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Lenin was not a "spy", but collaborated with the enemies of Russia

Lenin was not «spy», but collaborated with the enemies of Russia

Since the figure of Vladimir Ulyanov (Lenin), who was born on this day in Simbirsk 149 years ago, is for one embodiment Antichrist, but for others - a deity, is still "very much alive", and causes, in this way, strong, often going wild emotions, We will operate only with facts and logical reasoning flawless.

Complaints, that as a result will suffer someone's "religious feelings", not accepted. If someone does not want to know and accept the obvious, He prefers truth historical myths, this is his problems. And it is a sign of weakness, not strength, simply cowardice. For those, who do not care or who do not know, who Lenin (and in fact, Alas, already there are), It should be interesting story about, in fact made history and that the true story and then, what is written in textbooks, it can be two very different things.

When did it start?

Prior to his departure abroad 1895 Lenin was an ordinary year, provincial revolutionary amateur. If he comes in contact with foreign intelligence services, it just before leaving. Somebody gave him the address and letters of recommendation to the long-lived comfortably in Switzerland and then dear old Marxists - Georgy Plekhanov and Pavel Axelrod, as well as their counterparts in France and Germany - Paul Lafargue and Karl Liebknecht. And not only gave, but also to convince them to accept the strange, an unknown bald Russian citizen, small agitator (and can, and secret service agent?), the author is only one brochure - "What is a" friends of the people "and How They Fight the Social-Democrats?». After all, they could not do these masters of social democracy already know, take that person, which in general circulation publications will be a century in the third place in the world (after the Bible and the writings of Mao Zedong), the future leader of the victorious Bolshevik revolution in Russia, creator on its ruins of the USSR, as well as the Third International.

Who discovered Lenin?

Since Germany was not then an enemy of Russia, and France - in the fear of Germany - courting Nicholas II, counting with the help of Russian return once Alsace and Lorraine, Lenin saw the country's intelligence agency, to which Russia is practically the whole of the XIX century led the "Great Game", money which Alexander Herzen loud beat in London in his "Bell", which supplied weapons and explosives of the People, war with Russia and to incite anti-Russian speeches Poles, Caucasian highlanders and Afghans, killed one after the other Russian tsars. Sibling of the failed regicide, fiercely hating Russia and all Russian, has intended to unite the disparate groups of the Social Democrats in a strong anti-government party and to campaign for the abolition of "tsarism", and therefore, and Russia, It could prove to be very valuable for the future frame. This can and should help. And they helped.

This is clearly seen by the, Lenin returned to Russia with a bunch of money and the skills of secret work, that before leaving he had, a clear program of further actions. The future leader was not afraid, that his arrest, will plant (the royal prison and exile for "political" was a place of rest and self, besides, how could otherwise make revolutionary career?), and his family will be left without means. Generally, according to the "History of the CPSU(b)», "Lenin, enriched with new ideas and plans, He returned to Russia ".

he brought, in particular, money printing press - now the leaflets became possible to print, rather than rewriting by hand. For the short term they will come out more 70, very soon and illegal newspaper - The Workers' Cause ". As later recalled was then next to Lenin Gleb Krzyzanowski, this mediocre lawyer, loser in the court of all his affairs, teaching fellow "correspondence points above the letters - in books and" chemistry "- between the lines". he taught, "How to cover their tracks when visiting workers Apartments, how to conduct tailers, quickly entering the corner, diving into the first door, passing thoroughfare, how to change the Conoco cars, as a substitute for another man, like ". Lenin "commanded careful to do illegal literature and documents", invented "sophisticated caches", "I started a system of" heirs ", as were chosen the most "pure", free from shadowing, completely neskomprometirovannye comrades ". Comments, as the saying goes, redundant. No questions.

British connection

Based on this experience and having a lot of money, Lenin and united the separate Marxist circles in the "League of Struggle for the liberation of the working class". It happened shortly after his return from abroad. On the voyage, he visited Lenin, we remember, Switzerland, France and Germany. In one of these countries, apparently in Switzerland, he received, probably through the efforts of the British, the expertise, and funding. Lenin then - after arrest, years in prison and a few years furnished with all the comforts "links" in Shusha, - visit in England (a total of six times), her stay in London, where British money passed one by one congress of the Social-Democrats, while Britain is not pretended, what in 1907 year to settle its relations with Russia.

It was then, when London was able to draw Russia into a coalition with him and France against Germany, so that later in the course of the Great War hands each other and destroy the revolution by the two great empires, their competitors. For this, the British stopped funding, feed supply weapons first Russian revolution (1905-1907), causing it, having lost to this Japanese money after the end of the Russian-Japanese War, immediately came to naught. They also had to give up the patronage demonstrative Russian revolutionaries. So, if the fifth Party Congress held in London in May 1907 of the year, the sixth - only through 10 years, after the February Revolution.

And not just the British

However, the most "promising" Russian revolutionaries - Lenin and including - the British continued good feed. how, however, and German secret services, Russia has become regarded as his enemy after, she entered a hostile block Berlin. It was not alien intelligence Austria-Hungary, even the "union" of France. Being a kind of "mothballed", revolutionaries were waiting in the wings. The British knew, that their services at the right time still as required. This is not the allegations. How was it possible to publish the revolutionary newspaper "Iskra" in Munich and establish a party school in Longjumeau near Paris without the cooperation with the secret services of Germany and France? in no way. How could Lenin to please the Austrian prison as Russian subjects after the First World War, and quickly get out of it, to be missed in Switzerland, if the Austrians did not know for sure, that he is an enemy of his country?

Pleading for his release through the intermediary of a German spy Jacob Ganetsky, the leader of the Austrian Social Democrats, said Victor Adler: "Ulyanov - a strong opponent of the tsarist - devoted his entire life to the struggle against the Russian authorities ...". Lenin was released after, in Krakow police came a telephone message from the Ministry of Internal Affairs in Vienna: "According to Dr. Adler, Ulyanov could render great services in the present circumstances ". And he them, certainly, He promised to provide. Not surprising, that Lenin Switzerland supplied the money and helped him to solve various domestic issues, as well as to organize a transfer to Russia in the "sealed train" Swiss Karl Moore, documented subsequently been denounced as an agent of the Austrian and German intelligence. В последней у него была кличка Байер.

Большевики расплатились за полученные от Моора Лениным средства после революции – в собственные руки. Намного большую роль в финансировании, zabroske Lenin through Germany after the February Revolution in Russia played a seasoned web German agent - and, probably, not only German - Alexander Parvus. It was the only man, on which the last words did not swear and which are not rude Lenin. Through this mysterious and highly demonic personality, he got a lot of ideas about how, как лучше уничтожить Россию.

Когда «союзник» хуже врага

Завоз Ленина со товарищи из Швейцарии в Россию был уникальной совместной операцией британской и немецкой разведок, nations, которые воевали друг с другом, но захотели решить свои проблемы за счёт России. «Союзники»-англичане выглядят в этой грязной истории куда подлее немцев. And money, the Germans gave to the "anti-war agitation" Lenin, were actually American. US prepares to enter the First World War, take off her "skin", It is taking place among the winners of Russia, sheds profusely for the "common cause" of the Entente his blood.

However, the key role played in this operation is still Anglo-Saxons. And Lenin knew it. Indeed, at first he hoped to travel to Russia via England. And for that, I asked in a telegram to his mistress (and, certainly, Simultaneously, the international spy) Inessa Armand: "I'd really like to give you an assignment in England to learn quietly and faithfully, could if I pass ".

How cute: "Quietly and faithfully". Where, in which the competent ministry should bring the desired reference passion Ilyich? It did not work out, because the British were smarter Lenin: они не захотели открыто демонстрировать, что их связь с будущим разрушителем России является столь очевидной. Большевики на британские и американские деньги, замаскированные под немецкие, soon will make a revolution in Russia, completely interrupt any legitimacy, will flood the country with blood. After which it will fall apart. Because nobody wanted to voluntarily submit to the bandits, usurpers and the Beast, who killed the king, his family and hundreds of thousands do not fit into the "bright" future communist people, subjected to exterminate whole classes, dreamed of a world revolution.

No second pit Roy

Germans, thanks to which Lenin made his way to Russia, from it is better not to become. The Bolsheviks immediately deployed on the American and British money against the German troops a powerful revolutionary agitation, they strongly delayed, заводили в тупик невыполнимыми требованиями переговоры в Брест-Литовске, чтобы не допустить переброски значительных масс немецких войск на Западный фронт. Они добились невыгодного для себя «похабного мира», но благодаря которому десятки немецких дивизий и вся кавалерия «завязли» на признанной немцами Украине. В результате этого немцы не смогли в 1918 году взять Париж, их подцепившая большевистскую заразу армия стала менее боеспособной, а в самой Германии вспыхнула революция.

Эти процессы курировал, in particular, британский генконсул в Москве, а с января по сентябрь 1918 года глава специальной миссии при советском правительстве, матёрый шпион Брюс Локхарт, Opening in the Kremlin for the time foot doors. He was assisted by SIS superspy Sydney Reilly, who had a genuine certificate of the employee of the Cheka. Close connection with the Bolsheviks and British intelligence suggests the persistent attempts of the British and French agents to destroy the Russian fleet, it was not possible in the Baltic Sea, but half-turned in the Black Sea, trip "on vacation" Felix Dzerzhinsky in Switzerland 1918 year, real help "allies" Russian Entente red during the Civil War. Помощь белым лишь имитировалась. examples of mass, и все их в одной статье просто не перечислить.

Цель оправдывает средство

Although Lenin and other leading Bolsheviks were written "receipts" in cooperation with foreign intelligence services did not allow a bank and preserved order for remittance "German" money to the accounts of the environment Ilyich, as well as reports on the activities of German intelligence wards of Russian revolutionaries who were orphaned in 1945 , the Berlin archives, understandably, what all this points. На самые тесные связи западных спецслужб с Лениным и его «соратниками». Без их помощи, несмотря на происходившие порой размолвки, no revolution in Russia, they would not do and could not in any case retain the power.

It is interesting in this case, that draws "spies" Lenin and the other Bolsheviks did not consider themselves. Захваченная ими Россия сполна и многократно расплатилась с западными банкирами, правительствами и спецслужбами за вложенные в революцию средства: награбленным добром, conclusion economically unprofitable transactions such as purchases from Sweden huge number of locomotives, concessions and other ways. It is no exaggeration to say, that the enormous benefit of contrition historical Russian Kerensky (another great "friend" of the British), Lenin & Co. Sponsors Russian Troubles are still.

Sergei Latyshev

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