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End of the INF Treaty,

End of the INF Treaty,

1. Yesterday, the US and Russia de facto out of the INF Treaty. United States at the end of last year, announced the inevitable exit from the treaty 2 February 2019 of the year, if Russia does not accept the conditions of the US ultimatum. Russia expected, they were not adopted and events began to move in automatic mode – US first began to withdraw from the contract. Following the US Russia also said, that comes out of the INF Treaty, because of course there is no point to observe it in splendid isolation. Phrase “suspends” Participation should not be deceive, as both parties understand, that in its present form the contract will not be able to save.

2. Previous events were filled with diplomatic maneuvers aimed at the, to shift the responsibility for the withdrawal from the agreement with the US on Russia. Since the decision to withdraw was made by Washington in advance, Americans tried to make it look, if it is not their desire, a necessity in view of “Russian treaty violations”. This helped the US NATO's yes-men. Russia is reasonable to point to the fact, that over the past few months it has not been provided any actual evidence of violations of the INF treaty Russia. There was even a demonstration organized by the notorious “non-conventional” missiles, but the US and its NATO ignored, so as a matter of course, it was not in a rocket, Speaking just an excuse, and Washington in the acute desire to terminate the agreement, that binds the United States hands in certain matters.

3. The EU position was as usual servile – on the one hand the EU advocated the preservation of the contract, as the new race of nuclear arms on the one hand in the long term will make Europe a platform for the deployment of new medium-range missiles with nuclear warheads, on the other hand it will make Europe a target for Russian missiles similar, with the result that the overall level of threat to Europe rise. But even knowing, that the US actions lead to this situation,, EU likely held pro-American position, requiring first concessions from Russia, to keep the contract in the interest of Europe. of course, in the current realities of Europe will get exactly the, that deserves.

4. The Kremlin has already announced measures to mirror the development of new missiles, which were previously prohibited by the treaty INF Treaty. On the one hand it stated a reluctance to get involved in an arms race, but in any case it is an arms race, and the only question is, how hard the circumstances of a new Cold War will involve Russia in it. But Russian business is certainly not limited to – with the collapse of the INF Treaty, we can expect more action on the part of China in the development of this type of weapons, although China was not bound by the treaty. But strengthening developments in this direction in the United States and Russia will push China to intensify work to achieve parity in this component. Of course, China's former situation was more favorable, since the INF treaty imposes restrictions on the US and Russia, China and de facto it was not bound by international obligations in this matter.

5. US statements about the desire to “to sign new deal” You must not be misleading – new deal in Washington means understanding the strategic concessions on the part of Russia and China in the retraction of the contract, which China never signed, which imposes restrictions on China, without giving anything in return. That treaty the United States of course is easy to go, as in this case they are diplomatic means and by military threats to achieve from the Russian Federation and China's strategic concessions, without giving anything in return.
Therefore, the probability of such “a large contract” vanishingly small. Talk about it are designed to cover the dominant US role in the destruction of the current system of treaties limiting the race nuclear arms. Talk about not extending the START-3 is a step in the same direction.
Going Cold War the US against Russia and China, forcing the United States to discard constraining guides, established during the time of the last Cold War against the USSR. Then they were profitable, not now. Therefore, the United States under false pretenses get rid of restrictions, and Russia and China are unlikely to do something about it, but to accept the challenge and point to the, who is responsible for the outbreak of a new race of nuclear missiles.

As a result, as the world becomes a much less safe. In the coming year we will see how a lot of commercials about the new missiles, that fly far and powerfully explode. And not just movies.
Whom to thank for it you know.

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