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Leonid Govorov: tsarist officer and commander of the Red

Leonid Govorov: tsarist officer and commander of the Red

His biography does not fit in with the standard concepts of the time of Stalin's rule, a relentless struggle against the Communists and the monarchic heritage.

Govorov was, of course, He comes from a peasant family, And in the Civil, he moved from the army Krasnov to the Reds and fought later in the Army Blucher.

But we all know, that the Bolsheviks did not forgive the slightest transgressions. While it may be an example of this and says that, that not everything was so crazy with the purges, if the former tsarist officers could make a career in the Red Army?

Survived General Govorov and in the prewar purges army personnel. Since the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, he was appointed commander of the 5th Army,.

It was she who was fighting at Borodino near Moscow in the direction of the height of the battle for the Soviet capital. At Borodino on orders Govorov were first organized antitank reserves and areas, which played a major role in repelling the enemy massed tank attacks.

General against German tanks often used ambushes and mobile units. In June 42 th he was appointed commander of the Leningrad Front. Govorov moved to the starving city.

And only then will he become a communist, before that, he remained non-partisan. But took it to the CPSU(b) summarily. If this is not done, it would have remained only a military commander of the rank unaffiliated!

In January 43rd Govorov breakthrough led the siege of Leningrad. On the eve of the operation at a meeting with Stalin, General requested additional combat vehicles Stalin.

he replied,, that he had no more tanks and offered the only available – its ink tank in the form of T-34. Govorov refused, considering it as a joke.

But, when he was returning by car, something in the backseat found packed in brown paper inkwell. The operation to break the siege of Leningrad has been successfully completed 18 January 43rd.

Three weeks later, the city received the first food from the rear. However, after that there were no guarantees on the, that HSU will not fall into disgrace, as it was with many senior officers after the war (Kuznetsov, Stepanov, Galler et al.).

But even here the marshal (This title was awarded to Leonid Alexandrovich summer '44) able to resist. Until now, no one can say, how he did it. He died in Govorov 1955 year, and the urn with his ashes was buried in the Kremlin wall.

Elena Milёhina

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