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Why Poles consider Russian their debtors?

Once again, in Poland, we spoke about the desire to receive reparations from Russia — Now these claims are going to have to issue the level of Parliament, Peter writes in Akopov интернет-газете "Взгляд". THIS very strange topic nastolko, forcing again and again to question the viability of the Polish state — not because, Russia wants to destroy it, but because, that part of the Polish elite is doing its best to discredit the very idea of ​​an independent Poland.

Head of the Committee of the Polish Sejm on reparations Arkadiusz Mulyarchik said in an interview with Rzeczpospolita newspaper, that the Polish parliament of the next convocation (he is elected next November) Moscow intends to submit a claim for payment of war reparations: "Я считаю, that in the next convocation of the Diet should be established record of military losses, supported Soviet Russia. Should prepare claims to Russia for damages, which struck the country the Soviet Union. I know, that such reports prepared by the Baltic States. Of course, there is a problem with their yield, because today's Russia is a country, which is not in compliance with law and international order. Но такой отчет должен быть".

Although Mulyarchik not announced the amount of claims, за последние годы польские официальные лица уже не раз поднимали тему "русские нам должны". They referred in this case as a contract 1921 of the year, and for the entire period of stay in Poland in the socialist camp in 1944-1990 years. The exact figures can be very different. If you recall the similar claims of the Poles to Germany, there appear the amount of 5 to 500 billions of dollars. Russia, by the way, accused and that, Poland after the war received less reparations from Germany — Let's now compensates for the, Germans nedodali.

Boundless audacity of the idea of ​​duty before the Russian Poles is, that it is even difficult to calmly answer. There is no point once again reminded of the aid, which helped the Soviet Union after the war Poland. About, that all its current western part is a gift of Stalin — territory of East Prussia, which robbed Germany, forcing millions of Germans to move west.

No, all Poles already know — but take for granted, pushing claims on the territory of Western Ukraine, The western part of Lithuania and Belarus, lost them after World War II. Our arguments about that, that the majority of the population of these lands were not Poles, Yes, and they were a part of modern Poland just two decades (after the collapse of the Russian Empire and the defeat of the USSR in the war 1921 of the year), Poles are not interested.

All is mine — and all I have: so it is possible to describe the attitude of Poland to the neighbors.
One could simply ignore these claims, It refers to them as the ravings of a madman — especially, that Russian-Polish relations, and so are in very poor condition, and solely on the Polish wine. But we are all still talking about the largest country in Eastern Europe, NATO and EU member — what is the reason for this inadequacy?

In fact, besides Russia Poland puts forward claims to Germany — as wild and even more ambitious. At the same time Poland is in a very strained relationship with the European Union as a whole. Wherein — EU formally headed by Donald Tusk, Polish, with whom the ruling forces in Poland have inherent contradictions about traditional Christian values, migrants and other European issues. Warsaw is betting on US, more precisely, on conservative values ​​and anti-European sentiment Donald Trump — but in Poland understand, Americans will not defend the Poles in the event of armed conflict.

Почему поляки считают русских своими должниками?

of conflict? After all, Poland is not threatened, and she is confident, According to the former head of the Foreign Ministry and the Ministry of Defense Radoslaw Sikorski, что "одна сможет расквасить нос России"(in the event of attack our country — "если вы хотите быть агрессором, you, usually, нужно обладать преимуществом три к одному", Sikorski explains).

Nevertheless, there is a threat to Poland — that's just not the outside, and in itself. And it is called very simply — Polish foreign policy. Difficult to find in the world of another large country, whose political elites have behaved so poorly with its neighbors. Quarrel with all at once — and without serious reasons to. Present financial and hint at territorial claims (and they have to Lithuania, Ukraine, Belarus) — and without the slightest chance of their satisfaction.

Furthermore — as stupid is the idea, that Poland is an outpost of the West in the way of aggressive Russia. And it is trying to play this card Warsaw. An appeal to the US and the UK, NATO as such, It has no practical sense — because in the event of a real war, no one would defend Poland, and in the case of her world her hysterical position sooner or later begins to annoy themselves Anglo-Saxons.

Really, пока Америке нужно изображать из России "угрозу миру", Poles have signs of attention, and in every way cheer — but as soon as there comes another period of détente and build bridges between Russia and the West, they begin to interfere with already by Atlantists. As a result, the victim is Poland itself — because it deprives itself of the favorable economic and trade relations with Russia.

clear, that the Poles have fear of hitting an excessive dependence on Germany or Russia — but it is not clear, why an antidote to this, they see only in maintaining tense relations with its great neighbors. Search explanation in Polish history, and in domestic politics in the present Polish state, of course, can — Only one is still a big question. Why Poland to have bad relations with Russia and Germany? For the sake of independence? So for this you need to do exactly the opposite — strongly protecting their inner values ​​and way of depersonalizing globalization and Europeanization (and then only to Russia «for»), act as an advocate of strengthening of Russian-German relations, It becomes in them by a third party, benefit from this.

Hope is on the distant ally — whether the US, Britain or France — which will protect the economic and political interests of Poland, and to press for the sake of Germany and Russia, so stupid and so often proved to be ineffective, even uncomfortable talking about this. Especially now — when the German eagle recalls, that he was not the younger brother of the US, Russian and gathers under its wings the runaway chicks.

Poles need to finally understand — Russia is not afraid of a strong and independent Poland, but despises Poland brazen, thankless and short-sighted. And what will be Poland — It depends only on the Poles themselves.



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