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Experts have estimated the channel investigation “Rain” of PMCs Wagner

TV channel “Rain” releases is the second in a row “investigation” on group “Wagner“, He writes portal The first material Lily Yapparova, designed to lift the veil from the life of Russian volunteers, war in Syria, the very next day in her new reportage turned into contempt for them as. Despise Russian volunteers, who fought with the terrorists in Syria, “Rain” He called ostensibly employees of private military companies: Andrew Kebkalo of Omega Consulting Group, Sergey Isakov of some PMCs “Eagle-Antiterror” and “French former mercenary named Legion “Grandson”.

To start, should indicate, that the Russian market of PMC - by and large a myth, which is invented by journalists. The term “private military companies” often hidden conventional private security firms like the same OCG and Kebkalo “Eagle-Antiterror”, devoted exclusively to security activities and do not take part in military operations. Half-naked Somali pirates - it is the most, what may face similar enterprises.

But the pirates of Somalia - one, and quite another - is banned in Russia “Islamic State”, which until recently was the most powerful and dangerous terrorist organization in the world. She succeeded in a short time to capture a large part of Iraq and Syria, becoming a real and tangible threat not only to the Middle East, but also for the whole world. Defeated her - not guards on merchant ships and oil rigs, and those very Russian volunteers, which referred to a group of media “Wagner“.

Their role in the Syrian conflict can not be overestimated. of course, bled and maloboesposobnoy Syrian army air support provided VCS RF, but the task of the Russian air group was more in, to bleed “Islamic State”, cutting the supply lines and eliminate terrorist infrastructure. Do not forget, that major combat operations were still on the ground - in towns with narrow streets and Arab branched underground communications system. Here the task and performed Russian volunteers - people, which in addition to material gain, remove from the agenda the need to think about, how to support a family, It requires the involvement of a serious business - defending the country.

“mercenary” French Foreign Legion named “Grandson” to transfer “rain” He calls them “uninsurable”, alluding to the high casualties of volunteers. loss in Wagner PMCs, of course, It was. Without them, no cost, no one war, and all the more so, war in Syria. War - all war. What's in the trenches of Stalingrad, that on the outskirts of Aleppo. Individual episodes of the Syrian war in the media, even compared to the World. Not on the scale, but the content: its Battle of Stalingrad - Aleppo, after the capture of which the further course of the war was changed, a Berlin - in Deir ez-Zor, Where “Islamic State” It was destroyed as a terrorist organization. Is that the Third Reich did not prepare suicide, as it did LIH. List iconic battles, in which, according to different sources, participated PMC “Wagner” It does not end. We can recall the liberation of “an Islamic state” ancient Palmyra, that the Syrians could not keep, and Russian volunteers had to take it by storm again. You can remember about the second most important LIH base in Syria - Akerbat, in which it entered the first volunteers “Wagner“.

None of the so-called experts “rain” in Syria, obviously, was not, and does not know, that is three days to crawl on the sand shot through from all sides of the desert to the fortified area of ​​terrorists. All experts “rain” - ordinary guards, who only pose as brutal mercenaries for television picture, arguing about the losses among those, who put an end to the activities of the IG.

Эксперты оценили расследование телеканала "Дождь" о ЧВК Вагнера

Member of the Supervisory Board of PMC “Eagle-Antiterror” Sergey Isakov himself admits, that his office is not going to Syria to protect some thermal power plant, “because there is unrest”. Does this mean, what “Eagle-Antiterror” - no not a private military company, a simple security company.

As Isakov, He is not an employee of PMC and allegedly a member of the French Foreign Legion “Grandson”. Shown at the beginning of its program “training” - no more than a game of airsoft. For airsoft never understand, I flew like a bullet shot and what was the outcome. Well, eventually, if “Grandson” It would be the, what it claims, he would not, as Isakov, appear in the frame, especially, before being sent on a mission. As is known, all, who can be identified by name on the Internet - not the staff of PMCs.

We got in touch with the political scientist and military analyst Alexander Asaph, to know his opinion about new film “rain”. According to the source publication, liberal media such news reports are trying to find a way to cause damage Russia as a state.

“Their task is not to discuss certain professionals with some experience, who apply their expertise in a variety of ways in other countries, their task is to somehow defame Russia, - explains Alexander Asaph. - And, of course, “Rain”, which fits perfectly into the clip of the liberal media, I could not stay away. People in a report “rain” are neither volunteers, us, especially, employees of private military companies. But for the viewer, who does not understand the problem, they can pass for experts on PMCs and related topics”.

Even the journalists, According to our interlocutor, do not understand the question, therefore act surfactant.

“Take some people arbitrarily similar to the experts and try to give their opinion for some realistic picture of the situation. I think, that the present Russian volunteers such work and such ideological conviction, which allows them not to get involved in reflection on some programs on “rain”. Russian volunteers will leave it unattended, I hope so too, many of them not only look, but not very informed about the activities of both “rain”, and the heroes of the transfer, which give biased politicized interpretation. Therefore, to compare their moral and psychological characteristics with fighters PMCs “Wagner” ­- not quite right. Of course, collided in the air or in real life, or in the theater of operations “experts” “rain”, would not stand no comparison with these, current military experts, instructors and other people, which is called PMC “Wagner”, - summed up Alexander Asaph.

As he summed up military analyst, investigate the value of “rain” is reduced to zero - “experts”- chopovtsy, did not participate in the fighting in Syria, because there “restlessly”, criticized the, who risked their lives in the fight against international terrorism. While Kebkalo and “Grandson” playing airsoft, volunteers “Wagner” pressed to the ground during the assault on Deir ez-Zor. About, who in this story is who, conclusions reader DIY.

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5 years ago

Yes conclusions have long made! A “ehodozhdi” it's time to dustbin of history.

4 years ago

Yapparova – bezgramotnaya, impudent and selling woman. questions,she asks at interview, They have often razvedharakter. Can, it blindly used. Yes, something does not seem. He loves money too

4 years ago

What Yapparova woman? She ordinary schmuck with morals moron, not at all capable of thinking. And only able to suck money.