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Onishchenko told, will quarantine be extended after 30 April in Russia

Will quarantine be extended after 30 April in Russia - the decision on this will not be uniform, and individual for each region. About it FBA “economy today” told the State Duma deputy, former chief medical officer of Russia Gennady Onishchenko.

Onishchenko told, will quarantine be extended after 30 April in Russia

The restrictive measures currently in force in Russia to combat the spread of coronavirus need to be extended to May holidays. This statement was made by the Chief Freelance Epidemiologist of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, epidemiologist Nikolay Briko. According to him, this is an important step today.

he noted: in other countries, where the number of daily new infections with a new type of coronavirus is declining, prefer to quarantine gradually. But do not cancel on one day recommendations for self-isolation of people, maintaining social distance in public places, wearing masks. “In Russia, I think, they must be saved, and after the May holidays will be seen”, – considers briko. And he added,: only by the end of April can we speak, whether Russia reached a peak or plateau of the disease.

“Mr. Briko is a little behind the current Russian realities., – Onishchenko believes. - Speak, that restrictions will be lifted or quarantine extended after 30 April in Russia - fundamentally wrong. Russian President Vladimir Putin gave each region of the country independently introduce measures to counter the epidemic. According to the degree of danger and guided by the principle of sufficiency.

In other words, it’s simply not possible to speak so clearly about a certain extension of restrictions. The subjects of the Russian Federation are different in population, geographic features and many more features. Respectively, the leadership of each region makes individual decisions on the introduction of certain measures. And in Moscow, they radically differ from those, what act, for example, in the Far East”.

Somewhere they’ll start quarantining before 30 April

The head of the Kaliningrad region Anton Alikhanov said on the eve, that a plan has been prepared in the region for the gradual launch of economic sectors. So quarantine will be removed to a certain extent there earlier, than in other regions of the Russian Federation. Regional authorities state, that the statistics of new cases shows a decrease, so industrial enterprises in the field are already working.

Onishchenko told, will quarantine be extended after 30 April in Russia

Alikhanov announced the gradual lifting of restrictions, but with an eye on the epidemiological situation. So overall it’s still not clear, when the coronavirus quarantine is finally removed in the Kaliningrad region. Measures to maintain distance and a number of others are not canceled. At the same time, preparing for the gradual launch of the economic sector.

“I would not like to support individual speakers, which speak of the peak of the epidemic or the plateau period - these concepts cannot be operated on the scale of Russia. Each region has its own picture of the development of the epidemic and the fight against it.. Therefore say, that quarantine will be lifted in Russia after 30 April, no one can. The regions quite successfully determine the degree of danger and the possible redundancy of measures to prevent it.

Sacred clipping line does not exist. May holidays or not - before them even more than a week. And the situation in each subject during this time may change. So Mr. Briko is clearly in a hurry with a general assessment of the situation., and even more so with all-Russian recommendations, which cannot be at all”, – emphasizes Onishchenko.

Pandemic picture varies by region

According to Briko, the number of infections in Russia has declined, but it doesn’t make it possible to speak yet, that quarantine will be removed soon. “Last week was 8-10% daily growth cases. It's less, than previously, when was 15-17%. But talk about, that we have reached a peak, prematurely”, – he said. And he urged the doctors to monitor the situation for at least another week, so that you can draw some conclusions.

Onishchenko told, will quarantine be extended after 30 April in Russia

At the beginning of the week, Vladimir Putin emphasized during a meeting with regional leaders: incidence of COVID-19 in Russia has not yet reached the peak of spread. Briko counted: the mortality rate among patients with confirmed coronavirus infection in Russia is 0,8 percent, a “Moscow is even lower, than the whole country”. According to Johns Hopkins University (USA), the number of cases in the world today has reached 2,5 million people, of them 178 thousand died, nearly 700 thousand cured.

“In today's situation, the regions will not quarantine after 30 April. Each region will decide for itself, what measures will strengthen, which ones - weaken. Somewhere expand business access to work, in other entities, such measures will be considered premature. And they will be based on assessments of the situation on 29 April, since today's is not an indicator for forecasts.

The main thing now is that restrictions should not be excessive. To people's health and economic interests, which are fully interdependent, walked along the optimal path of development. So you need to continue to work hard for the result instead of guessing about the plateau. Each subject of the federation, when the time comes, reliably appreciate, where is his peak disease, and where the plateau”, – concludes Gennady Onishchenko.

Max Boot

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