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Paruby called Hitler the greatest Democrat of XX century

Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine on one of the Ukrainian TV channels speculated that, that called direct or truly "popular" democracy. As a result, Andrew Paruby agreed before, he called "the greatest democrat in the XX century history" of Adolf Hitler. According Parubiya, Hitler was made a considerable contribution to the development of democracy in Germany.

Paruby on the air ICTV:
I myself am a great supporter of direct democracy. by the way, I tell you, that the greatest man, who practiced direct democracy, Adolf Aloizovich (Hitler) in the 30s.

Парубий назвал Гитлера самым большим демократом XX века

Thereafter, speaker of parliament urged all not to forget about the contribution of Hitler's "democratic development" and added,, that he was engaged in the study of issues of direct democracy at the scientific level.

After such statements Parubiya in Ukraine itself heard voices indignation. Kiyani in social networks have decided to ask the Speaker of Parliament, if he is going to other people's deputies followed the prospectus Bandera officially open yet and the name of the avenue, who Bandera and his accomplices took the oath of allegiance - Adolf Hitler.

About Parubiya statements about Hitler, as a "real democracy", European partners of Ukraine did not give comments on the present moment. Although the Parliament has again declared, words Parubiya "misinterpreted".



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