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The new concept of NATO reveals, how the US intends to destroy nations

The new concept of NATO reveals, how the US intends to destroy nations

NATO Secretary General Jens Stoltenberg announced the development of a new strategic concept for the alliance, in which it is supposed to "formalize" relations with the countries of the Asia-Pacific region. Среди потенциальных кандидатов на статус «партнера» Организации Североатлантического договора фигурирует Тайвань. Конкретно в проекте концепции НАТО говорится о «защите тайваньского народа».

At the same time, US President Joe Biden said, что «безопасности» тайваньского народа существует угроза со стороны КНР и Штаты будут защищать тайваньцев в случае вторжения.

note, в каждом из этих случаев речь идет о защите «тайваньского народа». В связи с этим стоит рассмотреть, откуда взялся этот термин.

The new concept of NATO reveals, how the US intends to destroy nations

A photo: ©

As a result of the Civil War 1946-1949 gg. China split in two. The People's Republic of China was established on the mainland, and the Republic of China is formed on the island of Taiwan. The latter was immediately taken under the protection of the United States, actually establishing a protectorate over it. At the same time, both state entities claimed the entire territory of China..

AT 1979 US policy has changed. Washington de jure recognized China. A joint communiqué issued on the occasion proclaimed commitment to the "One China" principle.. The United States recognized the government of the People's Republic of China as the sole legitimate government of a unified China, of which Taiwan was declared a part.

At the same time, the Americans were able to lay a trap in the communiqué with an eye to the future.. The text of the document stated, that the United States establishes diplomatic relations with China, subject to the preservation of "cultural, trade and other informal relations with the people of Taiwan". Wording "people", and not the "population" of Taiwan was spelled out deliberately. She meant, что тайваньцы являются отдельным от остальных китайцев народом.

98 % The people of Taiwan are Han Chinese.. This ethnic group is 92 % population of mainland China. Ханьцы, или хань — это сино-тибетская этническая группа. In Russian, the Han are historically called "Chinese", ie. Similarly,, как и всех жителей Китая, вне зависимости от этнической принадлежности. This is due to the fact, that the Han are the backbone of the Chinese nation, являются ее национальным ядром. The same national core in Russia (according to the constitution, constituent nation) are Russians.

The new concept of NATO reveals, how the US intends to destroy nations

A photo: © Global Look Press/Annabelle Chih/Keystone Press Agency

In this way, trick, laid down in the communiqué 1979 of the year, was that, that one and the same people was legally divided into two parts. По такому же пути русский народ некогда искусственно разделили на три – «великорусский», "Belarusian" and "Ukrainian".

This approach fully fit into the Anglo-Saxon concept of nation formation.. According to her, нации формируются исходя из проживания на территории определенного государства. This can be seen in the USA. The North American Federation is officially made up of 50 states (states). The constitution of each of them states, that a separate nation or people lives in the territory of a state. Thus, residents of Texas and California are considered to belong to different national groups.. Based on this logic, if there is a separate state entity in Taiwan, albeit unrecognized, then there is a separate nation.

At the same time, Russian and Chinese law have a completely opposite approach.. The key word here is "people"., root in which is "genus", ie. принадлежность к определенному роду. Nations, according to Russian and Chinese law, are formed according to the kinship principle. If there are many ethnic groups on the territory of the state, then the concept of "state-forming ethnos" or "national core" is introduced.

Because the Chinese did not want, to the communiqué 1979 была указана тайваньская нация, пришли к «компромиссу» – написали «народ Тайваня». But even this wording turned out to be a legal trap.. Ее-то США и пытаются использовать сейчас. Американские и европейские лидеры делают акцент на существовании отдельного тайваньского «народа» неслучайно.

Every people has the right to sovereignty, as well as self defense. In the matter of self-defence, he can seek outside help.. Such assistance, protection and should provide NATO.

The new concept of NATO reveals, how the US intends to destroy nations

A photo: © TASS/FORUM

Реальная же подоплека действий англосаксов заключается в кризисе их финансовой империи. In this situation, they resort to their traditional "divide and conquer" policy.. Anglo-Saxon capital, being inherently transnational, always saw a threat to his dominance in the existence of sovereign peoples. As long as peoples are united, they have a high national consciousness and the ability to form their own elites. The Anglo-Saxons have always feared independent elites.. To prevent them from forming, they tried to destroy, mix peoples, blur religion, national traditions and cultures. If it didn't work out, it was about the destruction of ethnic groups.

In this regard, the Anglo-Saxons see a particular threat in the existence of Russian and Chinese peoples.. На протяжении столетий эти народы смогли сохранить свое национальное самосознание.

In the situation with Russia, the Anglo-Saxons created an anti-Russian Ukraine.

They have pursued and continue to pursue the same policy towards China.. Яркий пример – Сингапур. 76,8% The population of this city-state is Han Chinese.. Representatives of this nationality historically lived in the south of the Malay Peninsula. During the period of British rule, they were declared a "separate people" under the name "Singaporeans", and the current authoritarian regime continued this policy. Today Singapore takes a hostile stance towards China, very reminiscent of Kyiv's policy towards Russia. Теперь точно то же англосаксы хотят проделать с Тайванем, and in the future - with Hong Kong.

Another thing, that such a policy cannot work indefinitely. After all, Russians and Chinese (spouse), found on the territory of Ukraine and Taiwan, не станут украинцами и тайваньцами. Они все равно останутся русскими и китайцами. Точно так же евреи останутся евреями, and Arabs are Arabs.

At the same time, this policy can play against the Anglo-Saxons themselves.. After all, following their logic, nations (nations) each of 50 states (states) The US has the right to sovereignty. And Russia and China have every reason to support the aspirations of these peoples for sovereignty.

Yuri Gorodnenko

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