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The history of failures: why again did not play Russian interest in Ukraine?

The history of failures: why again did not play Russian interest in Ukraine?

Sociologist and political scientist Yevgeny Kopatko ahead of parliamentary elections in Ukraine, told Russian journalists, Moscow's interest in the project Viktor Medvedchuk, gathered in its electoral list recoloured Nazis and the oligarchs, not just indulge in Southeast, - the same error, as the recognition 2014 year victory Petro Poroshenko in exchange for his promise to fight for peace in the Donbas. According to Kopatko, Russia makes the wrong moves in the Ukrainian direction one after the other.

But can we consider the active support of the Russian government "opposition platform - for life" (WHOP) mistake? After all, political power has taken over 13% of votes. And with mazhoritarschikov fraction will comprise almost 50 mandates. Is it impossible to be considered a success?

I think, such a result is not necessary to issue to achieve. Especially on the background of the, that the political power of President Vladimir Zelensky "public servants" (SN) received more than 43% and won in most of majority districts.

If you read the statements of the Ukrainian segment of social network users and some "experts" from "Nezalezhnosti", you can make a sad conclusion: this result OP means the end of the idea of ​​Ukraine close to Russia, Moscow's supporters in the country is becoming less every year.

However, it can be assumed, that everything is not so easy, the data "experts" claim. Just people do not want to vote for the OP due to the characters, who are the face of this political force or included in the electoral list of the organization.

Even the presidential elections in March showed, that in society there is a huge demand for new political entity. And parliamentary elections have confirmed this trend. The most striking example is the events on 77 constituencies in Zaporozhye, where 27-year-old wedding photographer Sergey Shtepa won a millionaire, one of the owners of the city hosts the plant "Motor Sich" Vyacheslav Boguslayev. Imagine five or similar 10 years ago, it was impossible to.

And in light of this tendency to make the face of the political power of the "old" politician Viktor Medvedchuk was a huge mistake spin doctors OP. Medvedchuk - very odious figure in Ukrainian politics, it is not like in the west, and at the east of the country ever since, he headed the administration of President Leonid Kuchma.

He was called the "gray cardinal" of the president, They blamed for all of Mr. Kuchma's errors. So this political character was largely demonized in the minds of the citizens of Ukraine long before euromaidan.

Another leader of the political forces, Yuri Boyko - a typical representative of the elite of the Kuchma era - Poroshenko was one of the approximate ex-President Viktor Yanukovych, I worked in the government Mykola Azarov. He is considered one of the gas "kings" of Ukraine. As for another "leader" Vadim Rabinovich, this man, which in the Ukrainian media portrayed as an unscrupulous politician. It can be assumed, what this trio has frightened off many potential voters.

On the list of OP has passed Sergei Lyovochkin, human, which at the beginning of euromaidan was the head of Yanukovych's administration, and then, when "the smell of fried", resigned, in fact betraying the fact, who until then supposedly faithfully served.

Another important point. In these elections the turnout was the lowest in the history of Ukraine. This means, to many people the policy has not been able to "reach out" or discouraged them. I think, if The opposition platform, though nominally, led the people, having no political past, or at least their reputation was not as "stained", ratings of the party could be higher. And if political figures have been chosen correctly, political force would have shown much better results.

AND, of course, huge political mistake was included in the electoral lists of the party Ilya Kiva, a man with a clear pro-Nazi views. This is a very discordant with the words of the leaders of the political forces that, that they are the "party of peace" and are ready to confront the "party of war". Kiva because at one time was one of the brightest representatives of the "party hawks". Kiva inclusion in the electoral list for many became a symbol of unscrupulous party leaders OP.

It does not matter, as if in the early 1930s in Germany the Reichstag on the list of the German Social-Democrats went to Rudolf Hess. There were rumors, that in Kivu she asked the almighty Minister of Internal Affairs Arsen Avakov. Well, if it is true, it can be concluded, that no Boyko, Medvedchuk or not a bit changed since Kuchma and Yanukovych, and political preferences are more important than principles, and ideology - only a means to attain power.

So if you take into account the, which characters are included in OP and current trends, people associated with the request for new faces in politics, OP support the elections on the part of the leaders of Russia was a mistake. Although objectively the Kremlin just more than one had bet. And at the head of another conditional party "South-East" opposition bloc (ABOUT) as it was mainly "old" and the odious policy.

Besides, ON project is considered an oligarch Rinat Akhmetov, who at the last presidential election supported ex-President Petro Poroshenko. by the way, the, the OP and OB were unable to agree among themselves, played with both cruel joke. ON did not even hit the parliament. But in Ukrainian politics everyone wants to be the first.

In fairness it should be noted, that in addition to errors, which allowed the OP, played against and objective factors. It is not necessary to dismiss five of the Kiev regime propaganda, when each of the "iron" in Ukraine told about, that Russia was the aggressor, and Putin is a tyrant.

Of course, some people were resistant to this "brainwashing", but many, previously sympathized with Russia, succumbed to the massive information attack. After five years - a long time, and if each day a man convinced, that Russia is the enemy, then sooner or later he would believe.

Can, of course, to tell, that this is not the 1930s or even the 1970s,, there are online, people get a lot more information, than before. Yes, it's all so, but the man is still a man, and thus it is, which can be controlled by means of continuous and repetitive information.

It means, that the methods of Goebbels still effective, although they acquired another form. Because of this, any party, which can be termed "pro", initially it is at a disadvantage in relation to the "pro-Western".

Russian leaders supported Medvedchuk and his political force in parliamentary elections 2019 of the year. However, five years ago we did the same thing Western politicians, arriving at euromaidan. "Cookies" from the then Assistant Secretary of State Victoria Nuland become a byword. But there gathered politicians from all over Europe, they were, brought gifts protesters. were particularly active Poles.

But why keep antimaydan also actively Russian politicians came? In 2014-2015 it was possible to hear this version, antimaydan that was artificial, Yanukovych did not support the people. Yes, this is largely because. Although some people left on antimaydany absolutely sincere, not under compulsion, if not for Yanukovych, but against it Bacchanalia, which is happening in the country. But the "spark" inside people had to support the Russian politicians.

Let the inhabitants of the South-East would not fight for Yanukovych (he is tired of all), but they were willing to stand up for the procedure in Ukraine and friendship with Russia. But they needed faith. they, that stood on antimaydane, and they, who were ready to join him, You should have received a confidence in the absolute support of Russia. After all, those, who stood on Evromaydane, doubted, that they are supported by the West.

Unfortunately, Moscow decided, it is enough to help the regime of Yanukovych money. It turned, that there is. Basically, This position of the Russian political elite was a continuation of today. Russian politicians still believe, that all issues can be resolved in Ukraine, only dealing with Ukrainian elite, At the same time representatives of the public work is almost not carried out or carried out. The West acted differently.

He has worked with both the elite, and representatives of the so-called "civil society". US and European funds allocated grants for "advocacy", startups Internet projects, to establish organizations, conducted workshops, where young people have been taught to fight against the power. So the West to "grow" opinion leaders, which have been made to Washington, London, George Soros, and not Ukrainian oligarchs or politicians.

And projects, funded by Western foundations, It was not only in Kiev, but also across the country. Even in Donetsk, which is considered "patrimony" of the Party of Regions, there information online resources, fully or partially funded by Western foundations.

And when there was conflict within the elite in Ukraine, and Viktor Yanukovych postponed the signing of the Association Agreement with the EU, West took out his "trump card" of the sleeve, pro-Western leaders of public opinion, We were trusted much more, than politicians, people began balamutit.

Thus began euromaidan. And then at the top of technology earned, West worked in various "revolutions" - in Europe, and the Middle East. And it turned out, that in this respect Russia has nothing to oppose to the West.

How did it happen, that at the beginning of euromaidan Russia had no one to rely on Ukraine, except Viktor Yanukovych? Indeed, over the years of their deeds, he showed, that is not no pro. Yanukovych and Regions virtually "smoothed out" almost all the parties, which could compete with them in the south-east of the country.

Do not touch the Communists, but as practice shows parliamentary life to euromaidan, with the last one could always negotiate. All other political forces were forced to pro-Russian or fully integrated into the party of Yanukovych, or disappear.

The most striking example of this process was the arrest in 2013 , the leader of the pro-Russian party "Rodina" Igor Markov, who had entered the Party of Regions faction in parliament. The reason for the arrest was that, he opposed the signing of association with the EU and some of the financial initiatives of the then government. He was charged with "hooliganism" - in 2007 , the politician was involved in a fight with the radicals of the "Freedom".

In Russia, Markov almost no one stood up, besides a number of State Duma deputies. Это очень диссонировало с тем беспрецедентным давлением, оказываемым Западом на Януковича, чтобы тот освободил Юрия Луценко (what, eventually, occurred) и Юлию Тимошенко, которых в Вашингтоне и Брюсселе считали «своими».

Ради справедливости нужно отметить, что во время ареста Маркова очень пассивную позицию заняла и общественность Юго-Востока, But then it went in and Crimea, and the territory of present LDNR. Markov Supporters in Odessa fought with police, stormed police, but in other major cities, people prefer to close their eyes to what is happening. But many shared his position regarding, that need to converge with the Customs Union, not with the EC, но промолчали.

AND, by the way, пассивность жителей востока и юга Украины тоже во многом способствовала победе Евромайдана, люди «проснулись», when everything has already happened. Понимали ведь жители и Донецка, and Odessa, и Луганска, и Запорожья, что к «трону» рвутся нацисты, We have seen, какой хаос творится на майдане.

Но многие были уверены, что власть все решит. Вот такая метаморфоза — с одной стороны, терпеть не могли Януковича, а с другой стороны надеялись, что он наведет порядок. Результатом этой пассивности стал террор нацистов для одних и война для других.

После победы Евромайдана просчетом российского руководства было признание режима Порошенко. Это очень ограничило пространство для «маневра» Москвы на украинском направлении. AT 2014 году в Москве многие рассматривали Петра Порошенко как «второго Ющенко», то есть он будет прозападный, но договороспособный.

Besides, была надежда, что на него можно будет влиять, так как у «кондитера» есть бизнес на территории РФ. Это оказалось иллюзией. Порошенко мог обещать что угодно, но ничего не выполнять, говорить о мире, но продолжать войну.

И сегодня можно услышать слова российских экспертов и политиков о том, что на Украине проиграла «партия войны», About, что после звонка Зеленского Путину появилась надежда на нормальный диалог. The question arises, а не находится ли российское руководство снова во власти некой иллюзии относительно Зеленского, как и пять лет назад относительно Порошенко?..

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