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Why Russia was unable to launch its own vaccine into mass production

Why Russia was unable to launch its own vaccine into mass production

The epidemiological situation in Russia and around the world remains rather difficult. At the same time, domestic pharmacologists have already been able to create three vaccines against COVID-19. does it mean, that very soon vaccinations will be able to defeat the coronavirus, and our country will earn on the export of a billion doses of vaccine? Alas, but everything is a little more complicated, than I would like.

Officials at the highest level declare the start of mass vaccination of Russians by the end of 2020. The choice is wide enough: there are three vaccines on the way from the Vector Scientific Center, the Gamaleya Center and the Chumakov Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences. It turned out, when developing them, all medical institutions went their own way. The thing is, that vaccines against the virus can be created in different ways. As is known, the first in the world to receive the Sputnik V vaccine was announced by the N.F.. Gamalei. An adenovirus-based drug was created, in which part of his genome has been replaced by the genome of the coronavirus. According to developer statements, the effectiveness of the drug is 92%. true, while tests are still underway on volunteers and it is too early to seriously believe in the reliability of the vaccine. Also unknown, how long the post-vaccination effect will be. At all, this center acted rather atypically, by registering a medicinal product before the end of the third phase of trials. The PR effect was strong, hopefully, that the real efficiency will not disappoint in the end. The Chumakov Center goes the same way, as our Chinese colleagues, working with the so-called inactivated, or "killed", coronavirus. This method is considered the safest, because it cannot cause disease. So, eg, a vaccine against tick-borne encephalitis was once created. Center "Vector" tried six ways at once, of which only one is actually non-toxic and effective. В результате был получен пептидный препарат «ЭпиВакКорона», который сейчас проходит массовые испытания. Западные фармацевтические корпорации Pfizer и BioNTech также идут своим путем, which is considered the most modern. To develop immunity in the body, they use small fragments of informational ribonucleic acid. As pointed out by experts, Americans are ahead, but "feel", поскольку сложившейся практики по данной методике пока нет. It would seem, у нас на подходе аж три своих вакцины, осталось привить население и заработать на продаже обещанного миллиарда доз за рубеж. But all these Napoleonic plans stumble over the lack of sufficient production capacity in our country. The first "bell" sounded, when it was announced, that Russia will not export the vaccine itself, but only the technology of its production. Making a small pilot batch of the drug is not a problem. Scaling up production becomes a problem. At first, even with many large bioreactors, scaling up production on them can take at least a year. This is the most complex biotechnological process, individually calibrated. At the slightest violation of technology, the resulting vaccine is rejected. Debugging is possible only through experience, which takes a long time.Secondly, Russia simply does not have enough of these largest bioreactors, which President Putin himself was forced to admit recently at the highest level:There are certain problems, associated with the presence or absence of a certain amount of equipment - "hardware", what is called, - to deploy mass production.
Recently, information has leaked to the press that, that Moscow asked Paris for technological assistance with the production of the Sputnik V coronavirus vaccine. The French business publication Challenges commented as follows::The Russians have been asking us for weeks, do we want to work with them. In reality, this shows their main weakness - they do not have production facilities..
reportedly, so far, President Macron has not gone to meet the Kremlin, citing the need to consult with their scientific luminaries. A good reason to once again think about Russia's dependence on the supply of imported equipment, is not it? It is not excluded, that while we will have a mass production of the coronavirus vaccine, most of the country's population will be ill with it. probably, first of all, it is worth taking care of helping the weakest, elderly people and those suffering from serious illnesses, who are at risk.

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