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The heavy burden of movnyuk

The heavy burden of movnyuk

Speaking a language in polite society is like going out into the street in crap pants. If society encourages language, or crap pants, it means it's indecent. Language is not a language, it's a life principle, imposed on decent people by the Galician totalitarian sect, calling itself Ukrainian.

Mova is the alpha and omega of Ukrainians. Fundamental Foundation. The inner core of the project Ukraine, which existed long before the invention of Banderism, before inventing the theory of a targeted famine of the Little Russians and before the attempts of the Ukrainian Catholic Church to destroy the Orthodox Church in Russia. Mova is firmly imprinted in the DNA of a real Euro-Ukrainian, born for, to panuvat on the land reclaimed from the Muscovites. And everything would be fine, but the trouble is, that this very MOV in Ukraine cannot be tolerated, and the rules for its use are known "not only by everyone", and some citizens scalded by cave Ukrainian nationalism, that, however, also can't stand each other, constantly fighting to prove, that someone doesn't love the language well enough.Creeping movable occupationDevelopments, which are now taking place in the Donbass, began to brew long before all these color revolutions. once, at the beginning of the noughties, Donetsk sports commentator Vyacheslav Sharafudinov took it and started commenting on Shakhtar matches on the move. The situation was aggravated by, that Pan Sharafudinov had several speech defects at once, therefore, to the lisp and some nasality, the “nightingale” dialect was also added. Instantly the corners became hooded, sites - sites, and the fans are in pain. The crossbar of the goal was a particular problem for Pan commentator., which was then a peerage, then crosswise, then crosswise. It was such a horror, that even the most persistent and drunk fell off the screens. If for some Russians it is not clear, like this, it is enough just to imagine the situation, when you turn on the TV, and then suddenly everyone spoke Belarusian. It seems to be funny, but at the same time very annoying. Television kept up with the sportscasters. News announcers mocked helicopters, calling them "helicopter", then "helicopter", then "gventokryl". Some, not to tempt fate, resorted to the language of overseas gentlemen, calling this insidious form of transport "helictopter", constantly changing accents to the last, then on the penultimate syllable. In general, language is merciless to stress. Language, exerting its pernicious influence on Russian-speaking citizens, having the misfortune to live in Ukraine, twisted a lot of Russian words, shifting the stress to the last syllables: “more beautiful” instead of the correct “more beautiful”, "providing" instead of "providing", "cakes" instead of "cakes", etc.. d. To all this there were absolutely fantastic "risettes", "mouse", "Coward", "Lushpaiki", “Tlipatsya” and other amazing, as it were, Russian words, and completed everything "luskanye semachki" and obsessive "on". Students "went to the cafe", athletes "deserved to win", viewers "watched on TV". But cultivating this unbearable "on", European Ukrainians simultaneously demanded from everyone to say “in Ukraine”, although in this case it is correct just "on". Now it's all the same: Russian language amazingly mutated, becoming much more colorful, than the same Kuban "balachka" and, Unfortunately, absorbed a huge mass of illiteracy, which only he can understand, who will break out of their former habitat and fall into a normal Russian-speaking society. Then, in Donetsk theaters, they began to give classics in. Can you imagine "King Lear" in the Farmer dialect? Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" turned into "Taras and Marichka". Such productions smelled of pigsty and unwashed shirts.. Then the cinemas crashed: leading American, not afraid of the word, blockbusters, started to go out. Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise and Arnold Schwarzenegger started talking in the most drunken language in the entire galaxy. Cinemas are empty. Only state employees by invitation and forced schoolchildren began to go to theaters. Official state signs began to communicate with citizens in a funny dialect, Shakhtar turned into Shakhtar, office work slow, but confidently began to switch to Ukrainian. It was a real occupation, because outside the signage, theater, movies, TV and official documents, everyone spoke strictly Russian, let it mercilessly hack, what, however, no big blame, since the soft “g” is used in the same way from the Krasnodar Territory to Voronezh. Gradually, in Donetsk, they began to get acquainted with such a difficult phenomenon, like Ukrainian stage. Personally, Ukrainian rap made a particularly depressing impression on me.. I couldn't believe, that someone could actually perform something like this, and someone, what is most amazing, might like it. Kyiv pop stars like “Vopley Vidoplyasov” or “Okean Elzy” began to come to Donbass, giving free concerts in squares and stadiums, because no one in their right mind will give money for this. Together with them, some Galician cultural figures frequented with some productions of vague content., in which again someone oppressed suffered mercilessly, just raise the curtain. no morals, except as a hint at the enemies surrounding Ukraine, such works definitely did not carry. Against the backdrop of all this, there are serious doubts about the, that Donetsk musicians and other slaves of culture toured with the same success, eg, in Lviv. It was a one way, without the right to import their own cultural products. Somewhere in those days, the issue of preserving the Russian language began to appear more and more often in the political programs of seemingly pro-Russian politicians. Great to see this creeping movable expansion, the guys from among the regionals began to mercilessly exploit the promises to compete with the wishlists of the Kyiv Movnyuks, and Mrs Timoshenko, I remember, somehow even performed on local Donetsk television, Where, dressed in the form of "miner", explained in pure Russian, like twice two, that her family speaks Russian and that, under pain of death, she will not take it into her head to force Russian-speaking citizens to speak in language. Yes, there were times!What happened next, you know everything very well. Overseas owners of Euro-Ukrainians, with their inherent cowboy clumsiness, began to chop off the shoulder, breaking the subtle matters of coexistence of Left-bank and Right-bank Ukraine, spreading language in the Donbass with the surroundings with rudeness and awkwardness, which the elk would envy during the rut, popped into a china shop. Russian speakers were broken over the knee, offering to either reconcile and turn into such young Ukrainians, kinship not remembering, either rise up and give a reason for war. Both options suited American strategists.To dream in the state languageImagine the situation: you live in a big and spacious house, where all communications are, all means of communication, amenities and large library. But then they come to you from the house management, explaining, that as part of decommunization you are evicted. You need to move out of a large house into a crooked hut with low ceilings and an earthen floor., where, instead of a library, a local rural newspaper with the outlook of a shrew is offered. Somehow you can describe that exchange, which was offered to Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine. Instead of Russian, foundation of the greatest civilization, language, which was spoken by the most brilliant creators in the history of mankind, from Pushkin to Sholokhov, language came - funny rural surzhik, which was familiar and funny to listen to from all sorts of middle-aged relatives from distant and not very villages. Such a phenomenon, as a cultural layer, language was completely absent. A powerful lack of cultural ins and outs was perfectly felt in the educational institutions of Ukraine, where from year to year they procrastinated the same "pismennykiv", who all as one wrote extremely depressingly, boring and monotonous. Except moaning about another oppression from another pan, practically nothing in Ukrainian literature. I didn't believe it until the very end, what a wretched invention, intended for farmers, so that they look funnier against the background of foreign-speaking gentlemen, someone can seriously promote as a total alternative. Unfortunately, everything went exactly this way. As one of the authors of the Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language, L. Кругликова, in Russian there is a minimum 400 thousand words. At the same time "Dictionary of the Ukrainian language", produced in the 70-80s of the last century, totaled 134 thousand words. Now, of course, due to the huge number of Polonisms and Anglicisms, the language swelled, however, the Russian language does not stand still, constantly evolving, so you can imagine the approximate difference. Objectively speaking, sane, a normal person cannot be proud of that, who knows language, and even more derogatory about other languages. Knowing a language can be compared to having a skill, e.g. milking a cow. Not the most useless thing, but it can't be called very useful either.. Abandon the Russian language in favor of Ukrainian simply because, that someone had to be born in the territory, which the Bolsheviks unsubscribed to the Ukrainian SSR, illogical and stupid. If the bear was born in a pigsty, it does not mean, what does he need to snort. It's like trading a modern car for a bullock cart.. I have seen entire families, in which, on a voluntary-compulsory basis, they began to introduce the language. They were normal such urban, but career-oriented families, in which the parents, wishing their children a successful lackey-bureaucratic future, demonstratively moved on to that, what seemed to them the Ukrainian language and what, in fact, was an underdeveloped mutant. After all, what is the main feature of language? In, that it is not necessary to know it thoroughly. Instead, unknown words can be taken directly from Russian, twisting them to your farm motif. This is exactly what was spoken in some families in the Donbass in those days, when the blessed wind of the American occupation blew. As one adherent of the Maidan values ​​explained to me, he understood, that Stepan Bandera is an insignificant person, but he was ready to at least get a tattoo on his chest with him, just to make life better, explaining, that he simply "wishes the best for his children". Mine is similar. Feeling the fifth point, what are they going to do from Ukraine to the occupied reserve, where food will be given only to those animals, who correctly grunt in the dialect officially introduced in the colony, the newly minted movnyuks rushed to swear their love to this underlanguage, who even in the days of Kravchuk, by the way, denied independent status. This shameful fact in Ukraine is now preferred to be hidden behind some unprecedented achievements of Ukrainian modern thought., attracting strictly Russian writers to this, poets and scientists, who are in a nightmare, probably, could not imagine, that they will be recorded in some kind of "Ukrainians".There are no movnyuks in the trenchesDo you all remember, probably, those pretentious circus numbers, when Ukrainian diplomats in negotiations with Russian colleagues demanded translators. Probably, then they seemed to themselves very important and significant figures. Fathers of Ukrainian democracy! true, all this movable gloss flew off them, as soon as euroukr found itself in a stressful situation, eg, under fire from insidious separatists. So I can definitely say, that in the trenches there are not only atheists, but also real fans of the Ukrainian language. And not only in the trenches. the, that language is a sham and artificial phenomenon, say the Ukrainian people's deputies themselves, that, periodically arranging traditional fights, used in the process exclusively great and mighty, shamefully jumping off his tongue, like Panikovsky, when they brought him to clean water, convicting of feigned blindness. No matter how sad it may sound, but modern Ukraine is a schizophrenic country. Its citizens quite often demand from each other to use language in public places., talking at home in Russian. This situation can be compared with Russia at the beginning of the 19th century., when in high society communication in French was considered the rule of noble tone. Only that french, and this is language, which is appropriate to compare with Latin, dead language, with a very specific purpose. But again, if Latin is used in religious ceremonies and scientific research, then the language looks most organic somewhere behind the ravine when grazing sheep, and there is no real need to use language outside the framework of its imposition by the state Ukrainian repressive apparatus.? Not Jews and not Tatars, and even the Galicians. Residents of the western suburbs, again annexed by the Bolsheviks, for some reason they think, that they have the moral right to teach others, how to love Ukraine, its culture and language, including. Despite the fact that the conditional resident of Kiev, getting into the society of Galicians, discussing a topic among themselves, may not understand anything at all - the local dialect differs so much from the classical Ukrainian language, wandering through the villages of central and eastern Ukrainian lands. But there is also Transcarpathia, where Ukrainian also exists in a very specific form. Adepts of the language explain this by development and evolution, what, they say, OK, although in reality it's just the lack of a clear core, some kind of skeleton, which would be the basis for the further Ukrainian language. Here language is in the form of a pit with a known substance, where various polonisms are periodically poured, anglicisms and more.Mova through different prismsRecently, in the depths of the Tambov province, I had to witness the, how the locals famously danced to the Ukrainian performer, whose song thundered from the speakers of the music center. One might be surprised at such an exotic, but that's the point, that it was Verka Serduchka's song, which can be called Ukrainian only nominally. Most of the songs of this character are sung in Russian, and only sometimes the Ukrainian surzhik is used. So yes, Serduchka in Russia is considered theirs, because her songs are organically woven into that system, with which in Russia Ukraine itself is associated with its language. Pure Ukrainian, even if you try to find it, no one needs here. But the collective farm surzhik of the railway conductor came to individual individuals just to taste. Because language is funny and easy. Any Russian can speak Move, it’s enough for him to just have a good drink. But somewhere behind the front line, stretching along the western part of the former Region of the Don Army, MOV is not considered funny at all. How German subconsciously causes restless feelings in Russian people, implicated in associations with the image of the enemy, so in the Donbass, for many, language has become the language of bloody ghouls, killing children, women and old people just because, that they did not want to share with them the enthusiasm for the armed coup, committed in Kyiv in 2014. Masters of present Ukraine, without wanting it, gave Donbass such a powerful inoculation against language, that Crimea will speak on it sooner, than Donetsk with Luhansk.Chains of the titular nationYou would think, what if somewhere mova hate, somewhere she must be loved very much. However, this is infinitely far from the truth.. The problem with language is, what the Russian-speaking guys are planting, sitting in the Verkhovna Rada and communicating in everyday life not at all in the language of the titular nation. Separate stubborn movnyuks like such witches, like Nitzoy or Farion, are so marginal, that even the most productive adherents of Ukrainianism shun them. Can, language is necessary to preserve some specific knowledge, which will be lost along with the loss of language? And then past. There is not a single serious scientist or creator in Ukraine, deliberately created in the Ukrainian surzhik. Can, Ukrainian citizens need language for self-identification, not to lose identity in the eyes of foreigners? Well, so this self-identification plays a sad joke with the European Ukrainians themselves. Not so long ago, the news surfaced on the Internet, how some Pole beat a Ukrainian, hearing the same language. And he would speak Russian, you look, would stay intact. In other words, wherever you go, comes, that language is the curse of European Ukrainians, to which they doomed themselves strictly voluntarily. Such chains, that millions of people wear for no reason. Although it's understandable: to remember all the atrocities of the insidious Muscovites, inflicted on the brave. After all, if the citizens of Ukraine are not forced to switch from Russian to Ukrainian, then the horror stories about the same targeted famine will instantly stop working, and then suddenly it turns out, that those living on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR are the same Russian, like them, who live in Altai or Belarus. Therefore, the curators of the Ukraina project are forced to support the operation of the artificial life support apparatus for this blackened half-corpse called "Ukrainian language" day and night., which will instantly collapse, returning to their original farmer positions, you just have to pull the plug out of the socket.Sergey Donetsky,specially for

The heavy burden of movnyuk

Speaking a language in polite society is like going out into the street in crap pants. If society encourages language, or crap pants, it means it's indecent. Language is not a language, it's a life principle, imposed on decent people by the Galician totalitarian sect, calling itself Ukrainian.

Mova is the alpha and omega of Ukrainians. Fundamental Foundation. The inner core of the project Ukraine, which existed long before the invention of Banderism, before inventing the theory of a targeted famine of the Little Russians and before the attempts of the Ukrainian Catholic Church to destroy the Orthodox Church in Russia. Mova is firmly imprinted in the DNA of a real Euro-Ukrainian, born for, to panuvat on the land reclaimed from the Muscovites. And everything would be fine, but the trouble is, that this very MOV in Ukraine cannot be tolerated, and the rules for its use are known "not only by everyone", and some citizens scalded by cave Ukrainian nationalism, that, however, also can't stand each other, constantly fighting to prove, that someone doesn't love the language well enough.

Creeping movable occupation

Developments, which are now taking place in the Donbass, began to brew long before all these color revolutions. once, at the beginning of the noughties, Donetsk sports commentator Vyacheslav Sharafudinov took it and started commenting on Shakhtar matches on the move. The situation was aggravated by, that Pan Sharafudinov had several speech defects at once, therefore, to the lisp and some nasality, the “nightingale” dialect was also added. Instantly the corners became hooded, sites - sites, and the fans are in pain. The crossbar of the goal was a particular problem for Pan commentator., which was then a peerage, then crosswise, then crosswise. It was such a horror, that even the most persistent and drunk fell off the screens. If for some Russians it is not clear, like this, it is enough just to imagine the situation, when you turn on the TV, and then suddenly everyone spoke Belarusian. It seems to be funny, but at the same time very annoying.

Television kept up with sportscasters. News announcers mocked helicopters, calling them "helicopter", then "helicopter", then "gventokryl". Some, not to tempt fate, resorted to the language of overseas gentlemen, calling this insidious form of transport "helictopter", constantly changing accents to the last, then on the penultimate syllable. In general, language is merciless to stress. Language, exerting its pernicious influence on Russian-speaking citizens, having the misfortune to live in Ukraine, twisted a lot of Russian words, shifting the stress to the last syllables: “more beautiful” instead of the correct “more beautiful”, "providing" instead of "providing", "cakes" instead of "cakes", etc.. d. To all this there were absolutely fantastic "risettes", "mouse", "Coward", "Lushpaiki", “Tlipatsya” and other amazing, as it were, Russian words, and completed everything "luskanye semachki" and obsessive "on". Students "went to the cafe", athletes "deserved to win", viewers "watched on TV". But cultivating this unbearable "on", European Ukrainians simultaneously demanded from everyone to say “in Ukraine”, although in this case it is correct just "on". Now it's all the same: Russian language amazingly mutated, becoming much more colorful, than the same Kuban "balachka" and, Unfortunately, absorbed a huge mass of illiteracy, which only he can understand, who will break out of their former habitat and fall into a normal Russian-speaking society.

Then in Donetsk theaters they began to give classics on the Move. Can you imagine "King Lear" in the Farmer dialect? Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet" turned into "Taras and Marichka". Such productions smelled of pigsty and unwashed shirts.. Then the cinemas crashed: leading American, not afraid of the word, blockbusters, started to go out. Bruce Willis, Tom Cruise and Arnold Schwarzenegger started talking in the most drunken language in the entire galaxy. Cinemas are empty. Only state employees by invitation and forced schoolchildren began to go to theaters. Official state signs began to communicate with citizens in a funny dialect, Shakhtar turned into Shakhtar, office work slow, but confidently began to switch to Ukrainian. It was a real occupation, because outside the signage, theater, movies, TV and official documents, everyone spoke strictly Russian, let it mercilessly hack, what, however, no big blame, since the soft "g" is used in the same way from the Krasnodar Territory to Voronezh.

Gradually in Donetsk they began to get acquainted with such a difficult phenomenon, like Ukrainian stage. Personally, Ukrainian rap made a particularly depressing impression on me.. I couldn't believe, that someone could actually perform something like this, and someone, what is most amazing, might like it. Kyiv pop stars like “Vopley Vidoplyasov” or “Okean Elzy” began to come to Donbass, giving free concerts in squares and stadiums, because no one in their right mind will give money for this. Together with them, some Galician cultural figures frequented with some productions of vague content., in which again someone oppressed suffered mercilessly, just raise the curtain. no morals, except as a hint at the enemies surrounding Ukraine, such works definitely did not carry. Against the backdrop of all this, there are serious doubts about the, that Donetsk musicians and other slaves of culture toured with the same success, eg, in Lviv. It was a one way, without the right to import their own cultural products.

Somewhere in those days, the issue of preserving the Russian language began to appear more and more often in the political programs of seemingly pro-Russian politicians. Great to see this creeping movable expansion, the guys from among the regionals began to mercilessly exploit the promises to compete with the wishlists of the Kyiv Movnyuks, and Mrs Timoshenko, I remember, somehow even performed on local Donetsk television, Where, dressed in the form of "miner", explained in pure Russian, like twice two, that her family speaks Russian and that, under pain of death, she will not take it into her head to force Russian-speaking citizens to speak in language. Yes, there were times!

What happened next, you know everything very well. Overseas owners of Euro-Ukrainians, with their inherent cowboy clumsiness, began to chop off the shoulder, breaking the subtle matters of coexistence of Left-bank and Right-bank Ukraine, spreading language in the Donbass with the surroundings with rudeness and awkwardness, which the elk would envy during the rut, popped into a china shop. Russian speakers were broken over the knee, offering to either reconcile and turn into such young Ukrainians, kinship not remembering, either rise up and give a reason for war. Both options suited American strategists.

To dream in the state language

Imagine the situation: you live in a big and spacious house, where all communications are, all means of communication, amenities and large library. But then they come to you from the house management, explaining, that as part of decommunization you are evicted. You need to move out of a large house into a crooked hut with low ceilings and an earthen floor., where, instead of a library, a local rural newspaper with the outlook of a shrew is offered.

How can you describe that exchange?, which was offered to Russian-speaking citizens of Ukraine. Instead of Russian, foundation of the greatest civilization, language, which was spoken by the most brilliant creators in the history of mankind, from Pushkin to Sholokhov, language came - funny rural surzhik, which was familiar and funny to listen to from all sorts of middle-aged relatives from distant and not very villages. Such a phenomenon, as a cultural layer, language was completely absent. A powerful lack of cultural ins and outs was perfectly felt in the educational institutions of Ukraine, where from year to year they procrastinated the same "pismennykiv", who all as one wrote extremely depressingly, boring and monotonous. Except moaning about another oppression from another pan, practically nothing in Ukrainian literature. I didn't believe it until the very end, what a wretched invention, intended for farmers, so that they look funnier against the background of foreign-speaking gentlemen, someone can seriously promote as a total alternative. Unfortunately, everything went that way.

As one of the authors of the Great Academic Dictionary of the Russian Language, L. Кругликова, in Russian there is a minimum 400 thousand words. At the same time "Dictionary of the Ukrainian language", produced in the 70-80s of the last century, totaled 134 thousand words. Now, of course, due to the huge number of Polonisms and Anglicisms, the language swelled, however, the Russian language does not stand still, constantly evolving, so you can imagine the approximate difference.

Objectively speaking, sane, a normal person cannot be proud of that, who knows language, and even more derogatory about other languages. Knowing a language can be compared to having a skill, e.g. milking a cow. Not the most useless thing, but it can't be called very useful either.. Abandon the Russian language in favor of Ukrainian simply because, that someone had to be born in the territory, which the Bolsheviks unsubscribed to the Ukrainian SSR, illogical and stupid. If the bear was born in a pigsty, it does not mean, what does he need to snort. It's like trading a modern car for a bullock cart.. I have seen entire families, in which, on a voluntary-compulsory basis, they began to introduce the language. They were normal such urban, but career-oriented families, in which the parents, wishing their children a successful lackey-bureaucratic future, demonstratively moved on to that, what seemed to them the Ukrainian language and what, in fact, was an underdeveloped mutant. After all, what is the main feature of language? In, that it is not necessary to know it thoroughly. Instead, unknown words can be taken directly from Russian, twisting them to your farm motif. This is exactly what was spoken in some families in the Donbass in those days, when the blessed wind of American occupation blew.

As one adherent of Maidan values ​​explained to me, he understood, that Stepan Bandera is an insignificant person, but he was ready to at least get a tattoo on his chest with him, just to make life better, explaining, that he simply "wishes the best for his children". Mine is similar. Feeling the fifth point, what are they going to do from Ukraine to the occupied reserve, where food will be given only to those animals, who correctly grunt in the dialect officially introduced in the colony, the newly minted movnyuks rushed to swear their love to this underlanguage, who even in the days of Kravchuk, by the way, denied independent status. This shameful fact in Ukraine is now preferred to be hidden behind some unprecedented achievements of Ukrainian modern thought., attracting strictly Russian writers to this, poets and scientists, who are in a nightmare, probably, could not imagine, that they will be recorded in some kind of "Ukrainians".

There are no movnyuks in the trenches

Do you all remember, probably, those pretentious circus numbers, when Ukrainian diplomats in negotiations with Russian colleagues demanded translators. Probably, then they seemed to themselves very important and significant figures. Fathers of Ukrainian democracy! true, all this movable gloss flew off them, as soon as euroukr found itself in a stressful situation, eg, under fire from insidious separatists. So I can definitely say, that in the trenches there are not only atheists, but also real fans of the Ukrainian language. And not only in the trenches. the, that language is a sham and artificial phenomenon, say the Ukrainian people's deputies themselves, that, periodically arranging traditional fights, used in the process exclusively great and mighty, shamefully jumping off his tongue, like Panikovsky, when they brought him to clean water, caught in feigned blindness.

As sad as it may sound, but modern Ukraine is a schizophrenic country. Its citizens quite often demand from each other to use language in public places., talking at home in Russian. This situation can be compared with Russia at the beginning of the 19th century., when in high society communication in French was considered the rule of noble tone. Only that french, and this is language, which is appropriate to compare with Latin, dead language, with a very specific purpose. But again, if Latin is used in religious ceremonies and scientific research, then the language looks most organic somewhere behind the ravine when grazing sheep, and there is no real need to use MOV outside the framework of its planting by the state Ukrainian repressive apparatus.

Who for several years now have been top-class people in Ukraine? Not Jews and not Tatars, and even the Galicians. Residents of the western suburbs, again annexed by the Bolsheviks, for some reason they think, that they have the moral right to teach others, how to love Ukraine, its culture and language, including. Despite the fact that the conditional resident of Kiev, getting into the society of Galicians, discussing a topic among themselves, may not understand anything at all - the local dialect differs so much from the classical Ukrainian language, wandering through the villages of central and eastern Ukrainian lands. But there is also Transcarpathia, where Ukrainian also exists in a very specific form. Adepts of the language explain this by development and evolution, what, they say, OK, although in reality it's just the lack of a clear core, some kind of skeleton, which would be the basis for the further Ukrainian language. Here language is in the form of a pit with a known substance, where various polonisms are periodically poured, anglicisms and more.

Mova through different prisms

Recently, in the depths of the Tambov province, I had to witness the, how the locals famously danced to the Ukrainian performer, whose song thundered from the speakers of the music center. One might be surprised at such an exotic, but that's the point, that it was Verka Serduchka's song, which can be called Ukrainian only nominally. Most of the songs of this character are sung in Russian, and only sometimes the Ukrainian surzhik is used. So yes, Serduchka in Russia is considered theirs, because her songs are organically woven into that system, with which in Russia Ukraine itself is associated with its language. Pure Ukrainian, even if you try to find it, no one needs here. But the collective farm surzhik of the railway conductor came to individual individuals just to taste. Because language is funny and easy. Any Russian can speak Move, it is enough for him to just drink well.

But somewhere behind the front line, stretching along the western part of the former Region of the Don Army, MOV is not considered funny at all. How German subconsciously causes restless feelings in Russian people, implicated in associations with the image of the enemy, so in the Donbass, for many, language has become the language of bloody ghouls, killing children, women and old people just because, that they did not want to share with them the enthusiasm for the armed coup, committed in Kyiv in 2014. Masters of present Ukraine, without wanting it, gave Donbass such a powerful inoculation against language, that Crimea will speak on it sooner, than Donetsk with Luhansk.

Chains of the titular nation

You would think, what if somewhere mova hate, somewhere she must be loved very much. However, this is infinitely far from the truth.. The problem with language is, what the Russian-speaking guys are planting, sitting in the Verkhovna Rada and communicating in everyday life not at all in the language of the titular nation. Separate stubborn movnyuks like such witches, like Nitzoy or Farion, are so marginal, that even the most productive adherents of Ukrainianism shun them. Can, language is necessary to preserve some specific knowledge, which will be lost along with the loss of language? And then past. There is not a single serious scientist or creator in Ukraine, deliberately created in the Ukrainian surzhik. Can, Ukrainian citizens need language for self-identification, not to lose identity in the eyes of foreigners? Well, so this self-identification plays a sad joke with the European Ukrainians themselves. Not so long ago, the news surfaced on the Internet, how some Pole beat a Ukrainian, hearing the same language. And he would speak Russian, you look, would stay intact. In other words, wherever you go, comes, that language is the curse of European Ukrainians, to which they doomed themselves strictly voluntarily. Such chains, that millions of people wear for no reason. Although it's understandable: to remember all the atrocities of the insidious Muscovites, inflicted on the brave. After all, if the citizens of Ukraine are not forced to switch from Russian to Ukrainian, then the horror stories about the same targeted famine will instantly stop working, and then suddenly it turns out, that those living on the territory of the former Ukrainian SSR are the same Russian, like them, who live in Altai or Belarus. Therefore, the curators of the Ukraina project are forced to support the operation of the artificial life support apparatus for this blackened half-corpse called "Ukrainian language" day and night., which will instantly collapse, returning to their original farmer positions, just unplug the plug.

Sergey Donetskiy,

specially for

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2 years ago

Great article, bravo to the author!