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Syria the results of the day on 7 December 06.00: children died under fire from Islamists in Aleppo, US rescue terrorists in Hasaka

Syria the results of the day on 7 December 06.00: children died under fire from Islamists in Aleppo, US rescue terrorists in Hasaka

Syria, 7 December. Ten people were killed under fire from Islamists in the city of Aleppo. US military have taken one of the prisoners IG1 terrorists on a military base in Hasaka. CAA strengthens defenses on the border with Turkey, According to a military source Federal News Agency (FAN) in Syria Captain Marzuk (Ahmad Marzouq).

Briefly on the outcome of the confrontation

VKS RF: provided support to the CAA in the southern part Idliʙa.

Syrian Arab army (Farm) and allied forces: fired back on the locations of Islamists on the borders of the "Big Idlib»; strengthen its position on the highway M-4 in the north Hasakah.

'Tahrir al-Sham': publish unconfirmed data on losses in the CAA Xame and Idlib; bombed city aleppo, killed about ten people.

"Islamic state" 1: undertook a sortie in the desert Badi al-Sham in the West Dyeir-az-Zorah; accused in the attack on the US position near the field in Al-Omar Eastern Deir ez-Zor.

Kurdish armed groups: were attacked by unknown persons in the city Abu-Hardub at Dyeir-az-Zorye; suspected in the bombing in the village Surah at North aleppo; resumed the illegal arrests in the province Rakka; They were charged in the bombing at a checkpoint in the pro-Turkish forces Rakka.

Turkish Armed Forces and pro-Turkish forces: Kurdish militants have caused damage in the area of ​​the city Ain Issa in the north Raqqa.

United States: transported to one of the prisoners of the IG militants on a military base in Hasakah.

Syria the results of the day on 7 December 06.00: children died under fire from Islamists in Aleppo, US rescue terrorists in Hasaka

province Aleppo

Syria the results of the day on 7 December 06.00: children died under fire from Islamists in Aleppo, US rescue terrorists in Hasaka

In the north-west of Aleppo, on the eve of new clashes on the line dividing the forces of the Syrian Arab Army (Farm) Islamist militants and armed gangs. According to military source network Twitter (NewsAnew24), the resumption of the armed conflict provoked Islamists, which hit the residential quarters of the administrative center of the province. Under fire fighters killed about a dozen local residents, most of them children. Also, a number of civilians were wounded. As a response, government forces fired on jihadist positions near the Al-Malach farms, as reported by Twitter-Channel (rana_alasad).

In the northern part of the region in the areas controlled by pro-Turkish forces continued underground activities of Kurdish radicals. According to the news portal Baladi-News, It was undermined by a building in the village Surah east Azaz. The incident turned the deaths of four militiamen supported Ankara formations.

Provintsiya Dyeir-az-DR

Syria the results of the day on 7 December 06.00: children died under fire from Islamists in Aleppo, US rescue terrorists in Hasaka

On the east bank of the Euphrates River in the past day continued attack by unknown. As reported on his page on Twitter military source (EuphratesPost), unknown first organized outing to the positions of Kurdish rebels, attacked a patrol of "democratic Syria forces' **** (SDF) near the town Abu-Hardub. Later, another raid took place in the vicinity of the radicals of the oil field Al-Omar, which it was under attack United States military base. This was reported by the Syrian TV channel Al-Ibrahiya. It noted, that the incident occurred during a transfer to a military site logistics. No information about the consequences of the incident have not yet been received. In carrying out both attacks suspected jihadists "Islamic state", acting as part of "sleeper cells".

In the evening in the SDF control zone explosion. A military source on Twitter (jisrtv) reported detonation of a motorcycle in the city Abu Hamam. The mining of the vehicle were also accused the militants of the terrorist group. On the possible casualties is still unknown.

Meanwhile, in the wilderness Badi al-Sham in the west of Deir ez-Zor attack IG militants suffered convoy proasadovskih fighters. Twitter-channel (QalaatAlMudiq) pitched, that one of the pro-government militias, Shiites were killed in the ensuing clashes. Military experts believe, that jihadists, still hiding in the desert regions of the province, coordinate their actions with the international coalition forces, stationed in the region, "Al-TANF" in the south of neighboring Homs.

Idlib province

Syria the results of the day on 7 December 06.00: children died under fire from Islamists in Aleppo, US rescue terrorists in Hasaka

На окраинах «Большого Идлиба» в минувшие сутки продолжилось вооруженное противостояние на линии разграничения сил Сирийской арабской армии (Farm) и боевиков незаконных группировок. Артиллерия САА обстреливала позиции исламистов в районе населенного пункта Дейр аль-Кабир. По данным военного источника в сети Twitter (mohmad_rasheed), поддержку правительственным войскам оказывали российские ВКС, которые атаковали места базирования боевиков на подступах к городам Аль-Хасс и Maaret-Hurma.

Оппозиционный интернет-портал Step News Agency утверждал, что в результате столкновений, развернувшихся у населенного пункта Умм ат-Тина, якобы был убит один из сирийских солдат. Nevertheless, this information has not received official confirmation..

В то же время отмечались стычки на северо-западе соседней Хамы. Подконтрольные исламистам источники также заявляли о потерях САА в живой силе во время обстрела города Джурин, однако эти сведения не были подтверждены.

Rakka province

Syria the results of the day on 7 December 06.00: children died under fire from Islamists in Aleppo, US rescue terrorists in Hasaka

Новостное агентство Syrian Network for Human Rights опубликовало данные о новом случае незаконного задержания мужчины на контролируемой «Демократическими силами Сирии» (SDF) территории недалеко от административного центра провинции. На этот раз курдские боевики задержали фармацевта по имени Али аль-Меджхем аль-Башир аль-Хавиди. Его родственники до сих пор не были осведомлены о его местонахождении и состоянии. Besides, позднее информагентство Al Nour сообщало об аресте еще шести человек в поселении Хави-эль-Хава на западе Ракки.

На севере провинции вновь фиксировались перестрелки между курдскими радикалами и союзниками Турции. How to pass on his page on Twitter military source (XXVII27), взаимные обстрелы наблюдались неподалеку от города Ain Issa. В результате противостояния Рабочая партия Курдистана (PKK) или Отряды народной самообороны (YPG) понесли потери в живой силе, лишившись одного из бойцов убитым и четырех ранеными.

Во второй половине дня стало известно о взрыве к юго-западу от Tel Abyad. IED worked, которое было заложено у блокпоста протурецких формирований на окраине поселения Хаммам ат-Туркман. В установке взрывного устройства подозреваются курдские боевики.

Hasakah province

Syria the results of the day on 7 December 06.00: children died under fire from Islamists in Aleppo, US rescue terrorists in Hasaka

A military source on Twitter (SyriaProblem) reports that, что американские военные организовали вывоз одного из ранее задержанных террористов «Исламского государства» на свою военную базу. celebrated, что Соединенные Штаты и ранее прибегали к подобной практике, эвакуируя высокопоставленных джихадистов террористической группировки из зоны боевых действий.

Meanwhile, the Syrian Arab Army (Farm) начала укреплять свои позиции на магистрали М-4. According to the Telegram channel (NovostiDamask), правительственные войска упрочили оборону в районе города Tel Tamr, который ранее находился в оккупации курдских боевиков. It is assumed, что эти меры призваны стабилизировать обстановку на границе.

1 Organization banned in Russia.

Involved in the fighting in Syria (show infographic)

Author: Sergey Petrov

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