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Point of view. Army fighter DNI Benes Ajo about some of the nuances of the political situation in the DNI

Regular contributor and friend of the portal CvK info, famous Army fighter DNI Benes Ajo sent to the editor the new material, dedicated to elections and some questions of the general political situation in the country. Despite the harshness of the author and the material is quite subjective assessments, we publish it in full, giving the right to speak (if desired) and the other side.

"Ранее я уже писал, that a major political problem the DNI is the low legitimacy of our government, and therefore we must make a clean and honest democratic elections under the supervision of international observers from Russia, CIS and the, who agree to the EU and the OSCE.

of course, all our current members were honestly elected to the People's Council in November 2014 years our population.

The truth is there was no clear law on political parties and public organizations. The only registered party in the DNI – DNR is the Communist Party. There was a small window of opportunity in October 2014 of the year – then de jure as it still operated Ukrainian laws, and a certificate of registration of the party was received by him. All other traffic: "Донецкая Республика", "Оплот", "Свободный Донбасс" etc. – This non-governmental organizations.

Besides, some experts complain, that the vote in the Donbas not meet a number of international election standards: freedom, transparency and openness and registers of voters have not been established, that does not allow to determine turnout.

We actually did not have voter lists –  they mostly created from scratch, simply overwriting data already wishing to vote in areas.

Besides, a list of the Communist Party of the DNI was withdrawn from the elections due to errors in the design documents, и коммунистов просто включили в списки в рамках "Донецкой Республики".

A 6 May 2016 года депутатов-коммунистов вообще незаконно выкинули из Народного совета с формулировкой "за утрату доверия", despite, that the Communists and supporters of leftist ideas have been the backbone of the national liberation revolution in the Donbass after the fascist coup Ukrainian , which occurred in February 2014 of the year.

It was the Communists with red flags and leaflets every day on duty near the monument to Lenin and State Administration in March – April – It has 2014 in Donetsk. The Communists were at the forefront of demonstrations with slogans: "За независимость", "Долой олигархов"  , "За Россию" , and then together with us – "другороссами" и активистами "Донецкой Республики" stormed the building of Regional State Administration, SBU etc.

Besides, I would especially like to mention the fact, что в нашу власть фактически "влились" some people, which no one at all did not choose. And, people with a very dubious reputation…

It's about EA authorities DNR Alexander Kazakov. He's from Latvia and I know him very well. inside out!

Alexander Kazakov, born in Riga 1965 year, He graduated from the Philosophy Faculty of Moscow State University.

At the end of the 80s he was a so-called Popular Front of Latvia, He fought against the Soviet Union and was an active supporter of the independence of Latvia!!!

remind, that the NFL was at that time an advanced organization of the Latvian nationalists, and joined them former forest brothers and SS, which began to kindle ethnic strife, pitting Latvians Russian community of Latvia and putting the goal of creating an independent Latvia in the sample 1918 of the year.

Besides, Cossacks at the time worked in extremely anti-Soviet NFL Edition – русской "Атмоде" and cooperated with the extreme nationalists – russophobes Elite Weidemann, Janis and Andrejs Krūmiņš Panteleevsom.

As stated at the time the deputy of the Latvian Diet Nikolay Kabanov,  задачей "Атмоды" It was the highest of any attempts to split Russian association. This was done, to ensure the victory of Latvian nationalists in elections 1993 at the Diet of Latvia.

And because of the Popular Front came all current ethnocratic elite of Latvia, which 1993 year established an extremely Russophobian mode, deprived 700 thousands of our residents citizenship, after the beginning of the elimination of Russian schools, He shoved Latvia in NATO and the EU, sharply spoiled relations with Russia and Latvian ruined industry and agriculture, putting people at risk of poverty and depriving him of his social security.

Thus Kazakov also indirectly contributed to the coming to power in Ukraine 1991 Russophobes year and Bandera Kravchuk, which by the way took the example of the Baltic, и "Народный Рух Украины" actively collaborated with the Popular Front of Latvia.

And now this man gives advice to our Republic and approves, that fights against Bandera!

AT 2001 the Cossacks took the citizenship of the Russian Federation and received a residence permit in Latvia. And later he dramatically changed his political orientation and began to fight against the transfer of Russian schools on the Latvian language of training.

Он вошёл в "Штаб защиты русских школ", в котором также состояло наше латвийское отделение партии "Другая Россия". So I carefully watched Kazakov activities. True Kazakov almost did not participate in the meetings of the Headquarters and did not prepare protests, хотя везде пиарился как чуть ли не основатель "Штаба" and the leader of the entire Russian national – liberation movement in Latvia.

Реальным же создателем и руководителем "Штаба" was the party ZaPcHeL, которая теперь носит название "Русский Союз Латвии ".

Точка зрения. Боец армии ДНР Бенес Айо о некоторых нюансах политической ситуации в ДНР

In 2004 Cossacks became the founder of so-called Joint Congress of Russian Communities of Latvia, который только раскалывал русское движение и также был помощником депутата Государственной Думы Дмитрия Рогозина и членом его партии "Родина".

Cossacks often went on we organize marches and rallies and arrogantly tearing their throats, encouraging young people, as well as published articles and appeared on television, posing as almost for the main fighter with the Latvian ethnocracy.

After, as 1 September 2004 year was the most powerful in Riga, nearly 100 – thousandth of a demonstration in support of Russian schools, the next day, the Minister of Internal Affairs of Latvia, representative of the so-called party of priests – Evangelists Eric said Ekabsons, Kazakov that is included in the black lists of residents, which denied entry to Latvia.

As explained Ekabsons, Kazakov sent for, he spoke to the press about the inevitability of mass fights between Russian and Latvian children in the demonstration of the Staff of the Russian school 1 September (the same day, a pop concert was organized by the authorities), and also in connection with some other information, provided to the Minister by the law enforcement agencies of Latvia.

AND 3 September, the Ministry of Immigration Latvia canceled his residence permit. After that, the Security Police of Latvia has transferred Kazakov in the hands of border guards. Border Service then drove Kazakova in the customs area of ​​the Riga Commercial Port, where he stated, that it is in the border zone without a permit to enter Latvia.

On this basis pograntsy detained Kazakova and the Office of Immigration has decided to expel him from the country.

Throughout the following week expulsion Kazakova became topic number one in the Latvian media. His lofty styled first person, deported from the EU for political reasons!! "Дядя Саша" Russian became the conscience of the nation of Latvia and the victims of totalitarian regimes!

Night Kazakov met at the Latvian – Russian border and then it was handed over to the Russian side. Everything went very quietly and myrrh – "из рук в руки".

And in the Russian Cossacks, Rogozin as a member of the Motherland, I am doing something – what public affairs (again PR!) – He was the head of the European programs of the Institute of modern diasporas and 2005 he worked as a freelance adviser to Rogozin on international issues, and then suddenly 2006 He was again replaced flea, перейдя из оппозиционной партии "Родина" в региональное прокремлевское молодежное экологическое движение "Местные", slave and the Putin administration established in the suburbs. I mean, our analyst found a more stable and cushy, change the type of its activities with the issues of discrimination of national minorities in Europe, the Russian ecology.

Very strange perturbations. Is not it? There he, He then SNM!

we, активисты "Штаба Русских Школ" We consider, что в Латвии задачей "дяди Саши" было внести раскол в движение защиты русских школ. According to the authoritative staff officer Alexander Malnach, in the Staff of protection of Russian schools, he played the role of agent provocateur!

In the reality, he worked on the right Emsis government and was expelled from Latvia while, when did, rather, I did not do the trick.

Cossacks actually was the reason, that the movement in defense of Russian schools began to decline.

So he was one of the initiators of the litter (the so-called united congress of Russian communities of Latvia).  I remember meeting some kindling – clean shall get-together small businessmen, imagines himself Russian defenders. Litter did nothing for our business and only zasedatelstvoval, болтал и постоянно "тупил"! And two months, What separates the elections to the European Parliament from the beginning of the new academic year 2004 year, when school reform entered into force, We went to the preparation of the first Congress OKROL. All the resources of staff were sent to the promotion of the new brand!!

I remember, both staff officers torn between sessions staff group and, Congress was preparing the Incorporated congress of Russian community of Latvia and we collected signatures under an appeal to join OKROL.

The idea of ​​creating OKROL, Kazakov of inserted media, headquarters split and led to false motion direction.

Besides, Kazakov proposed to storm the building of the Cabinet of Ministers 1 September 2004 years and spoke about this coveted young staff officer.

What for?! Kazakov before the task was set to substitute ZaPcHeL, to give the government a reason to remove a single opposition party.

just before 1 September days Kazakov never tired of talking about a possible collision between the Russian and Latvian students and inevitable in this case, bloodshed (for his way and sent the Minister of Internal Affairs of Latvia!).

One of the companions of the Staff, at that time the leader of the Russian Party and former leader of the Latvian branch of RNE, Evgeny Osipov (my friend and colleague) then he said, on the eve of the impending action 1 September 2004 year he called one of the activists said OKROL, Alexander Kazakov wanted to meet him. Cossacks came home to his wife, and immediately issued a couple of vulgar anti-Semitic jokes. realizing, it is not interesting Osipov, he said to him,, what 1 сентября готовится "тбилисский" вариант, and saying a few columns of pupils and staff officers, by 3-4 thousands of people each, break through the cordon and surrounded Cabinet, а людей Осипова "дядя Саша" Cabinet has decided to use for assault.

The next day after this conversation Osipov called a few people from Riga and told, that walks information about, what 1 сентября приедут "боевики" Осипова для возможного захвата Кабинета министров и мол про это всем говорит Казаков.

Besides, Osipova one day summoned to interview the Latvian special services, notifying machine gunners, received orders to shoot to kill if we approach the building of the Cabinet of Ministers Osipova supporters.

Osipov realized, Cossacks preparing a provocation, He reported the activists Staff and it was all prevented.

In this case, he did not risk anything Kazakov. Russian citizen, there the assistant to the deputy of the State Duma, he lived in Latvia with a residence permit, which served him a sort of safe-conduct.

And maybe Kazakova expulsion from the country was planned joint action of the authorities of Latvia and certain ruling political forces to take into vseobyatiya Kazakova Russia, which at that time was not interested in the struggle for Russian school and the aggravation of relations with Latvia, which then were adjusted profitable business deals.

Thus, according to my friend and activist Staff Alexander Malnach, Cossacks did everything, to spray force headquarters and to split the movement on the eve of a decisive battle, and also tried to instigate riots, responsibility for which would fall on the shoulders of ZaPcHeL.

И за вот такую "медвежью услугу" оказанную Казаковым "русскому миру" Latvia it certain forces in Russia caressed and cherished, and he began to be built in the Russian elite, coming out of " Motherland" и возглавив прокремлевскую тусовку "Местные", and 2009 году организовал Клуб молодых политиков "Уленшпигель".

И вдруг наш Казаков через энное количество лет "берётся" for Donbass!

So, at the end of September 2014 года в Москве он возглавил виртуальный "Центр стратегического планирования при парламенте Новороссии" – I worked there chattering and writing articles, and 2015 году занялся созданием российского телеканала "Ракета" in the company of Russian actors Mikhail Porechenkova and Ivan Okhlobystin.

And somewhere in the 2016 the Cossacks suddenly became much advisor to the head of the DNI!

And that such a person may well have advised our Republic, except talk and PR?!

so Kazakov, Opposing But geopolitics. rainbow, opposes the provision Donbass real military support from the Russian Federation (I mean, Recognition and Ossetian-Abkhazian scenario), but considers, that if Russia refuses republics, that Putin will not be able to influence the republic and to restrain them from, to withdraw their, temporarily occupied Kiev, territory by military means and thus Russia's support for Kiev is a guarantee, that formation LDNR not go forward and will not capture new territories.

Well this view Kazakova course nonsense, and at the moment LDNR not able to militarily back 60 percent of Donbas, which is occupied by Ukraine.

remind, what in 2017 году "дядя Саша" предложил нам так называемый проект "Малороссия", by which decided to combine all of Ukraine around the capital of Donbass Donetsk. Well is not this idiocy?! During serious fighting at the front, and social problems in the rear Kazakov invents all historically and politically completely ridiculous nonsense, spending time and money, and zombiruya consciousness simpletons.

As a result, the people of the DNI and LC categorically rejected the idea of " Малороссии", in connection with what authorities DNI rating according to some political analysts decreased by 20 priotsentov. Is this not a provocation?!

И если вообще проанализировать весь политический жизненный путь "дяди Саши", since the Popular Front of Latvia, it can be concluded, that the Cossacks have always acted in the destruction of, the bases and the weakening of ideological political currents. So in the late '80s he helped destroy the Soviet Union and the arrival to power in Latvia, and on the post-Soviet space, Russophobes nationalists ; in the 2000s split the Russian movement in Latvia, secretly working for the right-wing government.

I kstati, all that's provocative behavior and change of parties Kazakova – it is not just an intellectual seeker sharahane. it – product of his reactionary political views.

After Kazakov – This belief belogvardeeets and anti-Soviet, who heads the liberal-conservative center named Struve and Stolypin. Stolypin – hangman, the king's prime minister – sadist, who in the early 20 century tried to impose Russian communal peasants western US farm type of management, contradicts conciliar mentality of the Russian people and forcing the Russian peasants with the help of the whip and the gallows field out of the community and divided into fists and laborers.

Besides, Cossacks opposed to reconciliation red and white, considering it a capitulation white and thus playing on a split in our society.

Kazakov says, saying that right now " white"  ideas and ideals – proved victorious. И "белым" worthless to share his victory! И это по словам "дяди Саши" supposedly quite a decent foundation for building the future.

Now you understand? To the delight of Kazakova, after a counter-revolutionary coup in the Soviet Union, to which he personally had a hand, won the heirs of right-wing ideology: Kolchaks, Yudenich, Bandera, SS! it was he who, fighting against the USSR, способствовал приходу всей этой "мрази" to power in the same Latvia, Ukraine, etc., and now, posing as her opponent, подковерно "топит" its opponents (fighters for the rights of Russian in Latvia, etc.)!

And what good is such a person may advise the DNI !???

Гражданин ДНР Бенес Айо".



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