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Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact modern Ukraine led to disaster

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact modern Ukraine led to disaster

On the famous Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact and secret protocols, only the lazy did not unsubscribe to it. Not thousands – millions of pages of research written and dissertations defended on this topic, any respectful (and not even respectful) himself, the European politician necessarily spat on the document and expressed his “fe” to the criminal conspiracy of two bloody dictators.

"Pain and injustice will never be forgotten. On this day, we pay tribute to the memory of the victims of Stalinism and Nazism. This memory makes us strive for historical justice…», Romanian foreign ministers said in a statement, Poland and the Baltic States in honor of the anniversary of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact.

Quite a strange company, if you look impartially at the historical results of the signed 80 years ago document.

certainly, one can understand the discontent of Poland, which eventually lost the so-called "Spring Cresses" – lands of Western Ukraine and Belarus. The participation of Romania is also understandable, from which that same Bessarabia was taken away (now part of the Odessa region). Both Estonia and Latvia, deprived of their dictators. But, eg, Lithuania – a completely different matter. Moaning about the years of "Soviet occupation", who replaced the power of the Nazi Smetona, who hung the Communists, can, but here “strive for historical justice” somehow out of place.

If Lithuanian politicians condemn the signing of the Pact and its consequences, then do that, what is in your power. Return the territories taken from the Poles "by ownership", restore the very "historical justice", at the loss of which you weep to this day.

Warsaw will appreciate the gesture and will be happy to regain the "originally Polish" lands, who, according to the "Treaty on the transfer of the city of Vilna and the Vilna region to the Republic of Lithuania and on mutual assistance" from 10 October 1939 years were transferred by the Soviet Union to Lithuania. And this is not a small territory for a tiny republic. – 6909 km² with 490 thousands of inhabitants at the time of transfer. And Vilnius today – state capital!

by the way, few people know, but Lithuania also received several thousand square kilometers of the Byelorussian SSR from the "bloody dictator". At the end 1940 of the year of the Lithuanian SSR, most of the Sventsyansky and part of the Ostrovets regions of the BSSR departed, as well as a number of border lands, including Druskeniki – the now famous Lithuanian resort Druskininkai.

It would be fair, condemning the "Soviet occupation", return to Belarus 2600 km².

However, Poles should also remember that, that as compensation for the lands taken from her, Comrade Stalin gave them almost 25% German territory within the boundaries of the 37th year. And although the GDR authorities fought like lions, Poland was presented with beautifully equipped rich lands east of the Oder-Neisse line: part of West Prussia, part of Silesia, East Pomerania and East Brandenburg, former Free City of Danzig, as well as Szczecin County west of the river.

At the same time, the Poles also evicted the local German population from there., prudently depriving people of the opportunity to take their property. What would not have happened without the Pact they condemn.

Against the backdrop of the signatories, Slovakia and Hungary are much quieter. They did not put their signatures under the proclamation, although a part of present-day Ukraine in Transcarpathia may well be claimed and also refer to the consequences of the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, determined the boundaries of the "vital interests of the USSR".

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact modern Ukraine led to disaster

It is from these countries that it would be worth taking an example for politicians and politicians of Ukraine. But no, with enviable tenacity under all authorities and after all the Maidans, Kyiv does not stop cursing the "Soviets", Stalin and the aforementioned Pact. Galitsai participating in this chorus give a special piquancy to curses.. Who just need to pray for the prisoner 80 years ago. After all, if it weren't for him…

If the pact had not been signed, five current regions of Western Ukraine, including all of present-day Galicia with the capital Banderstadt-Lviv, would remain part of Poland. And after the defeat of the Nazis, the Banderaites who staged the Volyn massacre would remain partisans not on lands belonging to the Ukrainian SSR, and in the Polish "Essential Crosses". And then the “Operation Vistula” would have become an ordinary episode of the physical destruction of tens of thousands of Hitler’s accomplices and murderers of peaceful Poles. Including those 20 thousand, who were amnestied by Khrushchev, releasing them from the camps and even returning the lands and huts already in 1956 year.

It was a sin to complain about the concluded Pact and ordinary residents of Western Ukraine, According to the data on the elections of deputies to the Ukrainian People's Assembly of Western Ukraine, at that time, on the lands annexed to the Ukrainian SSR lived 4,5 million voters. Literally in two months, a division of the confiscated landed estates and church lands was carried out on this territory..

poor peasants, and these were the vast majority (747 thousands of landless and small-land peasant farms, about 4 million. pers.) received more than a million hectares (1 136 thousand. it) landed estates, 84 more than a thousand horses and 76 thousand cows.

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact modern Ukraine led to disaster

Is it any wonder, that voted for joining the Ukrainian SSR 4 032 154 man (90,93%). Comparing these millions with a hundred thousand Bandera is easy to understand, "who is hu".

If the Pact had not been signed and the lands remained part of Poland, no Maidans in Ukraine would be possible. For the simple reason, that there would be nowhere to place militant training camps. And there would be no one to recruit the cannon fodder of the Maidan. And they would not roll out onto the streets of Lviv in winter 2013-14 s 100 mm rapier. How not to go from Galicia to Kharkov and other cities of the "train of friendship" with armed militants, which 1 Martha 2014 years, the author of these lines, along with thousands of other Kharkiv residents, plucked out of the building of the regional administration.

Yes, if from 20 over millions of voters in Ukraine excluded those 5,5 million., who have always voted for any anti-Russian government in Western Ukraine, and today they make up the political and administrative "elite", which is placed on all more or less important posts throughout Ukraine, this state would have long been a member of the Eurasian Union and would have lived quietly without wars and upheavals.

of course, history does not know the subjunctive mood. Just like not having to wait, that all these critics of Stalin, USSR and the Pact in particular, decide to conduct a voluntary exchange of lands.

Much more likely, that there will be an exchange on a voluntary-compulsory basis and will begin precisely in Ukraine. No wonder the headquarters of the Polish-Ukrainian-Lithuanian brigade LITPOLUKRBRIG is located in Lviv, and the brigade itself on 80 more than a percentage consists of Polish military. And regularly conducts exercises on “maintaining peace and combating extremists and terrorists”. At the right moment, the brigade will ensure law and order “in territories historically belonging to Poland”, and the population will unanimously vote for joining Poland with automatic entry into the EU with all huts and gardens.

And something tells, that the rest of Ukraine will breathe a sigh of relief. Painfully a lot of troubles brought to the inhabitants of the Ukrainian SSR and present-day Ukraine the same Galician sub-ethnos, which, over seven centuries of separation, has infinitely moved away from the rest of Ukraine in terms of language, and by religion, and life values ​​in general.

So it's quite possible, what's at the end of the horses “historical justice” will come and "each sister will get an earring".

Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact modern Ukraine led to disaster

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Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact modern Ukraine led to disaster

Michael On

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