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Quarantine, or Italian Drama

Quarantine, or Italian Drama

"In economics, stopped for two months, there was a short circuit "

The new poor of Europe? They are not in Romania or Albania, and in Italy, included in the statistics of the six economically most developed countries of the world. This writes Agence France (AFP), posted a report on social and economic disaster, in which this country ended up as a result of quarantine restrictions, introduced due to the epidemic of coronavirus. 11,5 million Italian workers and employees lost their jobs and have no income.

According to Coldirett (National Confederation of Agricultural Producers), the number of people in need of food aid reached in Italy 3,7 million people. This is a country of unfortunate, writes AFP; they, who did not kill the epidemic, risk starvation.

"I am depressed", - says 65-year-old Maria Loprete, which 30 years worked in Milan "La Scala", before the world famous opera ceased operations in February. “Now I find myself in a human situation, who needs help ", - says Maria.

64-year old unemployed Di Gregorio told the correspondent AFP, what's the biggest problem is finding a job. He says, what did you see, how are people in Milan, grocery shopping, run away, not paid. According to him, if the enterprises do not start working and quarantine lasts another month, in Italy "there will be a civil war".

"Today, - the agency reports, – among those, who stand in line for food aid across the country, - former cooks and gardeners, cleaners and saleswomen, lost their job thereafter, how a national quarantine was introduced more than two months ago ... The vast majority of Italians have no savings, who could help them out now, many have to seek help from the charitable Catholic organization Caritas [“Mercy”], operating throughout Italy». According to this organization, the number of people wishing to receive food assistance increased by 114%. By special coupons people can get butter and sugar, canned tomatoes and fish, pasta and soap.

Quarantine, or Italian Drama

Window inscription: “Total sale”

According to Coldiretti, need help 700 thousand. Italian children under 15 years. The critical situation in many families escalated due to school closures, where children could get hot food in the cafeterias. Among the new poor are those families, who lost seasonal jobs, small entrepreneurs, trade, who had to close their businesses.

Quarantine, or Italian Drama

“France, - comments on the AFP Italian report The newspaper, - pronounces ruthless sentence in Italy. This is Italy, kneeling, exhausted by the COVID-19 pandemic as a sanitary issue, so the economy ... When will the ulcer of the new coronavirus begin to heal, the country will have to face a new challenge. In her economy, stopped for two months, to contain the spread of the epidemic, short circuit occurred, which can ruin the economic system of the state ”.

Quarantine, or Italian Drama

Beggars on the streets of Rome

Dramatic picture, prevailing in Italy, reporters and other western editions. “Despair is gaining momentum”, - the American correspondent reports from the Apennines Huffington Post. He talks about the scenes., which watched in palermo, in Bari. Malieliza, mistress of a small matter, He speaks: "I can’t stand it anymore, I am a bankrupt, starve us. Those, who had difficulty reaching the end of the month, declare: “We no longer have enough money even for food”. In the program "Hyenas" showed a video, where a man in front of a bank in bari screams: “We were left without food and without money. My store closed 20 days ago, what should i live on?» Another woman says: "I ask you, come to me, look. I have nothing else. I need to eat "

Quarantine, or Italian Drama

Free food distribution

When Italians Quarantined, at first they sang and danced on their balconies, waving national flags. Now the patriotic rumble has subsided, tension increases. The economy was in recession even before the outbreak. Italy has colossal public debt, reaching 130 percent of GDP (worse in the whole European Union only in Greece - 180%).

Quarantine, or Italian Drama

Queue at a low price store

Tourism sector of Italy, which accounts for 6% VVP, on one's last legs, because borders are closed. Analysts JP Morgan expect, that gross domestic product will decrease year on year by 10%. Agency last month Fitch downgraded Italy's credit rating; now it is only one step above the “garbage": from BBB level the credit rating is lowered to BBB level - .

Quarantine, or Italian Drama

Distributing food to the hungry in Italy. Newspaper Photos “Republic”

Is there any clearance? According to Johns Hopkins University, in Italy recorded 223 thousand. cases of coronavirus infection, of which more than 31 thousand. people died. As of 16 May, the country ranks fifth in the world in the number of infected COVID-19. At the same time, statistics record a decrease in the growth of infected, government announced some quarantine mitigations. Residents allowed to go to parks, do outdoor sports, bars and cafes resumed limited hours, from 18 May the ban on movement between regions is lifted. However, a blow to the country inflicted ...

Vladimir Malyshev

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