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Some details of the contract for the supply of Su-35 fighters to Egypt

Some details of the contract for the supply of Su-35 fighters to Egypt
Some details of the Russian-Egyptian contract for the supply of a batch of Su-35 multi-functional fighter jets to the Egyptian Air Force became known.. This is reported by the resource

According to the resource, Russia and Egypt 19 Martha 2018 года подписали контракт на поставку ВВС Египта 24 Su-35 fighters (according to other sources – 26 aircraft). According to the agreement, первая партия из двух Су-35 должна быть поставлена в Египет до конца этого года. also known, что первый самолет, собираемый на авиазаводе в Комсомольске-на-Амуре, будет передан заказчику до конца года, в отношении второго точной информации нет, возможен сдвиг из-за коронавирусной инфекции.

Полностью контракт на все 24 истребителя должен быть исполнен в 2023 year.

As previously reported, Egypt made a decision to purchase multifunctional Su-35 fighters and related weapons against the background of the arrival of American F-35 fighters in the Israeli Air Force. Is this statement true – not known, in Egypt itself they do not comment on the deal.

AT 2019 year, after the appearance of information about the deal concluded between Egypt and Russia on fighters, The United States threatened Cairo with imposing Turkish-like sanctions over the acquisition of Russian military equipment. According to US media, a joint letter from the Pentagon and the US State Department with threats was received by the country's defense minister, however in Egypt they called it “interference in internal affairs” and declared, that they are not going to give up Russian weapons.

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