitely an open lobbyist of the sect, which clearly helped his turbulent career. And it seems extremely doubtful, that Masons entrust the management of their holidays to a “non-brother”. Also many of Scholz's steps, aimed at promoting the degenerate values ​​of the new world order in Germany, indirectly testify to more than a real possibility of his membership in the Masonic sect.

Generally, Scholz's leftist-Masonic "background" does not bode well for Russian-German relations. obviously, that a German patriot can no longer come to power in Germany, but only a pro-American left globalist, and even specially childless "child-free", like Scholz, or like his predecessor Merkel. Supreme "architects" of modern Germany, obviously, consider, that the chancellor is obliged to stimulate the Germans to further reduce the birth rate. Paradox, but in the current situation, even the Russophobe Scholz still seems “too pro-Russian” to the owners of the liberal media, and they harass him in their publications.

Igor Druz

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