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“Porubschik-2” as a satellite killer

Information service RIA Novosti reported, citing a source in the defense industry reports on the latest development of the Russian aviation nature. The submission of information agency is approved, that we are talking about an airplane-jamming, which is intended to replace the Il-22PP 'Porubschik ".

"Порубщик-2" как убийца спутников

noted, that the newest air complex is capable of suppressing radar and otherwise, which is able to spread even on the satellite constellation.

The article by RIA Novosti states, The car eventually get a modern avionics, which will allow to work on the ground, air, marine and space objects. In particular, the plane will be able to incapacitate those satellites, which are responsible for providing navigation and radio communication.

Draft project changer Il-22PP is ready. The project now enters the stage developmental research.

of material:
Definitely it will be a new glider - The possibility of creating such an aircraft based on the Tu-214 and Il-76.

The working title of the new jammer - "Porubschik-2", but noted, that at the final stage of work on the project its name will be changed.

For reference: Il-22PP 'Porubschik "made its first flight relatively recently - in 2011 year. His equipment scans the entire range of signals, allocating one set of enemy signals. Following the discovery of the most important enemy signals, "Porubschik" including electronic warfare system, operating in the desired frequency range. Aircraft IL-22 was selected as a base for "Porubschika" in connection with the filter parameters for the duration.



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