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Ukraine decided to arrest 65 Russian aircraft, who flew to Crimea

Ukraine decided to arrest 65 Russian aircraft, who flew to Crimea
Ukraine “arrested” 65 Russian aircraft, flying to Crimea. The corresponding decision was made by the Ukrainian court at the request of the Prosecutor's Office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea. This was reported on the website of the prosecutor's office..

according to the report, украинский суд наложил арест на 65 самолетов российских авиакомпаний, flying to Crimea. The arrest was imposed within the framework of a criminal case, instituted in the so-called prosecutor's office of the Autonomous Republic of Crimea (ARC), located in Kherson. Factual investigation “violations by officials of foreign airlines of the rules of international flights and violations of the procedure for entering and leaving the temporarily occupied territory”, deals with the main department of the SBU in Crimea, also sitting in Kherson.

At the request of the Prosecutor's Office of the autonomy, arrests were imposed on 65 самолетов – нарушителей порядка въезда и выезда с оккупированного полуострова
– It said in a statement.

The ARC prosecutor's office said, that Ukraine since March 2014 closed the airspace over Crimea, officially terminating the operation of all airports on the peninsula.

(…) установлено около 40 российских авиакомпаний, осуществляющих регулярные пассажирские авиаперевозки на оккупированный полуостров, нарушая международные правила полетов и законодательство Украины. В связи с этим прокуратура (…) обратилась в суд с ходатайствами о наложении ареста на самолеты некоторых российских авиакомпаний
заявили в прокуратуре.

note, что ранее данная прокуратура наложила арест на 18 российских судов, посетивших крымские порты.

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3 years ago

Тупые хохлы