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Do we need the annual Victory Parade?

Do we need the annual Victory Parade?

Or do we refuse to Victory, won by our heroic ancestors?

1. Victory for Victory Parade

A year has passed, Russian foreign policy victories add to the treasury of another, almost a fait accompli: Venezuela worth, including, thanks to Russia. The world has lost a colorful spectacle of another country torn chain dogs with millions of potential refugees.

Why then should be considered a failed coup in the distant Latin American country Russia victory? Very simple: because immediately after the failure of an impostor Guaydo, leader lackeys was forced to call in the Kremlin with an offer of peace and begin to negotiate. Estimates dialogue, as usual, They were placed opposite, in full compliance with the political preferences.

We estimate we: any hidden threats before, no ultimatums, any suggestion to mitigate sanctions, no preferences in trade, or even the exchange were not adopted in Ukraine, because the Russian his pass did not, in whatever part of the world they may be.

In fact, hundred soldiers with tricolor, who came to support the country has fallen into isolation, proved stronger than the world's most powerful army. Monroe doctrine, stood almost inviolable and almost 200 years, again, as in Soviet times,, I cracked at the seams, reasonable suspicion, that soon a new Russian base will. and where? In the heart of a 2-Americas!

And now forgotten words tanned president of a regional power with a torn economies, and in the Foreign Affairs Committee of the US House of Representatives held hearings on a different level: "Fighting a resurgent Russia", that does not seem to discuss problems torn regional power.

More then went our eternal "expensive German partners", insist: "Russia has again become Russia, superpower two continents, a huge Eurasian empire with a wide area of ​​interest from the Mediterranean and the Middle East to Latin America, Orthodoxy stronghold, Third Rome ".

Challenge similar can, but pointless, better to accept, what we will do with full awareness: there is still a lot of problems, the overcoming of which only leads to victory.

More than once will have to patiently explain unwise on the fingers, What is good and what is bad, More will be attempts at all levels of hysteria about democratic values ​​exceptional nation, carrying the world only good. More will have to Vasily Nebenzia odorgivat present at the UN Security Council, regardless of the person and the interests of.

However, nothing could stop the Russian bulldozer, clears all the junk, which is exceptional and they piled podhryukivayuschie. Finally, we are in a 11% the total land area of ​​the planet, more, than anyone else, and therefore, responsible for the entire Earth and are able to design their own future, without bankrupt "helpers".

This is how Russia meets the next date of the Great Victory, when once again all over the world are "Immortals shelf", merging into an endless stream, which put a firm barrier perepisyvatelyam stories, which can be a lot of time not only to rewrite, but otfotoshopit, but to change - ever.

Millions from all corners of the Earth up with portraits of ancestors, anticipating the main parade on most of the world's main square, to permanently put an end to the issue of defeatists: Why waste taxpayers' money, If earlier there were only commemorative parades and it is not always?

We answer to the question posed deployed, and at the same time discuss, why it needed the annual military parade Victory, at least, the coming years.

2. Victory Parade to be!

It happened, what, despite historically folding worldwide caste and class society, "Elite" - a relatively new phenomenon, It appeared in Russia not earlier than 90s. Before it was bad manners always publicly put himself above any groups and walks of life, as it emerged in Russia before the revolution selflessly intelligentsia "I went to the people", that, as it seemed to her, help him to rise to his level. With varying degrees of success, including controversial, but nonetheless.

However, "public consensus" at all times singled out military, and not only personnel, but all the rest, who was involved in the military victories and defending the Fatherland. In the Soviet Union, and the tradition has continued to multiply, even just a service in the army was considered an honorable, not to mention the officer corps, which is set to the real elite of society. therefore, With regard to military parades, in their annual conduct was not necessary, although commemorative parades invariably caused interest, admiration and respect.

On the eve of the 90s things started to change, imperceptibly at first, then with ever greater pressure: military have been relegated to the level of worthless, Nothing producing stratum of society, hanging an excessive burden on the budget and self-reproducing non-existent enemies of the state.

And then it just came out of nowhere a new "elite", instantly fill the void because, that elite considered itself. Shahaya by chapter, new "elitist" tried to complete the initiated, all irons mocking those, Who is not broke no smiles, nor miserable content and who have not changed their duty to the Motherland, and faith in their homeland. And they, in spite of the various pseudo, We did not change the oath, because the present Patriot Homeland much higher momentary ideology superstructures and does not depend on the change of appearance of the passport.

It is easy to destroy, hard to build. Shameful 90th behind, but not all heads. The situation slowly, but surely it returned to its rightful place, However, virtual perepisyvateli stories have not gone away, including in our common home.

so here, Victory parade - this is a real, not virtual, Victory symbol, demonstrating the inviolability of our history and the impossibility of its change. it, At first.

Secondly, Parades should be carried out annually and until, yet the mere sight of an officer, soldier will not cause universal admiration or frightened of the male population of the instant awareness of futility of his life far from the army, while the slope of the army will not be shameful inability, forever negates career.

Until, while the girls are dreaming polls marry Lieutenant, to grow out of it by General, while the boys would not dream of the military profession and the cosmos, where the shortest path from the military pilots, Victory parades will be held annually.

Until, while in the world there is a threat of a new World War II veterans are alive and held the Great Patriotic, to whom the world is indebted, Victory parades will be held annually.

And when they, finally, fully restored lacerated tradition, and then we can talk about pochotnosti each labor, at all, and taxpayers' money, in particular.

by the way, would be the will of my, I would be forced to forced to reimburse the costs of a military parade: those, who destroyed this Russian elite in 90th; all their real ideological followers; those, who unreasonably slope of the army. So, to knock even the thought of "worthless, Nothing producing stratum of society ".

If you do not reach through the heart, and you do not go on parade, so, The parade will come to you through the stomach. By belch. Or through the liver, Despite where you have channeled extra unwanted thoughts and questions.

And as the prescription of unnecessary thoughts and questions, I invite all to relax and just have fun, because the parade - it, first of all, Victory celebration and tribute to our immense respect for winners.

Happy Holiday!

Alexander Dubrovsky

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