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What has changed in our life with the advent of Rosgvardii

What has changed in our life with the advent of Rosgvardii

It has been almost four years since the signing of Russian President Vladimir Putin's decree on the establishment of the Federal Service of the Russian Federation troops of the National Guard (Rosgvardii) headed by Director of Service - commander of the troops Rosgvardii General Viktor Zolotov Army. The new service came under the decree of the President of the Russian Federation № 157 from 5 April 2016 of the year.

What has changed in our life with the advent of new security services? As Rosgvardiya affect the situation in the country? Value destroy existed since the Soviet era system? Or is it not destruction, and reformatting?

The answers to these questions today can be justified not only by theoretical calculations, but also practical facts. The more so because in the past years there have been visible changes in the life of society is. changes, occurred due to activity is Rosgvardii.

A bit about the history of creation Rosgvardii

I remember, how many disputes have been following Putin's decree. How many labels were hung on the new structure. How much dirt was poured on the head of the person Rosgvardii Viktor Zolotov. "Putin creates a personal power structure", "Private security guards Putin became the head of a powerful security agency", "New gendarmerie appeared in Russia," etc..

But professionals by this time it was already clear, that the creation of a new department - it is not a spontaneous decision Putin personally, and simple logic of power structures of Russia's development. Reform has long been preparing, and even the, that the main participants' reform, Bells and gold, We learned about the decree in just a day before its publication (according to some sources, close to these leaders), countering on their part was not. Interior Minister and Commander of Internal Troops - professionals.

remind, decree number 157 He converted two power agencies, Federal Drug Control Service (Federal Drug Control Service) and the Federal Migration Service (MBF), in the chapter MIA Russia. Simultaneously, from the MVD internal troops were withdrawn. In this way, MIA strong enough to Enlarge, It is making it in the preservation of explosives in the Ministry of comparable in size to the Russian army. Conclusion BB reduced the number of members of the MUP on third.

Perhaps, It was not in the Russian power structure, which would be stable after 1991 of the year. The horror of the West before the "all-powerful" KGB and other "Soviet" security forces forced the Western politicians to put pressure on the new Russian government in order to destroy these structures. I would say that 90 times multidirectional reforming the security forces in Russia. many remember, as professionals then withdrew from the authorities "on their own".

Remember, as an ex-KGB during 1991-1994 , the "left" SVR (Foreign Intelligence Service), FSO (Federal Security Service), FAPS, FPS? Many have already forgotten, that recently we have even the security services at the federal level was not! remind, from 1993 by 1995 year in Russia was the Federal Counterintelligence Service, but it was not the FSB!

In this case, the Russian Interior Ministry intensified. It was connected with the, that it is the Ministry of Interior is a pillar of President Yeltsin. The first time the Ministry of Interior, more precisely, MVD, proved his loyalty to Yeltsin in October 1993 of the year. It was then that the soldiers and officers of BB carried out orders without question - though, that army units and security forces FGC refused to shoot at the White House.

Military structure of the MIA and the presence of a strong detachment of riot police and SWAT allowed the Ministry to participate actively in hostilities in the Caucasus during the first and second Chechen wars. Part of the staff helped to organize the local police service, but most took part in the wars is how army units.

What has changed in our life with the advent of Rosgvardii

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In the end, even President Yeltsin feared the power of the Ministry of Interior. Remember the decree of 1998 on the transfer of powers to the special contingent escorting and protection of correctional officers in the Ministry of Justice? It was precisely an attempt to narrowing the MVD office.

Putin eliminates skewing

After Vladimir Putin was elected president of the Russian security forces breathed more freely. We often talk and write about, that our president - comes from the KGB. And in most cases this fact is mentioned in a negative way. Thanks to the pro-Western liberals mention of the Committee has become something of a stigma.

People, who know more, than an ordinary man in the street. longer able to, what a simple man. may no longer, than the average person. Are able to analyze and predict the situation several steps ahead. It is these qualities demonstrated new president. Today we can confidently talk about it.

Remember quite painful reforms, which took place unobtrusively for the layman, but it caused a lot of protests from the experts? That there is a reform of the prosecutor's office, when the agency lost its right to bring proceedings! This took up the Investigation Committee. How many ongoing conflicts Prosecutor General Yuri Chaika and the head Sledkoma Alexander Bastrykin due to the distribution of powers ...

And the creation of the military police? How many disputes were between the leadership of the Defense Ministry and the Federal Security Service! The then Defense Minister really wanted to create their own power structure, that alone would deal with crimes in the army, and security authorities did not want to be deprived of counterintelligence in the Army. And Sledkov did not want to refuse to work in the army.

time has shown, that decisions were made by the faithful. Today friction between departments eliminated, and the system began to operate effectively. One solution was the creation of Rosgvardii.

We are accustomed to, that the government often responds to the consequences of. At least, it happens more often. Currently there are no terrorist attacks, society is silent. But the tragedy should occur, society begins to boil. “Where looked siloviki?”, “Why have not provided?” Etc.

What has changed with the creation of Rosgvardii

so, main question, which we are trying to find an answer today. the game worth worth the candle? whether the decision is justified by the creation of new power structure. And I'll start with a single quote, said former Interior Minister Anatoly Kulikov immediately after the signing of the decree of the president:

"I would rather have talked about trying to give an answer to the new challenges and threats, which have appeared in recent years,: terrorist attacks in Europe, Adventure “an Islamic state” (terrorist organization, banned in Russia), radical terrorism. AT 2006 , Russia adopted a law on combating terrorism, who first called for the involvement of all law enforcement agencies in the fight. But every year the situation is exacerbated in the eyes: there are problems with refugees, transnational crime.

Choosing between human rights in a democratic society and security in conditions of increased terrorist threat, Most people will choose security. Someone, of course, He sees what is happening, that the government is seeking to strengthen its position. But it is rather obliged to do, and makes any power ".

What has changed in our life with the advent of Rosgvardii

so, the main thing, that was already, I hope, will happen next, Rosgvardiya jointly with the FSB and other security forces provides us with a quiet life. How many terrorist attacks prevented! How many criminals arrested! And this at a time, when the activity of terrorist organizations has increased dramatically. Terrorists are also learning. Call me. Not only the result of changes.

During the existence of Rosgvardii employees neutralized more 200 criminals. And these were not pickpockets or thieves. They were terrorists and militants. Besides, They were disclosed more 300 weapons caches, particularly active work is carried out in the Crimea and regions, bordering with Ukraine.

I do not know, Have you noticed, how to change the performance of our opposition after creating Rosgvardii. Remember provocation, who were recently. When rallies and marches were accompanied by numerous violations of the law. And this was done purposefully. The protesters instigated security officials to tough action, and then raised the media hype about the inadequate response by the authorities to peaceful protests ...

What has changed in our life with the advent of Rosgvardii

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And now? Rosgvardiya responds to violations of the law no less rigidly, than before, but all actions are performed in accordance with applicable law, wherein a video fixation. In these circumstances, the provocateurs can no longer tell stories about violations. Numerous attempts to do so have failed in court.

Today, most of the opposition clearly shares held by law, and, funny thing, protected Rosgvardii. Both parties adhere strictly to the framework law. Some people do not like it, somebody, on the contrary delighted with such actions. But, the main thing, law. Rosgvardeytsy not to think and not the president. Their job is not to make or interpret laws. Their business abide by the law.

Following: weapon. I am not of those caches and illegal weapons, which are periodically siloviks. I'm about legal firearms. on hunting, the premium and other weapons, which in the hands of the population is sufficient. About, as a change in attitudes towards this weapon.

Questions weapons storage, its transportation and application of clearly defined. Therefore, any hunter always knows, that it can at any time check employees. Check safety deposit box or storage box, weapons state, order ammunition storage. Because of violations in this area is small enough.

However, everything changes, more precisely, changed, when going hunting. they, who hunts, well aware, what, in spite of the security measures, are required to comply with hunters, Any opening of the season accompanied by tragedies. Someone someone killed or injured by careless handling of weapons. And the simple reason. Alcohol consumption. So it was before.

In recent years the situation has changed radically. Now it is not a ranger uncle Vasya engaged in checking hunters, but a group of employees of different departments. used drones, helicopters, cars, ATVs. And checks all at once. On the availability of documents to alcohol and Wildlife, which got Hunter.

And god forbid, If the hunter is the smell of alcohol or it will be in a state of intoxication. Problems will be in all directions. From a driving license to a weapons permit and license. I do not know, in other regions, but in my home decreased the number of tragedies. no one is hurt for a couple of years and, thank God, not kill.

And I just want to finish material. Rosgvardiya today fit into the country's system of law enforcement agencies, although the majority of the population is still poorly understood differences Rosgvardii and police.

I do not have exact figures for the past year. Therefore, I call up activity Rosgvardii three years. These figures are publicly available. For high results in work 2018 year Kalachevsky separate operative brigade of the National Guard (Southern District) awarded the Order of Zhukov. For courage and bravery, in the performance of military duty, 569 Rosgvardii employees were awarded state awards, of them 9 posthumously. Departmental awards awarded more 34 thousand employees. impressive.

Alexander Staver

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