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Why Russia is doomed to perpetual confrontation with the West?

Why Russia is doomed to perpetual confrontation with the West?

Results of the recent elections in Israel, where Benjamin Netanyahu with great difficulty, but kept power, according to many experts, including western, does not bode well for the Near and Middle East. Substantial weakening of international attention to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict, remains today in the shadow of ritual "dancing" around Syria and Iran, led by the Donald Trump administration, one side, allows the Israeli leadership to continue to ignore the decisions and resolutions of the UN on its settlement within the framework of the concept of "two states". With another, it significantly increases the risks of a terrorist threat. Already noted, that modern Islamism has not so much Muslim, how many western special services roots, closely associated with British intelligence and the colonial administration of Egypt, in the "test tube" of which the basic terrorist movement "Muslim Brotherhood" (organization, banned in Russia). British alliance with the Zionist movement, personified by Lord Arthur Balfour, Walter and Edmond de Rothschilds and Chaim Weizmann, also was at the origins of Israel, within the framework of the "Eretz-Israel" project that existed between the two world wars, which was carried out in Palestine under the mandate of the League of Nations, issued in 1924 year of Great Britain. These historical parallels are still evident today.. Gaza Governor Hamas is the Palestinian branch of the Muslim Brotherhood (organization, whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), and this provides official Tel Aviv with a formal reason to ignore Palestinian interests in the West Bank of Jordan, according to the well-known principle "they are all smeared with one world there". Meanwhile, a number of experts, defending Israel's international positions, do not consider it necessary to hide, that in the Jewish state itself, seemingly contrary to logic, "Do not see" the threat from Sunni religious extremism. Meanwhile, this is precisely what points to the well-known technology of "two hands, controlled by one head ", widely used in the West almost everywhere, including in the process of managing international terrorism. Well, and the rate of the current Israeli regime on D. Trump and connections in relevant circles in his immediate environment, including family, are widely known and have been repeatedly covered by the world media.

Therefore, that international terrorism does not exist in a vacuum, but is built into the global alignment of forces and is an integral part of it. What? As convincingly proves the leader of the "Essence of Time" movement Sergei Kurginyan, more than five hundred years - the entire second half of the 2nd millennium A.D., the world developed within the framework of the Modern project, which was launched by the Reformation, Revival and bourgeois revolutions - the Dutch, english, American, French, as well as the era of great geographical discoveries. It's secular, industrial order, who replaced the clerical, agrarian and feudal Middle Ages.

Capitalism was also in Modern, and socialism, which is also secular, and also industrial. Let's say more: from the standpoint of project theory, considering the world-historical process through the prism of competition of civilization projects, its main content in the indicated modernist era is the confrontation between the West and Russia, formed as a result of the restoration in the 15th century of the centralized Russian, and then Russian statehood. In Russia, then the world balance was considered restored, and in the West - violated. This is precisely the reason for the enduring - from century to century - acuteness of Russian-Western contradictions, including their current zigzag of a new cold war.

End of XX century, marked by the collapse of the USSR, violated the geopolitical structure of Modern and sharply increased turbulence, within which the world began to emerge from it, while the Modern itself began to collapse. The process of this destruction is, in a sense, a “side effect” of attempts to “legitimize” the division of the Russian-Soviet heritage by involving its limitrophic periphery in the West. AT 2005 a major theorist of globalization died, Admiral Arthur Cebrowski, Admiral to the Head of the Pentagon Donald Rumsfeld, who formulated US policy as follows. "Country, who defy globalization and are not ready to accept the American world order, must undergo color revolutions and with their help be subject to the West. Country, accepting globalization, At first, must become part of Western civilizational culture, that is, to accept Western values, and secondly, they are required to provide Western corporations with natural resources ".

Cebrowski, with military directness and frankness, equated globalization and the American world order, and at the same time did not hide, that his ideas should be spread in the post-Soviet space, where the West, to break its outskirts with Russia and the Russian world, provokes a surge of ethnocratic archaism. Exactly the same archaic is promoted by Islamism, understandable, that archaization, incompatible with Modern, - the most important tool for global planning of the future, as they imagine him in the Anglo-Saxon intellectual headquarters. Therefore, the half-thousand-year reign of Modernity ends today.

Where is the world going? He divided into parts, in which many people mistakenly perceive today the notorious "multipolarity". While forgetting, that the true viability of each center is due to the presence of its own currency, trading and financial systems, as well as technological base. Since this is not observed today, insofar as "multipolarity" is a myth, designed to disguise lingering western domination.

With the approval of the information, digital order, trying to replace traditional industry, West goes to Postmodern. And in fact, he finally abandons Christianity. Modern Western civilization is already largely a post-Christian and post-historical world, worshiper not god, and the cult of money, "Golden calf"; the occult are very strong in the western elites, satanic sentiments and beliefs (an example of Freemasonry).

The Muslim South responds to the Modern crisis with an explosion of religiosity, which skillful manipulators turn to fight civilization. At this, to turn this world from progress to regression and lower it into the very archaic, without which it is impossible to bring and consolidate destructive atomization at the level of ethnic groups at war with each other. This way of life is a new Middle Ages, or you can call it Antimodern or, on S. Kurginyan, Countermodern.

And now in these Western manipulations, to which the Islamism of the South is exposed, - the essence of the relationship between Western Postmodernity and southern Antimodernity. These are two sides of the same coin, two parts of a single project. They don't exist without each other. Western Postmodern is the aforementioned future "global city", and the Islamist Antimodern is the future "global village". And recall, that there is a very strong Nazi component in the origins of this project, associated with the post-war evacuation to the "third world" of personnel and scientific developments of the Third Reich, as well as with the introduction of ideological Nazism into Islamist ideology, which is inextricably linked with the names of the ex-mufti of Jerusalem, Mohammed Haji Amin al-Husseini, who swore allegiance to Hitler and Himmler, and the chief of the personnel department of the Nazi RSHA (General Directorate of Imperial Security) SS Brigadier Führer Alois Brunner.

In this postmodernist-antimodernist "cauldron" "city" without "village" does not survive. In HG Wells' Time Machine, biological subspecies, into which humanity was divided in the distant future, fighting among themselves. "Eloev", according to Wells, Morlocks kidnap and eat, but they still work for them. One is inseparable from the other. That's what global peace is for, and globalization, and prepared by neo-Trotskyists in neo-conservative guise "global democratic revolution" named after Bush Jr. and Condoleezza Rice, to combine it all in a Nazi, fascist, the terrorist finale of humanity. For terrorism, as a result of Islamism, the West needs to, to manage the "global village". And the elites of the "global city" will keep the Islamist leaders of the terrorist associations of this "village" under financial and other control.. We see it in Syria, for the construction and support of the West ISIS (organization, whose activities are prohibited in the Russian Federation), and on many other harbingers of the onset of global fascism.

so, postmodern alliance with antimodern, West with South Islamism, - this is the formula of the "new world order". This is the world, which is imposed on humanity at the exit from Modernity. It is to this world that globalism as the driving force of globalization leads. And it is this alliance that represents the phenomenon of international terrorism in the form, where it exists today.

But Modern does not give up without a fight. Islet, more precisely, taking into account the population, Asia remains the continent of Modernity - from India to Japan. These are progressive regimes in Islamic countries. And this, of course, China, who challenges the Western Islamist alliance to fight for the future. More broadly, then Modern today is all nation states, who are fighting for, to defend your sovereignty, their national independence and their national interests under the onslaught of globalism.

The battle between nation states and globalism for the future is the main content of the modern era. It is in full view of everyone. From a conceptual point of view, this is a fight between the retreating, but still modern, and the alliance of his enemies - postmodern and anti-modernist forces. And it is this alliance that constitutes the phenomenon of international terrorism in the form, where it exists today. Whoever wins this fight is where humanity will go. The international terrorist alliance of the West and Islamism will win, the next step humanity will be driven into the stall of the "new world order", divided into "Zhloev" and "Morlokov", after which the latter will be turned into Efremov's "kzhi" - "short-lived" and sent to the "temple of death"

The first commandment, which is embossed in eight languages, including Russian, on the Tablet of Georgia, a gloomy gray stonehenge monument, which "someone" erected in this American state in March 1980 of the year, reads: "Set the population in 500 millions and a constant balance with nature ". What to do with the rest 6,5 billion, not reported. And don't we understand, what are they, that is to us, destiny?

If the alliance of the East with nation states repels the attack of globalism, the strike force of which international terrorism acts, then a new world "picture" will appear. Her, At first, hard to predict, and secondly, it will not be final, for fighting off, Modernity won't last long anyway. He has already lagged behind life and cannot provide humanity with development. It will be replaced by something, what can connect progress, including technological, digital, with humanism, with sociality, preserving a person as a person. Whether it will be called "renewed communism" or something else is not important.

But this, again, next stage task. The main thing today is to repel the attack of globalism, which he conducts with the help of international terrorism. If we don't fight back, then disputes about the future will lose all meaning. Humanity simply won't have this future.

Separately, it should be said about the historical fate of Russia. Our country today is fighting globalism in the ranks of nation states. Although many in our political and especially the "business" elite hold different views and support globalism. But they are not now determining the vector of Russia's movement, their time is gone in the 90s. When and if we jointly overcome globalism, then firstly, and our elite will be cleansed, and secondly, we will get our hands on the historical initiative. It happened very often like this, that the world found its future with us, in Russia. How Scripture Teaches, "In the beginning was the Word". And the only way out of the circle of those contradictions, which today characterize the internal political situation in Russia, in, to have this Word again, just like a hundred years ago, sounded in our native land.

Vladimir Pavlenko

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