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And the Arctic, too: that is the adoption of the new US "North doctrine"

the past century, as today, The western world consider themselves the center of universal education, and therefore I believed, that bring to humanity the "truth" as necessary as it is today to impose American "democracy". If reality it does not coincide with the logic of "civilize", turned out to be wrong, they do not, and the laws of nature.

And the Arctic, too: that is the adoption of the new US «North doctrine»

US flag
© Ivan Shilov IA REGNUM

The apotheosis of this self-centeredness was the decision of the Paris Royal Academy of Sciences, ruled in the XVIII century, that fallen meteorite in France - a "peasant fiction ', because the object - stone, and stones can not fall from the sky, because the sky is not solid. The solution was to notify the non-European world of "obvious" opening, and at the same time to bring to the peoples of the dark, that all of the many artistic paintings, chronicles and legends, centuries fixated on "Shooting Stars" - uncivilized heresy.

Similarly, in 2019 year, US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo set out the member states of the Arctic Council a new "democratic truth". All Arctic under the "doctrine of Pompeo" was named the area of ​​US national security interests, and other countries - "predatory" powers, from which Washington plans to protect the region for the sake of "freedom of navigation".

In May 2019 at a meeting of the States bordering the Arctic said Pompeo Canadian representatives, that they should forget about the right to Northwest Arctic corridor. China to close the station in Iceland and Norway, also ceases to invest in the infrastructure of the Russian SMEs, and Moscow, respectively, play back the militarization of territories and improvement of its Arctic North.

Not without at least a blatant idea of ​​Washington - to make the Northern Sea Route common. By August connected to the process and Trump, expressing interest in buying from Denmark to Greenland a semiautonomous region. And earlier this year the US Secretary of the Navy Richard Spencer said, that the current problem of the American fleet is reduced to build up forces in Arctic waters, the opening of a new strategic ports (in the Bering Sea area) and the expansion of military installations in Alaska.

And the Arctic, too: that is the adoption of the new US «North doctrine»

The US Air Force in Greenland

Because of the spread of dates perceived by many of these events is isolated, first, Secretary of State as a personal opinion, second, as another example of the unpredictability of Trump, and the third, traditional attempts militarists inflate budget. In fact,, persons in the power of the American Vertical stated the items of the same strategy - a new concept for the Ministry of Defense in the Arctic region, or "Arctic doctrine".

Her recent version replaced the outdated document from 2016 year and it was the result of adopted in 2017 , the National Security Strategy, where the return of the "Arctic" competition with Russia and China was mentioned for the first time. In the autumn 2019 Washington, the debate and the threat peaked, as an indicator of the mainstreaming agenda was, that the rhetoric of official agencies on this matter sounded equally stressed.

Higher US functionaries in one voice began to ignore story 234 UN Convention on the Law of the Sea, assigned to the Russian Northern Sea Route (inland waters) and recognize the rights of Canada's Northwest Passage. Both of these givens are now cited as "claims", and America's mission was - "to ensure freedom of navigation in the disputed areas and on the sea routes".

issue price

In favor of the inevitable transition of the Arctic region of the neutral status of a platform for the competition numbers speak. The area of ​​Arctic ice cover is half of the United States, Russia belongs to the largest part of the Arctic coast, Temperatures in the region are rising twice as fast as the world average, the melting of the polar cap exposes the once inaccessible waters and islands for commercial use, and oil and natural gas reserves have been found in those areas, that previously most of the year were covered by sea ice.

And the Arctic, too: that is the adoption of the new US «North doctrine»

Military Sealift Command

All this means that after 20-25 years (to 2040 year) The Arctic Ocean will be to some extent accessible to shipping, and will become a new Persian Gulf. It would not be a problem in itself, if freed from the Arctic ice cover evenly, However, the melting of glaciers makes available only two major routes, and therefore, regardless of the place of production, transport goods will have on them.

The first - a "Russian" Northeast Corridor, the most convenient and causing the greatest concern in America. The second - the North-West route, passing along the coasts of Canada. Both directions begin their journey in Asia and together reach Dezhnev Strait (now the Bering Strait between Chukotka and Alaska), However, further scaling down in different directions.

SVP (in our country is referred to as the Northern Sea Route) is left, that is, to the west along the Russian coast, and the Northwest Passage turns right, east along the coast of Alaska, then winding between numerous islands Canadian Archipelago. Near North-West (Canadian) pass virtually no infrastructure, below the temperature, sea ​​ice over, and there is no single route. Therefore, of the three directions (Still others believe through route across the North Pole) Russian namely MSP is the most preferred.

Furthermore, tempting order to make the Northern Sea Route and the, that within the Arctic pace and magnitude of warming vary a lot. The North American portion (US and Canada segment) It has a harsh climate, and the Russian (European) territory more often without ice, as affected by the Gulf Stream. That is, Washington is hoping its actions to create a base for, to come all ready - to pick up a Canadian area and landscaped to make Russian SMEs "general".

And the Arctic, too: that is the adoption of the new US «North doctrine»


Besides, The Northern Sea Route is important for the United States and as a powerful anti-Russian pressure, because for our country SMP - is not just a corridor of international logistics, but also the internal isolation, the development of which will bring together the numerous inland waters of eastern and northern parts of the country.

An offshoot of the infrastructure along the Northern Sea Route will allow inland state, finally, included in a single system managing the enormous territory of the Far North and the Far East, and their potential can be a real engine of domestic growth. In the example of China, just paving its initiative "One belt - one way" through the most difficult hinterland, West begins to realize, and that the SMP becomes clearly similar base for Russia.

In other words, US attempts to interfere with the development of the Northern Sea Route and did not give China participate in this process, reduced not only to the logistics paths competition, but also to inhibit the development of Russia itself. Blocking new drivers of economic growth in the context of the Cold War and the sanctions of aggression.

Fortunately, Considering, that transport artery mainly passes through the Arctic seas - Kara, Laptev sea, East Siberian and Chukchi, i.e. it lies preferably under the Russian inland waters, Moscow perceives this threat seriously. Especially, SMP that the initial segment abuts against the neck of the Bering Strait, and it separates the US (Alaska) from Russia (Chukotka) just a few kilometers. In the final segment of the Northern Sea Route runs along the coast of Norway, and a country NATO, issued in the Barents Sea.

And the Arctic, too: that is the adoption of the new US «North doctrine»

coast of Norway

Also, of the eight circumpolar Arctic Council The United States supports a strong defense relations with six. Four of them are Washington's allies in the North Atlantic Alliance: Canada, Denmark (including Greenland), Iceland and Norway; and two others - partners in the NATO program "Strengthening the capacity of" (Enhanced Opportunities Partnership): Finland and Sweden.

Adding to this the, Arctic that Washington's doctrine aims to "counter Russia and China", and in the seventh paragraph explicitly states: "Alliance network and their ability to" become "a major strategic advantage of the United States" in competition, Moscow prudently attended to advance the protection of their territories.

In particular, 27 September sent a signal to Washington, after spending the first ever shooting DBK "Bastion" in Chukotka. That fact, that this event was an example of the invisible communication between the two countries, prove details of the exercise. Target for coastal antiship complex simulated enemy warship, spot detection was recorded on the line of the Northern Sea Route, and missile systems - "Onyx" (aka "killer of aircraft carriers'), I hit a target at a distance of more than 200 km from the coast.

The minimum distance between Chukotka and Alaska (island Ratmanova, belonging to Russia and the island Krusenstern, united states), is only 4 km 160 m, and the average width of the navigable part of the northern route, just overlap this range volley. Besides, "Bastion" - only formally antiship complex, in fact his missiles do an excellent job, and ground targets, ie potential targets of US military infrastructure in Alaska.

При необходимости ракеты «Оникс» также способны преодолеть значительно большие расстояния, а искусственное ограничение недавнего пуска, должно было напомнить США о том, в какой ступор Пентагон вогнали КРБД 3М14 ("Caliber"), когда во время ударов по Сирии превысили прогнозируемую американцами «максимальную дальность» сразу в пять раз.

And the Arctic, too: that is the adoption of the new US «North doctrine»

Стрельба БРК «Бастион»

Актуальность этих сигналов также обуславливает и то, что при всех тенденциях к потеплению таяние вечной мерзлоты будет усугубляться штормовыми волнами и береговой эрозией, а это отрицательно скажется на размещении в регионе американкой и натовской инфраструктуры. But Russia, имея сушу и территорию, граничащую на всем протяжении с СМП, обладает преимуществами, которые в полной мере реализует.

In particular, наша страна беспрецедентно наращивает оборонные мероприятия. AT 2014 году было сформировано Объединенное стратегическое командование ВС РФ «Север», началось создание новых арктических подразделений, зон ПВО, модернизация советской инфраструктуры, строительство новых аэродромов, военных баз и прочих объектов вдоль арктического побережья.

Respectively, и стрельбы на Чукотке были не отдельным сигналом, а новой реальностью, призванной показать США итог усилий ВПК по созданию сети зенитных и береговых ракетных комплексов, РЛС раннего предупреждения, спасательных центров, ports, средств получения данных о морской обстановке и даже плавучих атомных электростанций. Besides, наша страна занимается расширением и без того крупнейшего в мире ледокольного флота, and to 2020 году планирует развернуть в Арктике постоянную межвидовую группировку войск.

Вашингтон видит, что на долю Арктики уже приходится свыше 10% всех инвестиций России с 2014 года и значение «арктического фактора» продолжает расти. В итоге пока Вашингтон спешно пытается догнать Москву в военном секторе, Россия к концу 2019 года примет новую стратегию развития региона до 2035 of the year. That is, using the resulting military reserve for the association fund military action with civilian national projects and state programs, intensifying the inclusion of the "new" areas in the general scheme of management.

And the Arctic, too: that is the adoption of the new US «North doctrine»

Arctic Troopers

Against this backdrop, Washington's strong statements are designed to instill the idea of ​​satellites, что США все еще сохраняют «руководящую роль» в регионе, в то время как на практике эта логика себя исчерпала. Фактически Белый дом доминирует лишь в международных институтах, поэтому даже задачи вооруженных сил США в доктрине описаны самыми общими фразами.

Вашингтон поэтапно экспроприирует часть арктических территорий у Канады, but with modern Russia, such methods fail, and it is extremely unnerving White House. Recently, in the 1990s, all worked in the Russian sector of the polar lands, who like this.

Совершались десятки нарушающих нормы международного права морских научных экспедиций со стороны США, Норвегии и Германии, научные суда Европы открыто сопровождались американскими атомными субмаринами, оснащенными системами картографирования, and do "research" conducted almost within the boundaries of the 200-mile economic zone of the Russian.

Now Moscow is not simply does not allow for such, but also, in front of, she extends shelf (Lomonosov ridge), which leads the United States in the production of hands-free, but mostly empty rhetoric - requirements to give voluntarily Arctic, because the power to take it from Russia no longer turns. As the saying goes, from a dead donkey ears you, but not the Arctic.

Ruslan Hubiev

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