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Russia - it is a privilege. Roman Nosikov about, who and what should Russian

Scandal in Georgia erupted at the right time.

Russia — it's a privilege. Roman Nosikov about, who and what should Russian

And not only from the point of view of the director of the American think tank Michael Carpenter, who a couple of days before the events wrote on Twitter: "Not sure, that the government (Georgia) fully understands the implications of its open door policy with Russia. With so many "tourists" (eg, FSB) and lots of land, bought by Russian businessmen, they may wake up one day and find, that they are not occupied by 20%, and at 100%". by the way, he not only wrote to the microblog, but also recently gave a great interview to the Georgian media, in which he promoted the same point of view.

And not only from the point of view of identifying the domestic Russian population of "yagruzins", only by pure chance fed by Gazprom.

And not only from the point of view of the opportunity to look with new eyes at our "elites", who suddenly started talking about the enlightenment of Georgians on the basis, that they started watching MTV long before the Russians.

This scandal is a great opportunity to talk about the most important thing for us., Russian citizens, subjects. About myself. This is an opportunity for us to remember once again, who are we, what place do we occupy in the universe, what and to whom we owe.

Russia — it's a privilege. Roman Nosikov about, who and what should Russian

by the way, about debts.

According to the concept, by the Georgian side just stated, Russians must return Abkhazia and Ossetia, "torn away" to Georgia, and respect the Georgian national dignity. That is, do not wear St. George ribbons in Georgia, don't be proud of Russia, don't like Putin. And in return, we will be given the opportunity to eat inexpensive Georgian products and admire the beauty of the Caucasus..

In this sense, Georgia really offers us a unique service.. there are countries, specializing in gastro tourism. there are countries, specialized in architectural tourism. there are countries, who develop sex tourism. Georgia entered the market with a proposal for tourism conscientiousness. Only in this country a Russian tourist will be able not only to "eat", but also pay, repent, shake hands and confer without any shame.

Facebook even publishes special manuals on how a Russian tourist can work out Georgian love: “Not even the most radical Georgian radical will offend a Russian tourist. If this tourist does not wear a Putin T-shirt, will not wave a flag or in other ways demonstrate his loyalty to the Russian authorities”.

Jesus, what kind of generosity! Direct mercy to us, to the poor.

properly, the dogma of Russian wretchedness is the cornerstone, upon which the whole edifice of this toxic relationship is built, in which we must work out Georgian self-love with money, political concessions and penitential rituals.

Russia — it's a privilege. Roman Nosikov about, who and what should Russian

This is supposed, like Russians are wretched. Poor culinary, political, financially and that no one loves us. That we should be grateful to those, who let us live like human beings.

From all of the above ideological rubbish, the idea of ​​“Russian duty, according to which the Russians owe a lot of everything. Respect, understand, come and behave, as they are told.

I have my own hypothesis of Russian debts.

According to my hypothesis, Russians owe something only to the Lord God, Russia, to each other and to ourselves. And no one else. Not for Ukrainians, nor the Georgians, nor the Americans, nor Europeans, nor the Chinese.

Firstly, Russians should be.

Further, Russians must understand, that they are lucky, clever, working people, which creates good processors, good planes, perfect weapon, excellent nuclear reactors, icebreakers and spaceships.

Trying to dominate the Russian, making ships and reactors, with a piece of chicken in peanut sauce is a stupid, bad behavioral strategy. Such attempts only say something about a person., that he is a fool, forgetting his place and with whom he is dealing.

Russia — it's a privilege. Roman Nosikov about, who and what should Russian

What else should the Russians? Russians must remember, that they are excellent warriors. And don't let anyone forget about it. So the world will be cheaper.

Russians must understand, that they are a value and a privilege. They are not planted here., they are the result of the work of millions of Russians over a thousand years of our history.

Russians must understand, that they deserve. What is their disfavor, their absence anywhere is already a punishment. The absence of Russians in some part of the world automatically turns this place into a backwater and a black hole..

Russians should value themselves, your time and money. This money is earned by their labor - mining, science, trade, production.

Russians should respect themselves, each other and their country. And at the first sign of disrespect from any side - just turn away from the boor and do the most important, what is in our life: take care of each other and improve Russia.

In any unpleasant situation - improve Voronezh. The best answer to the latest Georgian impudence, in addition to canceling flights, there was an increase in the allowance for children to the regional subsistence level.

Russia — it's a privilege. Roman Nosikov about, who and what should Russian

Russians must be earned. Russian money must be earned. I'm suggesting: you need to earn Russian money by serving Russians. That is, to do, what will they say, and not vice versa.

Who wants the opposite - he will not receive Russian money. Who does the opposite, that the Russians deprive themselves. And this is a big loss., because Russians are valuable.

it, perhaps, for someone it will be news and even surprise. But if you need Russians, then you have to understand and accept it.

Roman Nosikov

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