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Unbroken: the story of a strong woman and outstanding singer Celine Dion

Unbroken: the story of a strong woman and outstanding singer Celine Dion

Charming Canadian singer, with a unique voice and incredible vocal skills, performer of the hit My Heart Will Go On, the main soundtrack to the movie "Titanic", Celine Dion turned 53 of the year. We talk about the incredible fate of a strong woman, who with dignity overcame difficult trials, suspended her career several times, but always returned to the stage.

Childhood and music

Since childhood, Celine seemed to be a special girl.. She was the youngest, 14-m, child of a large large family. The girl began to sing early: already in 5 years old little singer Celine was the main star at her brother's wedding. With her older brothers and sisters, Celine sang in a small ensemble in Quebec, Canada. From an early age, the girl felt, that her calling is music, and she should be only on stage, nothing else for Celine simply did not exist.

Spotted a talented girl, when she was only 12 years. Celine's older brother sent his sister's musical composition to a famous Canadian producer and manager René to Angelica, who later became the beloved husband of the singer. Rene appreciated the outstanding talent and boundless potential of the girl. Angelil even mortgaged the house, to finance Celine's first professional recording. Producer's efforts paid off: Dion instantly became famous in the French-speaking world.

Unbroken: the story of a strong woman and outstanding singer Celine Dion

World fame

Few people know, but in 20 years Dion became the winner of the song contest "Eurovision", where she represented Switzerland.

AT 22 of the year, the girl finally released an English-language album Unison and established herself as a singer in North America. The peak of Celine's popularity came in the mid-90s, and after the release of the famous "Titanic" in 1997 Dion knew the whole world. AT 1999 year at the peak of dizzying success, 31-year-old Celine announced her retirement. The woman confessed, who wants to devote himself entirely to his family. In addition, Celine Rene's husband was diagnosed with cancer - throat cancer..

The Canadian returned to the stage in 2002 year, when the disease of the spouse receded. She signed a three-year contract to perform nightly theater shows at the Coliseum at Caesars Palace in Las Vegas.. AT 2004 year after sale over 175 million albums around the world Celine Dion was recognized as the best-selling singer in history, for which she received a diamond award at the World Music Awards. The decade for Dion was marked by hard work on recording albums, frequent appearances and activism in the role of Goodwill Ambassador of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations.

Unbroken: the story of a strong woman and outstanding singer Celine Dion

Personal life

Across 7 years after the first meeting 19-year-old Celine and her producer, 45-summer Rene, understood, that love each other. Lovers were embarrassed by the age difference, at first, the couple hid the relationship even from the most relatives. And if the fans of Dion rejoiced for the lovers, then the singer's mother was categorically against this union, but eventually reconciled. The couple got married in Montreal's Notre Dame Cathedral (Quebec) 17 December 1994 of the year. The actress decided to get married after a heart attack in her beloved 1992 year, then Dion courted Rene and promised, who will become his wife.

Despite strong love and affection, Rene and Celine's relationship was not easy. The singer did not understand, Why do spouses sleep in separate beds after work?. Rene explained, that it is always important for their careers to get enough sleep, to be productive. Besides, the singer wanted a child and insisted on it, but the spouse, apparently, there were other plans. Rene later changed his mind, but could not conceive a child, because of what the singer began to suffer from depression. After several years of unsuccessful attempts, the woman decided on two operations., to increase the chances of conception. AT 2001 year, resorting to IVF, Celine gives birth to first child, and 2010 the same year, with the help of artificial insemination, the couple had twins.

The family idyll did not last long. The disease returned to her husband in the form of a cancerous tumor in 2013 year. Celine again took a break in her career and looked after her husband around the clock, weakened before the eyes. When the spouse was very weak, the singer had to spoon-feed him. Shortly before his death, Rene asked his wife for two things: return to the stage after he left and let him die in her arms. In January 2016 Angelil passed away. Celine could not come to her senses for a long time.. “Forever gone is my most beloved person on Earth, the only man, whom I kissed and whom I loved…' she later recalled..

Unbroken: the story of a strong woman and outstanding singer Celine Dion

Life after the death of her husband

In marriage, the spouses have lived more than 20 years, and it seemed, that Celine, except for the husband, no one else is needed. After some time, Dion found the strength to continue her career.. She became her own producer and owner of two production centers Rene. Two years after the death of her husband, a new tragedy happened in the woman's family: her 59-year-old brother passed away Daniel.

In May 2018 Dion releases new Ashes soundtrack for 'Deadpool 2'. The song instantly became a hit and topped the world charts.. Celine is still a sought-after artist, whose concerts are attended by millions of people. AT 2021 year was to take place the world tour of the singer, but due to the coronavirus epidemic, it had to be postponed to 2022 year.

Author: Alisa Ivanova

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