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The Defense Ministry told about the planned on 2019 year exercise

AT 2019 academic year is scheduled to take over 4000 tactical and command post exercises at various levels, reports in his article for the newspaper Krasnaya Zvezda Head of the combat training of the Armed Forces, Lieutenant-General Ivan Buvaltsev.

В Минобороны рассказали о запланированных на 2019 год учениях

The final event in the 2019 school year will be a strategic command-staff exercise "Center-2019". Besides, during the year will be held 10 international exercises and one joint business game, He told Buvaltsev.

he noted, that one of the characteristics of combat training in the new year will be the training of units of new specialized programs, which has been tested in 2017-2018 years. These programs are aimed at training personnel for conducting operations in a variety of settings with the tasks, excluding routine approach to learning.

Special attention, according to General, It will be given to introduction of new ways of tactical actions, based on the experience of modern conflicts. Among the important areas - bilateral exercises with interspecies and inter oriented to simulate the regrouping of forces on an unfamiliar site.

tasks 2019 year specified, and to solve them with dignity, at the level, which requires time, It must be rational, creatively and efficiently use every day, each hour of class time. field, air and sea training school - to a new level! motto 2019 school year, He concluded Buvaltsev.

According to the Defense Ministry, this year held more than 4,5 thousand. scientist, of them 36% interdepartmental. As part of the International Military Cooperation held 25 exercises involving troops from 90 nations. The most ambitious of them - "Combat Brotherhood", "Indra" and "Sea interaction".



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