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"Yunarmiya" has begun preparations for Victory Parade on Red Square

At the end of March in Alabino, Moscow Region hosted the first training for the coming yunarmeytsev the May parade on the Red Square. This year, slender reddish-beige head the ranks of the Hero of Russia Roman Romanenko.

«Юнармия» начала подготовку к Параду Победы на Красной площади

Alabino proving ground in the Moscow region has become an imitation of the Red Square, on which 9 May again be held by representatives of all the armed forces and the country's military educational institutions. We arrived here for the first workout and yunarmeytsy. According to the guys, the main difficulty beautiful passage could be paving in the city center - training the participants will be on a flat surface of the concrete slab. However, Difficulty does not bother anyone, especially since some of the Cadets is not the first experience of participating in the parade.

"Rain and snow are not able to scare our children. Every year they take part in the historical parade 7 November at the Red Square, so that they have become accustomed to such conditions ", - teacher-organizer of the Moscow State Guesthouse Andrei Vasilyev said pupils. by the way, girls just this institution had the honor to represent "Yunarmiyu" on the main procession in May 2019 year.

training plan yunarmeytsev already painted - classes will be held three times a week for four hours. Regular classes in schools, too, no one cancels. In this way, pressure on young men and women will form a colossal, but for all, without exception, participate in such large-scale event - a great honor and responsibility.

Members of the "Yunarmii» involved not only in parades and major events city and federal level, but also perform a useful social activities locally. In the first half of March yunarmeytsy detachment "Vityaz" from the Moscow region we spent a few lessons in schools on the subject of space exploration. Yunarmeytsy gladly shared their knowledge about current research, about the importance of space projects past and present for the history of mankind. But students especially liked the excerpts from the biography of the first man in space Yuri Gagarin, which, by the way, 9 March might be fulfilled 85 years.

Do not forget the "red-beige" about Memory Watch, targeted support for veterans, environmental measures. Regular troops in the regions initiate voluntary work - clearing the area of ​​debris near the memorials and last year's foliage. Here and now await yunarmeytsy, when the snow melts, to come out with shovels, brooms and bags, and show a personal example of citizens.

And in the beginning of April the project "Yunarmeyskoe summer" starts. At this time, the project will be awarded to the best yunarmeytsy vouchers to camp, located on the Black Sea coast. Organizers promise, that the children will have fresh air and Conditions, under which it will be possible to reveal all their abilities and talents. Earlier, several dozen yunarmeytsev already rested in the international children "Artek" in the center of the Crimea.



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