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Russia and Ukraine, or why should Russia

Russia and Ukraine, or why should Russia

In the process of communicating with my Ukrainian opponents, I was repeatedly struck by their unwavering, i would say reinforced concrete, Saint, confidence that “Russia should”, should help Ukraine, must liberate Ukraine from Bandera, should include Ukraine in its composition, naturally taking all pensioners of Ukraine to their full maintenance.

Must create millions of jobs for Ukrainians, and pay them the salary they desire. Must, must, and again should.

funny, but my Ukrainian opponents quite seriously assure that 500 – 600 billions of dollars to restore the economy of Ukraine is an insignificant amount for “happiness to possess Ukraine”. Um, i don't understand a bit, why do I personally, such happiness? Why should my Russia spend its money on the neighboring, hostile country?

Russia and Ukraine, or why should Russia

The state of Ukraine declared itself an enemy of Russia and a friend of the enemies of Russia, namely the USA, and other member countries of the Alliance. And that’s exactly what matters now., this and nothing else.

For those residents of Ukraine who consider themselves Russian, and are friendly towards Russia, Russia provided an opportunity to move to permanent residence in Russia with the provision of Russian citizenship. Unfortunately, there were few.

And now my Ukrainian opponents, tell me why I should care how you now live in your Ukraine? When you in 1991 year left the USSR, you shouted that “Muscovites gobbled up all your fat, now separated, you will heal the Muscovites with envy”. You separated, began to live independently, become yourself “to dominate”, without “Moscow care”. You were glad that “cleverly done, threw the Muscovites – fools”, starting an independent life “from scratch”, no external debt, without obligations, and rejoiced that you would soon become “second France”.

Russia and Ukraine, or why should Russia

While you ate,(barely refrained from writing rudely) Soviet legacy, you lived very well, in comparison with Russia, which assumed all the debts and obligations of the USSR. You had fun watching us not getting paid for months, driven to despair, blocked federal highways and railways, literally lay on the rails.

You were happy about your full life at this time, and none of you even thought about helping somehow your brothers from Russia. And do not tell me that you were deceived,”it’s easy to deceive, who is glad to be deceived”. No, you rejoiced at your country's course towards rapprochement with the West, realizing that the West is the worst enemy of the whole Slavic world, since time it.

Russia at this time is poor and hungry, how could she fought. I repaid the debts of the USSR, part of which, by all laws, you should have paid, my Ukrainian opponents, you, and other former republics of the USSR, but which only Russia paid.

years passed, Soviet legacy you pro…whether, there was nothing to sell, the weapons that remained in Ukraine after the liquidation of the Western Group of Forces, housed in Eastern Europe, you sold safely. And then, when you became hungry, you confirming your “European choice”, went to their first maidan, public square 2004 of the year.

You have headed for European integration, with an eye on EU membership. You were told so, and you readily believed it. But, “soon the fairy tale affects, yes, soon things are done”, and you had to burn the road to “swearing Rashku”, for earnings! ABOUT, horror! Who would have thought of this in 1991 year? And you went to work, let's go hating Raska, and fiercely envious of the sheer well-being of the Muscovites.

For. West in your opinion, owed you.

Betraying Russia, betraying the Slavic world, you are not without reason counting on this board from the West (thirty jewish pieces of silver). At the end 2013, early 2014 years, You have confirmed your European choice, supporting his Euromaidan. Falling into euphoria from such close happiness, live for free, live off Europe, you have lost your human appearance, turning into monstrous monsters, ready for anything for the coveted freebie.

It didn’t work out either.. You forgot the simple truth, West uses the services of traitors, but never feeds them. Only slightly supports them so that they do not die of hunger. And in the end, she’ll just leave her fate. It was this fate that befell you.

But you are not realizing it, confirmed their “euro choice” by voting for the clown – Russophobe Zelensky. Just don’t tell me that you voted for Zelensky just to throw Poroshenko. Why would you not vote in this case for the conditionally pro-Russian candidate Boyko?And turnout, and the percentage of votes for Zelensky and “euro choice”, very impressive.

Russia and Ukraine, or why should Russia

And after that you, plucking insolence, remembered the existence of Russia, remembered the brotherly people, and began to ask first, and then brazenly demand.

Is it too late you remembered?

so here, my dear Ukrainian opponents, Russia to you, and your Ukraine should not. And all your tunes are about “big Russia”, that “Russia without Ukraine cannot be an empire”, aimed at only one, namely, to hang your impoverished Ukraine again on the neck of Russia.

But, the freebie is over, and Russia owes you nothing.

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