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The tragic fate of the "parasite" and a war hero Alexei Smirnov

The tragic fate «tuneyadtsa» and a war hero Alexei Smirnov


Dear! Today I would like to tell you about the almost forgotten actor, which everyone knows. Yes, sounds weird, but it is true. This article focuses on the favorite of millions of Soviet people – actor Alexei Smirnov Makarovich – multifaceted creator, who were under the power of any roles: and tragic, and komicheskie.

Hometown actor Alexei Smirnov - Danilov - greets us with colorful soft toys. They are sold directly on the platform merry rollicking saleswomen. it seems, in the city, where she was born a wonderful comedic actor, forever the eternal feast settled.

But life was not Smirnova holiday.

Few people know, what a smile simpleton, bumpkin good and eternal drinkers of films Leonid Gaidai, is hidden the fate of thin to feel human, intellectual and fearless hero, whose fate was mercilessly iskorozhena war.

His family was not simple. father's relatives, Makara S., before the revolution, we had to do with the production of the famous Russian porcelain Kuznetsov. There is a pre-revolutionary album, which has pictures of beautiful ladies and noble gentlemen quite.

Life after Smirnov 1917 of the year

Alex was born 28 February, on the penultimate day of winter leap 1920 of the year. When the boy turned 6 years, parents, who wanted him and his younger brother a better life, We moved to the city on the Neva. There have been isolated for four two small rooms in a communal.

In this house, located at Peter Lavrov (now - Furshtatskaya, 44), Alexey Kravchuk will live their entire lives, thousands of times passing through little, in those years, not to close the gateway.

Fact! Alexey Smirnov from childhood until his death, already a famous actor, will live in a communal apartment.

Very soon, they left three. The death of Makar Stepanovich was treacherously early. Mother, Anna Ivanovna, trying to feed their sons, I took any job. But often the boys were left to themselves. Money is desperately short. Often it had nothing to buy food.

In order to somehow kill time and to stifle hunger Lyoshka went to drama club.

Smyshlonomu trusted and talented kid different, sometimes sad, sometimes funny roles.

- You have a talent, you need to learn, - one can tell him teacher of acting skills, looking, dashing is on the school stage Lyoshka Smirnov.

And all their children's soul, he believes in it. Mother of course, hotel, the son was "more reliable" profession. Anna tried to argue with Loshkoy, but eventually waved:

- Clown - means, clown.

And he entered. Certainly not in the circus. And in the studio, which was attached to the Theater of Musical Comedy.

Successfully graduated from training, in the walls of the native theater, he will have time to go on stage only one play. Operetta, bordering on musical, It called "Rose-Marie". And his character was called Black Eagle.

, He appeared in the form of a jealous husband indian Wanda, cheating on him with a local prospector. Black Eagle incriminate her infidelity, finding a lover in bed ... and quickly die at the hands of his own zealous wife.

The role - as himself. Lack of employment compensated for the young actor, working on the stage. Soon there was a girl in his life. Lidia Maslova told him to love love. The case went to the wedding!

After receiving a modest salary, Alexei Smirnov decided to save on everything, that can be. This allowed to purchase two small wedding rings. Lida and Lesch could become a very beautiful couple, if consider, that the young actor was completely devoid of overweight and did not abuse alcohol.

But… in October 1940 , a young actor received a summons and was drafted into the ranks of the Workers 'and Peasants' Red Army.

- Will you wait for me? - he asked directly Lida.

- Of course, Lesch. Because I love you, - she replied.

Doubts crept in Alexei heart. I knew it, Lida retain loyalty and faithfulness, waiting for a young man, but come up with your life ... quite terrible drama develops.

- After two years, I will be back! - cheerfully promised he. But less than a year to begin ...


Anna will wake up in a cold sweat, guess, one of the sons she will wait for home. For some reason it would seem, Alex would die. But no. On the battlefield will not return Arkady.

The tragic fate «tuneyadtsa» and a war hero Alexei Smirnov

Voyuya heroically, He goes through the West, Bryansk, 1-th Ukrainian, 2-first Byelorussian.

The fate of the villain! The war separated Alexei and his lover Lida. It was the mutual love, It has been bought the ring and it went to a wedding, but not to…

Guard Sergeant Alexei Smirnov begin to battle your way easy himinstruktorom, but will soon be the commander of the platoon firing.

Rows of premium sheets, is preceded by receiving awards and medals, talk about, as he fought, better than any biographer Alexei Smirnov.

"Being in the intelligence behind enemy lines, personally destroy the enemy ... "

"Scattered the two companies of the fire ..."

"Thrown in the first, inspired the companions, and repulsed with them attack the enemy ... "

Smirnov has inspired not only by example. But also acquired in the studio at the Leningrad Musical Comedy skill. During the war he organized a regimental amateur, He gave dozens of speeches in combat. Therefore, so close, so dear to him was the film "Only Old Men Are Going to Battle". Image Major Titarenko ... This, rather, about him, about Smirnov.

Medal of Honor", Order of Glory, Order of the Patriotic War 1 degrees. Smirnov really wanted to reach Berlin and return to the winner of its Lida. He showered her with letters, she answered him. Their "triangles" reach destination, and sometimes lost in transit.

But in January, 1945 of the year he gets a heavy concussion and injuries. In the hospital, the doctor said to him confidentially that, that bind the fate of the women he'd better not.

Returning, Alexei Smirnov independently employed in the home theater musical comedy. All his efforts are directed at the, to help her mother recover from bereavement.

Arkady ... On the table lies a death. And Anna inconsolably mourns the death of his youngest son, rereading lines honed by years of war wording "died a heroic death".

"We can not be together…"

These words Alexei Smirnov meets rushed to his home a bride Lidia Maslova.

- How? Why?! - puzzled woman, waiting for him exactly 5 years, starting in October 1940 of the year, when Alexei was drafted into the Red Army.

He avoids explanations and simply stops with the person, whom he loved more than anything else.

Alexey Kravchuk fully committed to mother, that after the death of Arkady ill severe mental illness. They live in poverty, as before, together in a communal. Not getting how else significant roles in theater, He still works part-time on the stage.

Cinema does Smirnova known

The waves of despair, which Alex did not tell anyone, overtook him. The "colleagues in the shop", who served on the home front, career was, how to, and he, veteran, odd jobs, leaving the theater with the words a la "Dinner is served". offensive!

gain weight, who years later would not give him a normal sleep, and then it did lead to a number of serious diseases, and will bring to the grave, Smirnov became a charismatic, charming, unique bumpkin - a kind of screen drunkard, tuneyadtsa, loafer, but, in fact, Nice Guy.

It all started with the painting "Kochubey" Nikolai Ozerov, And then there was "Striped flight".

The tragic fate «tuneyadtsa» and a war hero Alexei Smirnov

And the "Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka" Alexander Row, where he played the role of Curly Ataman Cossacks.

The tragic fate «tuneyadtsa» and a war hero Alexei Smirnov

Fame began to come after 40, when the career most actors is at the zenith, or comes to a close.

Fateful meeting with Gaidai

Leonid Iovich invited him to play the role of dullish bumpkin Bill Driscoll in the novel "The leader of the Redskins" from the legendary films "Business people". Son of a gun to his misfortune, decided to kidnap for ransom biggest tomboy in the world. And very sorry about this.

AND, of course, all love him Fyodor from the "Operation" Y "and other adventures Shurik", proclaimed the manifesto of the Soviet (and the post-Soviet - to confess?) reality:

"Who does not work - eats!»

Today, it is still very funny. And in those years,, was not only funny, but boldly.

The tragic fate «tuneyadtsa» and a war hero Alexei Smirnov

To him comes a pat on the back and call into the pub, and he ... sometimes shocked colleagues on the set, suddenly starting to read the masterpieces of Japanese poetry by heart, he loved.

Not a bit of it! Alexei Smirnov all perceived as edakogo shirt-Man, bully, bousy, but it was a false representation. Actually, Smirnov was a very intelligent man and reciting Japanese poetry.

Oleksiy Kravchuk Smirnov was a really sophisticated, delicate, shy (especially, those moments, when he learned) man. But the directors have seen the fat-dobryagu-drinkers-parasite - and that was the verdict.

So he wandered from film to film, amusing people stupid physiognomy, "Master" in the frame which he was a past master. No one remembers the names of his movie characters (except Fedi). Few people remember the name of this wonderful actor, but remember this is a silly and kind face bully. First, it is bent in a ram horn RC constructs.

And then, in anticipation of a "global whipping", hosted by Shurik, whispered:

- Maybe we should not?

What I got the answer:

- It is necessary to, Fyodor, must! - this phrase does not tire of repeating new generations of Russian viewers, Wishing to emphasize the inevitability of the coming event.

He dreamed about something else entirely! this well-read, talent, if he had a different appearance, could play not only Hamlet, but King Lear. But he was destined to live his role in kinozhizn loafers.

That is why He idolized his friend, director Leonid Bykov, offered him a star in the role of a mechanic, Embark on flights pilots - "wet behind the ears" and "old". Send and secretly baptize red Soviet stars on the sides of fighters. Send and wonder, who return, who is not? Send and wait.

Mechanics and the role of Макарыча (patronymic of the character is not accidental and it coincides with the middle name of actor) of films "go to fight some old people" was the role of his life and destiny.

Note! The most important role of Alexei Smirnov can assume the role of a mechanic Makaritch film "Only Old Men Are Going to Battle". Actor perfectly revealed in all drama films.

Working with Leonid Bykov was not the first, before Alexei Smirnov starred in another comedy "Bunny", you remember, except that, the older generation.

Leonid Bykov, Smirnov claiming the role of mechanics, I passed through a series of unpleasant meetings.

The tragic fate «tuneyadtsa» and a war hero Alexei Smirnov

The State Committee for Cinematography palms lifted up to heaven! Nobody could believe, the alcoholic, hooligan and parasite can overpower a dramatic role in a heavy film. Smog!

Hudsovetchiki squeal: "How can a man, played a parasite and an alcoholic, fulfill this role?!». But the Bulls was the director. And he insisted, arguing the, I played the role of Smirnov not only alcoholics, but also the hero Vasily Sigayev, a cook who died heroically for his comrades, in a picture not remembered by a wide circle of spectators 1968 Scouts.

Eventually agreed with him. And thanks to the persistence of Leonid Fedorovich, one of the most piercing scenes appeared in the undoubtedly best, completely pathetic picture of the war with the participation of Alexei Smirnov.

It was in this picture that Smirnov played the main dramatic role of his life. Having played this scene not at the expense of talent, and at the expense of the heart, which has absorbed all the pain of war, he was hospitalized for the first time with a heart attack.

And when Bykov came to visit him, whispered:

- Lenya ... there will be no take. Second time i'll just die.

Double was not required. This scene went into the picture, as it is.

Leonid Bykov's paintings are a unique combination of comedy and genuine, not pretentious drama. AND, remembering collaboration, Oleksiy Kravchuk, lamented: "As I later found my director ...".

In war movies, where he was a real hero, Smirnov could say so much - everything, what he could not say in this life, where he had, a word, our poluslovom, not thought about war. And when on the eve of 9 May his exasperated journalists, actor gently refused, speaking, that it hurts to talk about it.

illness mother

Alexey Makarovich idolized her on the slope of his own years, but, torn between work and home, where an almost helpless man was waiting for him, confusing him with his dead brother, could no longer. Close people helped arrange Anna Ivanovna in a nursing home, where she was provided ... care.

They did not say goodbye for long. At every opportunity, he came to her with flowers, giveaways in the hope, that she recognizes him.

Did you try to arrange a personal life?

Keenly feeling, that soon he may need to leave himself, he met a provincial girl, which was younger than him. She was flattered, that he cares for her beloved, albeit shy of his fame actor.

It was at that time, when Anna Ivanovna was still at home.

- I do not like her! - mother said categorically and directly in the face. - She needs your money and our living space.. can not you see?

He was very offended, but that was the case, when the eyes of a mentally ill woman clouded by the bitterness of the loss of her son, what is called "saw the root".

understanding, that can not have children, Alex honestly admitted this to his new darling. I really wanted to have a child. And Smirnov, smiling all his life as a yard kid, and bewitching the babe who recognized him with sweets, made an attempt to adopt a patient with a congenital heart disease a boy from an orphanage.

Unfortunately! Due to injury during the War, Alexey Smirnov could not have children. He did not even succeed in adopting a boy, tk. he was not allowed to do this because of the role of “Soviet marginal elements”.

He was refused. Of course. Single, middle-aged. Yes, and with such creative baggage, in which the roles of “Soviet marginal elements” prevailed. Something nevertheless related him with them. for example, alcohol. He was drinking. And after that, how mother moved to a nursing home, drinking companions and crooks began to appear in his apartment, for whom the door no longer closed.

The death of Bykov and… Smirnova

Became for the actor, a patient with coronary heart disease and a whole "bouquet" of ailments, caused by overweight and addiction to alcohol, crushing blow. He was hospitalized with a heart attack.

they say, what about the death of Leonid Fedorovich, his friend, Colleagues, outstanding actor and director, the actor found out only on the day of discharge, and died, overwhelmed by this news. It is not true.

He knew about it almost immediately, that April day, when Bykov was in a hurry in his GAZ-24 car home and, trying to overtake the tractor "Belarus", jumped into the oncoming lane at speed 90 kmh. There drove a GAZ-53 truck ...

He would turn away, how dashing Major Titarenko. Where? Yes, even to the left - and in the field. Even if in a tree - such a disaster would not have happened. Or return to your lane, "Giving up" to a low-speed tractor (this would not lead to tragedy either). But Bykov pressed the pedal to the floor, turning the steering wheel at the same time, and the car went straight to the truck. GAZ-53 hit the Volga in the right door. Dragged back the good 30 m.

In Bykov's body, he remained intact., not torn to shreds only one organ - the heart.

Longing for a friend, who was looking for him a role in the new, never taken off the fantastic picture "Alien", Smirnov washed down and, Firstly, thanks to well-wishers, found an opportunity to drink alcohol, even in the hospital.

When he was supposed to leave the cardiology department, someone gave him another “gift” - a bottle of cognac. understanding, that now he is waiting for a return to the void, actor drank it in one gulp. One. And he died.

7 May 1979 of the year…

And what about the young fiancee? She brought home all the valuable, some unthinkable way managing to withdraw from savings accounts actor were on her pennies.

Mother Alexey Smirnov, Anna Ivanovna, outlived her son by whole 2 of the year. In the communal apartment of Aleksey Smirnov today, absolutely strangers to the actor live.

Such a story.


For all viewers, he remained Feday from “Operations “S” – large, funny and so dear. but, the real Alexey Smirnov was completely different - a veteran, loving son, connoisseur of Japanese poetry, friend.

Andrey Karelin

A source



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