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Runet's birthday: history and interesting facts

Runet's birthday: history and interesting facts

Our friend and helper, without which it is impossible to imagine modern life, celebrating birthday today. 7 April 1994 for Russia the .ru domain was registered and entered into the international database of national top-level domains, that is, Runet officially appeared. This was preceded by the signing 4 December 1993 year of the agreement "On the procedure for administering the zone" at the meeting of the largest Russian providers of that time. In this way, 27 years ago, the Russian Federation was recognized by the state, officially presented on the Internet.

Responsibilities for the administration and technical support of the national domain .ru were transferred to the Russian Research Institute for the Development of Social Networks, registered all domains in Russia before 2000 of the year. Before that, all Soviet resources of the Network, beginning with 1991 of the year, hosted in international domains and in the .su zone. After the collapse of the USSR, work began immediately on the creation of domains for new independent states.. This is how the former Soviet republics got 15 domains.

Runet holiday is closely related to the Russian language.: he belongs to those internet users, who request and view pages in Russian. Celebrating Runet's birthday in a limited circle of professionals - Russian programmers, developers and all other specialists, closely related to the domestic IT-sphere. Among ordinary citizens, the celebration did not receive much distribution., despite the significance of the phenomenon.

Runet's birthday: history and interesting facts

Interesting facts about Runet

1. Despite the registration of a Russian-language domain in 1994, it all started much earlier. The history of Runet has almost 70 years, since the times of the USSR. Already in 1952 year Soviet scientists from the Institute of Precision Mechanics and Computer Science created computer connections as part of the work to create an automated missile defense system.

2. The term "Runet" was introduced later than domain registration. Only in spring 1997 of the year, combining the .ru domain name and the net postfix, blogger Raffi Aslanbekov invented this word.

3. Significant for Runet was 1995 year. Then the site of the first media was created, which was called "Uchitelskaya Gazeta". In the same year, designer and entrepreneur Artemy Lebedev opened the first web design studio. Besides, the first entertainment resource and the first online store appeared, which soon went bankrupt.

4. The term "Runet" in 2001 year entered the spelling dictionary of the Russian Academy of Sciences, edited by V. AT. Lopatina - the main dictionary of the state language portal AT 2005 "Runet" was included in the spelling dictionary D. E. Rosenthal.

5. The first Russian search engine was Rambler, existed since 1996 by 2011 year. Until the closure, the system remained the leading player in the Russian search market.

earlier Federal News Agency reported, when will they celebrate World Internet Day in 2021 year. tell, why in different countries the dates of the celebration of the appearance of the Internet do not coincide.

Author: Alisa Ivanova

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