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Against nuclear diplomacy

Against nuclear diplomacy

President Truman ordered to use against Japan only two atomic bombsA directive on the entry of the Soviet Union into the war against Japan, Stalin signed 7 August 1945 year 16 hours 30 minutes. I.e, immediately after, as he was informed about the atomic bombing of Hiroshima.

Until now, policy, historians, diplomats argue about the causes, podvignuvshih US authorities on the use of atomic weapons against two Japanese cities in August 1945. Fewer and fewer of those, who believes, if bombs fell on Hiroshima and Nagasaki with one goal - to win the war more quickly. For many sources confirm, that despite the huge civilian casualties after the atomic bombing, Japanese, saw a mushroom cloud, We are not going to give up. Militaristic attitudes in society and, special, Army preserved. It is no coincidence the US military have been adamant, that without the Soviet Union entered the war in the Pacific War will continue until 1946 , inclusive and takes up to one million US soldiers and officers.

Keen desire of President Truman and those around him the "hawks" of the policy to test new weapons, of course, played a role, but not decisive. Most concurs, that the main task of the attacks on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was an attempt to explain, who is now the owner of the world. and explain, first of all, Soviet Union.

Against nuclear diplomacy

Such kind of diplomacy, then called "nuclear", worked, but it gave exactly the opposite result. According to plan, approved by the General Headquarters still 28 July 1945 of the year, all preparations had to be completed by 1 August. But the fighting had started only 10th. And there is evidence, that does 20-25 August. Destruction of Hiroshima, the Americans are not scared Moscow, but have ensured, that the Soviet Union forced the military operations in the Far East. And this, as it turned out, It allowed him to keep the region a major impact. Firstly, thanks, quickly and cancel the military campaign against the Kwantung Army of Japan, stationed in Manchuria, in northern China, as well as against the garrisons on the southern Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands.

Against nuclear diplomacy

The consequences of the atomic bombingBy the way, full readiness for war 1 August refutes the propaganda myths, both crossed half of Europe and the whole Union army units, who took Konigsberg, Berlin and Prague, almost of the cars into battle with the Japanese. Actually, preparations for the operation was carried out carefully and with time reserve. not only land war plans were conceived, but also the actions of the Pacific Fleet, which in January 45th marks 10 years. Commander of the Navy Admiral Nikolai Kuznetsov has set the following objectives of the Pacific Fleet: to prevent the landing of Japanese troops in Primorye and the penetration of the Japanese Navy in the Tatar Strait; disrupt the communications of the Japanese Navy in the Sea of ​​Japan air strikes on Japanese ports when it detects congestion there and military vehicles of the enemy ships; support the operations of land forces of occupation naval bases in North Korea, in South Sakhalin and the Kuril Islands, as well as to be prepared for a landing on the northern Hokkaido.

On land battle line stretched on 5 thousands of kilometers. The defeat of the Kwantung Army troops were to make a 3-Soviet fronts: Trans-Baikal, 1-st and 2nd Far Eastern. In addition to the Pacific Fleet in operations anticipated part of the Amur river flotilla. Zabaikal'skii attacked front side through the spurs Chita ridge Large Khlngan. And in the end I had to go to the rear of the Kwantung Army, taking the former Russian Port Arthur ( Lyuyshunkou, China) and former Far (Dalian, China) of Lyaodunskom (Kvantunskom) Peninsula in the Yellow Sea Bay. 2-nd Far Eastern Front started operating on the forehead, from Blagoveshchensk, across the Amur River and the mountains of the Lesser Hinggan with access to Harbin. 1-nd Far Eastern Front from Vladivostok in two divergent directions: Harbin and Korea. 16-Army acted on Southern Sakhalin. In total, our group consisted of 1 577 725 human, 26 137 guns and mortars, 5 556 Tanks and self-propelled artillery, 3 446 combat aircraft. It was achieved superiority in manpower in 1,8 fold, in tanks - in 4,8, in aviation - in 1,9. number of troops, had been transferred to the Far East from Europe - more 400 thousand, ie less than a third of staff. Perhaps, Only on Sakhalin and the Kuriles were fighting in the first place, "Europeans".

Against nuclear diplomacy

planned, that the impact of the three fronts will sweep the Japanese mainland, but in the case of their refusal to surrender, hostilities have been transported to the Japanese islands. For the transfer of large numbers of troops in the Pacific Fleet had opportunities in abundance. For reference: in addition to surface ships (large and medium - 44) PF disposal 78 submarines and 1549 aircraft naval aviation.

There is a military science such term: 'Cannes'. textbook operation, the essence of which is, that flanking forces break through the enemy defenses and, like mites, compressed behind him. In fact, operation, held against the Kwantung Army under the leadership of Marshal Alexander Vasilevsky - the classic "Cannes".

The first just after midnight 9 August the Japanese attacked the reconnaissance and specially selected groups, as now I would say, Special Forces. The main forces went on the offensive in 4.30. morning.

After two days of fighting, the Trans-Baikal Front troops with the support of the Mongolian People's Liberation Army carried out the task and, breaking the Greater Hinggan, escaped the operating room Manchurian Valley. 1-th Far East and did not depart 12 August led the battle in the Korean coast. Although the central band facing the front with the thrust resistance and only 17 August took the main city of eastern Manchuria - Mudanjiang. 2-nd Far Eastern Front via riverine-amurtsev successfully crossed the Amur. After five days of the war, the Kwantung Army was almost destroyed, and the Government of Japan has decided to surrender. AND 17 August Army Command has received a corresponding order. But even during the Russian-Japanese War 1904-1905 s was true noticed, Japanese and Russian soldiers have something in common. Namely: different fortitude and desire to fight to the end.

Despite the order to lay down arms, parts and group of soldiers continued to resist. Known such case: after fighting for a foothold on the mountain island in the underground casemates were found corpses 500 Japanese soldiers and officers, and - the corpses 160 women and children. Women have found grenades and daggers. Some were with rifles. And the soldiers, and their wives voluntarily withdrew from life, preferring death to captivity.

Against nuclear diplomacy

Tanks "Ha-Go" and "Chi-Ha" of the 11th Tank Regiment of the Japanese on the island at the time of surrender ShumshuExecution of the surrender order was complicated by the Japanese for the fact, that not all commanders got it, as it has already been surrounded or hard to reach places. Separate clashes continued until 10 September, that is after 8 days after, Japan signed the act of unconditional surrender on all fronts. So, eg, 84-Cavalry Division, Major-General Timothy Dedeoglu was surrounded in mid-August and fought with the Japanese to 8 September. Although official figures and suggests, that this division completed the combat path 2 September.

curious, that the islands (Sakhalin and the Kuril ridge) active actions of the Soviet troops began a little later, than on the mainland. for example, on southern Sakhalin - 11 August, and the Kuriles only 18th. But they ended there before - Sakhalin surrendered 25 August, Kuriles – to 5 September.

Of extraordinary events is to provide the capture of the last Chinese emperor, and the Emperor Manchukuo - Generalissimo Pu. It happened in Mukden 19 August. The result of the arrest of Pu - 9 years of imprisonment in reeducation camp in Communist China.

Against nuclear diplomacy

It is worth noting, and the rivalry of the Soviet and American troops on the basis of mastering the Far and Port Arthur. The Americans were eager to be the first in this strategically important area. And we went there several warships. But first - we tried to land on small landing Liaodong. Soviet soldiers were there a little earlier and fired warning shots into the air.

Allies in direct conflict did not dare. it, the question of the nuclear argument, Application of two weeks earlier.

Soviet paratroopers in quantities of 200 man landed in Port Arthur 22 August. Garrison Commandant Vice Admiral Kobayashi did not hang back and agreed to surrender. The next day, the local Japanese garrison disarmed, capturing about 10 thousands of people. About Port Arthur and Far Americans long to calm down. Already in October 1945, after signing the allied countries of various documents on the division of spheres of influence, ships of the US 7th Fleet visited ports in the Far raid. Only after, Far as the commander, Lieutenant-General Georgy Kozlov openly hinted, that is ready to use coastal batteries, American ships withdrew.

Against nuclear diplomacy

Trans-Baikal Front tanks overcame Greater Hinggan two days and broke into the open Manchurian ValleySunk Soviet losses during the war in the Far East totaled 12 031 human. Yet 24 425 people - loss of health. The Japanese only lost about dead 84 thousand. I must admit, it's - notional amount. The prisoner during the fighting and after the surrender was taken from 608 to 643 thousand. but, more accurate data and no, looks like, will never.

The reason is, that taking into account losses in the Japanese Army in the World War II was fought quite messy. Besides, died and are captured not only the subjects of the Japanese Mikado, but also fought on the side of the Koreans in Japan, Chinese, Mongols, representatives of other Eastern nations. Mikhail Bykov, especially for 'Field Post "

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