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Khusit – the most effective fighter in the Middle East

Today, "Military Review" under the heading "Weekend Fiction" presents the facts about, that the most effective and optimized fighter in the Middle East is an average fighter husitskih armed groups. Recall, что хуситы действуют в основном на территории Йемена, противостоя так называемой арабской коалиции во главе с Саудовской Аравией. Официальное название группировки – «Ансар Аллах». Состоит группировка преимущественно из шиитов. Название «хуситы» она получила по имени своего основателя – Хусейна аль-Хуси.

Khusit - the most effective fighter in the Middle East

so, What makes the Houthi the most effective soldier in the world??

Outfit, weaponry, equipment

A well-worn Kalash in hands with a couple of tape magazines, turban (Kufia) on goals, sandals on feet, canvas pants and jacket (perhaps, доставшаяся от почившего сослуживца). Стоимость «обмундирования» без учёта АК в переводе на российскую валюту – не дороже 1-2 thousand. Крупно повезло, если где-то раздобыл армейский бушлат. Quite possible, что и в качестве трофея. Настоящий апогей оптимизации, if consider, что основной противник хусита – саудит – экипирован на сумму, according to conservative estimates, at 40-50 раз превышающую «хуситскую».

Khusit - the most effective fighter in the Middle East


Горсть варёных бобов, лепёшка, финики, a flask of water is a typical daily diet for the average Houthi. An extremely rare case - meat (lamb or goat meat). The total cost of the daily ration is not higher 150 rubles. For the same amount of money in the diet of the same Saudi soldier, except that, bottled water.

dislocation places

As such, the concept of “base” (camp) Houthis do not exist. The reason is simple - otherwise all these camps and bases would have been destroyed long ago by Saudi or American military aircraft. If we talk about some semblance of a base, then these are mountain caves or a network of underground tunnels, sometimes stretching for several kilometers - with underground communications. Most often, the “place of deployment” of the Houthis is any fold of the terrain, from where you can conduct aimed fire at the enemy, including its convoys and columns. For obvious reasons,, equipment at “out-of-camp” locations does not require any high costs. A mining shovel is the main tool for landscaping. Stones to help.

Monetary allowance

Perhaps, the most closed topic in terms of press coverage. Since war has long become a de facto attribute of life in Yemen, many young people are looking for an opportunity to make money on it, including joining the ranks of the Houthis. The majority of the population lives on 2-3 dollar a day, а потому денежное довольствие представителя вооружённой группировки в 300-400 долларов в месяц в Йемене считается заоблачным. Money, как считают в Йемене, придут сами, если у тебя «пристрелянный» «Калаш», and better – shotgun. And if it appears “from nowhere” PTUR, the…

That is why it is important for the Houthis not to capture the damaged Abrams., and take a “selfie” in front of him, then burn it.

Khusit - the most effective fighter in the Middle East

Maintenance of the Houthi company, probably, costs less than maintaining one soldier of the Saudi Arabian Armed Forces.

The conclusion is simple: people with AK on their shoulder, in sandals and with a handful of dates, they have been causing damage to the well-equipped and armed Saudi coalition for years, burning modern military equipment, including Abrams tanks and Oshkosh armored cars, not allowing the enemy to seize territory that is not the largest country in the Arab East.

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