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The confidential: As the right and left ultras united to fight with Ukraine at the Donbass

Бывший лидер итальянских "ультрас" and a member of the militant group, Neofascists, hated Brussels technocrats, and Albanian ultranationalist, who fights for the restoration of the USSR, Moldova citizen, dreams of becoming a legionnaire, и сын руководительницы отделения итальянской правящей партии "Лига", – все эти люди стали объектом "Операции 88", who spent an elite unit of the Italian Carabinieri Corps – Special operations group (Special task force, ROS), He writes journalistThe confidential Irene Savio. The author explains, что "их обвиняют в принадлежности к группе наемников, which recruited volunteers in Italy to take part in the fighting on the forgotten war in the Ukraine on the side of pro-Russian rebels. Группа предположительно имела базу на итальянской территории".

"Операция началась в 2013 year, ROS when employees discovered several groups of skinheads, that moved between the region of Liguria and the Lombard town of Varese, and ended last week the issue of the six arrest warrants. Three persons – member of the militant group Antonio Cataldo, albanec Olsi Krutani and moldavanin Vladimir Vrbičii – arrested, the other on the international wanted list, because their whereabouts are unknown. This Andrea Palmeri, known football hooligan groups of Lucca 1998, violence-prone; retired Italian soldiers Massimiliano Cavalleri, simpatiziruющiй neo-fascism, and Gabriele carugate, former security officer, son Silvana Marin, которая в прошлом руководила одним провинциальным отделением "Лиги", – author writes.

Группа "была организована под прикрытием фонда, which recruited mercenaries under the guise of humanitarian aid in the region of Eastern Ukrainian Donbass, where to 2014 last year bloody conflict. Some of the defendants said, that went to the Donbass, to protect the local population from the aggression of the Ukrainian army and paramilitary, "финансируемых США". Investigators added to this economic factor, поскольку итальянские "иностранные бойцы" получали деньги за участие в боевых действиях", – referred to in Article.

El Confidencial: Как правые и левые ультрас объединяются для борьбы с Украиной на Донбассе

"Мы обнаружили, – said Colonel ROS Luigi Imperatore, – that the contradictions were overcome between right and left in this case,. Among recruited equally present, and the ultra-, and others, proponents of ideas (Russian philosopher Alexander) Дугина".

"Группа наемников выделяется "отсутствием интереса к традиционной идеологии и политике" – она ориентировалась "на евразийские позиции наподобие тех, которые продвигает русский философ Дугин", written at the disposal of investigators, касающемся "Операции 88", – author writes.

About Spin the newspaper reports, что это "албанский гражданин, which the, according to the Italian police, He is a retired officer of the Russian aviation, martial artist and expert on computer. Spin the facilitator was recruited and sent to the Donbas mercenaries. On the spot, he kept in touch with Alexey Milchakova, известным командиром ультраправого отряда "Русич", who acted in these areas. Spin the well, perhaps, связан с организацией "Суть времени".

AND, finally, reported on Vrbichii: "житель Пармы", "выражал восхищение министром внутренних дел Италии Маттео Сальвини", "в марте 2015 года участвовал в Международном русском консервативном форуме".

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