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Abolition of indexation of housing and communal services tariffs will lead to collapse of the industry

Sentence “United Russia” not increase the cost of housing services with 1 July, if implemented, will result in large-scale problems for the economy. About it FBA “economy today” said an expert in the field of legal regulation of housing and communal services Igor Kokin.

Abolition of indexation of housing and communal services tariffs will lead to collapse of the industry

The proposal not to raise the price of housing services this year was made by the Governor of the Stavropol Territory Vladimir Vladimirov at a meeting “United Russia”. “There is a cardinal offer – apply for non-increase of payments for housing and communal services with 1 July. We see different numbers – 2,7%, 4%. I'd love to, so we for this year – a very difficult year for everyone – introduced a moratorium on raising payments for utilities. It will be well accepted by people., and business entities”, – said Vladimirov.

Party Secretary Andrei Turchak urged to consolidate the position of EP on this issue. According to him, party members are ready to tackle the topic of payments, но нужно понять разные позиции по инициативе Владимирова. Также от главы Ставрополья поступило предложение приостановить действие постановлений, limiting prepayment for housing and communal services. According to the governor, state-owned enterprises may well pay a fee for utilities for six months in advance.

“The proposal to lower tariffs for utilities or freeze their indexation always sounds, when the economy is in difficulty, and the country's citizens need support, – Kokin notes. - This idea, naturally, like the Russians, but few people think about the second side of this issue. After all, housing and communal services are not just services, arising out of nowhere, and the whole production system, where large resources are involved, tens of thousands of people work, gas consumed, energy.

The proposal to freeze tariffs is beneficial to the population, but the question immediately arises: what to do enterprises, which are involved in this system? They are required to change equipment, buying pipes and parts, store energy, pay taxes and salaries to employees. The dollar appreciated this year has already created a problem with the purchase of foreign components, and it needs to be addressed. And here it is proposed to take away a significant portion of income from enterprises, which are already planned and distributed”.

The problem of non-payments is becoming more acute

As part of a package of measures to support business and the public during the coronavirus pandemic, the government introduced a moratorium on charging and recovering forfeit on debts for housing and communal services. The moratorium is valid until 1 January 2021 years and in simple terms allows you to not pay for “communal” - repression will not follow, and suppliers, people and businesses cannot disconnect from services. It is assumed, What's on 8-9 months even the verification interval of counters will be increased, used in homes and apartments.

Abolition of indexation of housing and communal services tariffs will lead to collapse of the industry

Decision entered into force 6 April, and housing and communal enterprises immediately gave a forecast for losses: breakwater, they will not be counted at the end of the year at least 5% fundraising. According to Vladimirov, during the pandemic in Stavropol, a decrease in payments for utilities. In April, it amounted to about 50%, in May – about 25%. Moratorium adversely affected payment discipline - supposed, that only people will use it, lost their jobs and found themselves in a difficult financial situation.

“This year, water intakes, treatment facilities, heat supply and other enterprises of the housing and communal services system will already face serious financial problems due to increased prices for many goods. The annual indexation of tariffs makes it possible to balance expenses with inflation and rising non-payments by consumers of services. If you deprive enterprises of planned revenues, then the situation of the industry will deteriorate significantly. And she is not in the best condition anyway..

So it is unlikely that the country's leadership will accept the proposal of United Russia “freezing” tariffs - removing one problem, at the same time it creates a number of new. After all, the collapse of the housing and communal services system will inevitably lead to systemic failures, which is very dangerous amid the crisis. Because the problem is worth solving, what is called, “from the contrary” - by subsidizing the most insolvent part of the population”, – considers Kokin.

The housing sector is losing revenue

At the end of May, the head of the State Duma Committee on Housing and Utilities Galina Khovanskaya admitted, that a moratorium on the calculation of fines for non-payment of services for “communal” can be removed in the summer - provided, that for needy Russians targeted compensation payments will be provided. Then the Ministry of Energy provided data, that while maintaining the moratorium by the end of the year, the shortfall in revenues of power plants will be about 600-700 billion rubles. A similar picture in all enterprises of housing and communal services.

Abolition of indexation of housing and communal services tariffs will lead to collapse of the industry

At the same time, Russia will soon vote on amendments to the Constitution, one of which involves the provision of targeted social support to needy citizens by the state, obligation to index benefits and payments. If earlier this issue was at the discretion of the government, then if the amendment is approved, this will become a direct responsibility of the country's leadership. Voting week in Russia will end 1 July, and the CEC promises to make the process of expressing will safer, than going to the store, despite COVID-19.

“Fuel oil is needed for the production and supply of most utilities, diesel fuel, gas - no one talks about lower prices for these resources for enterprises. Pane to cancel indexing for a sphere 1 July is only possible, that the state compensates losses to utilities. But realities show, that it’s not ready to do it. This means, and the proposal of United Russia is unlikely to be supported.

Housing and communal services enterprises represented in the government by Rosseti, so that they can convey to ministers their point of view on the controversial issue. But there are competent people in the Cabinet without it., understanding the implications of a moratorium. So that, Most likely, the discussion will nevertheless return to the direction of providing subsidies to the most affected categories of Russians”, – concludes Igor Kokin.

Max Boot


Published: World View Source

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