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RSZO BM-21 Grad

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

Which has become an important milestone in the history of the development of rocket launchers, MLRS BM-21 "Grad" was developed on its own initiative in the Tula NII-147, Established in July 1945 g. to meet the challenges of technological support mass production of conventional artillery shells fired. Developed by NII-147 cartridges manufacturing technology by deep drawing and provide production more thick and durable shell, which are combustor rockets engine. Therefore, the NII-147 designers have the opportunity to move from solving a particular problem - technological support of production of ammunition - to the more difficult and complex - the development of reactive systems of salvo fire.

Alps RSZO BM-21 Grad – video

Conducted under the guidance of AN. Ganicheva work was supported by the order of the Chairman of State Committee for Defense Technology from 24 February 1959 g. and Decision of the Council of Ministers 30 May 1960 city, and the tactical and technical requirements for the system have been approved 10 October 1960 g. In accordance with the creation of The Council of Ministers of the projectile M-21OF and PCZO generally instructed SRI-147, propellant charge developed engine NII-6, a warhead projectile - GSKB-47. Fighting machine BM-21 (2B5) commissioned to design the SKB-203. Firing rig tests of engines rockets were launched already in the 1960 city, while within the factory test was conducted 53 burning, state - 81. Soon we began to range launches.

Public field testing started 1 Martha 1962 g. and carried out with the involvement of two military vehicles at the landfill near Leningrad Rzhevskaya. If their conduct took place breakage fighting vehicle. To eliminate their prerequisites through the use of alloy steel reinforced rear axle chassis. Besides, disconnecting confined only one of the suspension axles chassis instead of the previously produce similar operation to both rear axles. That was enough to give the necessary stability of the combat vehicle with the shooting, and the load does not exceed the permissible level. Resolution of the Council of Ministers 28 Martha 1963 g. multiple launch rocket system BM-21 "Grad" was adopted by the, and in accordance with the Resolution of 29 January 1964 g. № 98-32 transferred into mass production. In fact, the system began to come into force until next year, when the chassis serial production has been deployed in Miass for the BM-21 - Ural-375.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

The scale of production of the USSR BM-21 is impressive: only Motovilikha plants were produced around 3 thousands of BM-21 and more 3 millions of shells to them. Release of this system and its modifications has been launched in China, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Romania and South Africa. Currently, BM-21 is located in the armies of more than 30 countries of the world. At the beginning 1994 , there were in the Russian Federation Armed Forces 4500 RSZO BM-21 and around 3000 - in the armies of other countries. MRL BM-21 consists of a launcher, 122-mm unguided rockets, fire control systems and transport-charging machines. To prepare data for firing as part of a battery of MLRS BM-21 has a machine control 1V110 "birch" on the chassis of GAZ-66 car.

Launcher BM-21 was developed by the classical scheme with the placement of an artillery unit at the rear of car chassis. Artillery unit is a package of 40 tubular guide, mounted on the rotating bed, with guidance in the vertical and horizontal planes,. The composition of the artillery unit also includes a lifting and pivoting mechanism. sights and a corresponding pneumatic, electro- and radio equipment. The guides are arranged in four rows of ten tubes each, thus forming a package. Package together with impact devices is fixed on a rigid welded cradle. guidance mechanisms allow direct package guides in a vertical plane in the range of angles from 0 ° to + 55 °. The angle of the horizontal firing rockets 172 ° (102° left of the vehicle longitudinal axis and 70 ° to the right). The main method of targeting - from electric.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

122-mm unguided rocket has been developed for the MLRS BM-21, the construction of which has had a revolutionary effect on the development of post-war rocket artillery. At the suggestion of Chief Designer of NII-147 AN. Ganicheva projectile casing is made not traditional machining of a steel bar, and high performance by rolling and drawing of steel sheet.
Another feature of the projectile MRL BM-21 are folding plane stabilizer, which in the closed position are held by a special ring and do not exceed the dimensions of the shell. By itself, folding stabilizer is not an invention of Tula designers. for example, a stabilizer used in the German unguided rocket R4M, Numerous stabilizers elongated feathers which in the folded position occupied space around elongate specially engine nozzle, and after the missile out of the starting device recline, forming a sort of semblance of broom twigs. However, this structure required the artificial lengthening of the rocket nozzle, thereby increasing its weight and size. The design of "Grad" rocket systems other scheme has been adopted. Perot stabilizer was carried out not flat, and in the form of a cylinder sector, curved when viewed from the front in an arc with a radius, close to half the diameter of the missiles. The developers called a form of "raven". In the folded position like surface stabilizers continued rocket engine cylinder housing. Disclosure stabilizers block, before the start of the holding ring, It carried out a spring mechanism. In the open position of the stabilizer blades were rotated at 1 ° relative to the plane, passing through the longitudinal axis of the projectile, to thereby twist to said axis to reduce the effects of eccentricities and thrust center of mass.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

In other respects the arrangement of the projectile is quite traditional: in front of a head for a contact located warhead fuze, which is adjoined made of steel motor housing. Due to the large elongation housing comprises two cylindrical sections, connected by threads. The nozzle unit comprises a central and six peripheral nozzles. The supersonic nozzle part have a conical shape with an angle of 30 °. The diameter of the nozzle throat is 19 mm, cutoff - 37 mm.

Applied to the inner surface of the motor housing thermal barrier coating thickness 0.3 mm not only protects the steel body by heating and corresponding decrease in strength, but also significantly reduces the energy loss of the burning fuel and contributes to obtaining a high specific impulse and increased burning velocity. solid fuel charge for technological reasons is also made of two poluzaryadov. When this charge tail floor has a larger clearance between the walls of the housing and fuel, since it is necessary to provide sufficient flow area for the combustion products as the anterior, and tail poluzaryadov.

Due to the fact that during long storage of projectiles in a horizontal position not preclude deformation of the motor housing, the fuel charge has been separated from the motor chamber wall clearance 4 mm for head and poluzaryada 9 mm -for tail. Fixation was carried out by poluzaryadov pasted on each of them six "crackers" size 50 x 10 mm, made from the same fuel. The ends were booked poluzaryadov glued washers from nitrolinoleuma.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

In the fuel charge has been used formulation of RCI-12M, employee developed earlier NII-6 B.C. Lernovym and consisting of 56% xylidine. 26,7% nitrogliцerina. 10,5% dynytrotoluola. 3% tsentralita. The composition also included a charge catalysts and processing aids. Between sex charges placed igniter with 80 g coarse black powder KZDP-1 and 2 g powder ANC-1, located in separate bags perkalevyh. Current two-MB squib 2H fed by wire, padded through the central nozzle and the channel semi-charge caudal. Total weight of two poluzaryadov with "crumbs" and washers was 20,6 kg, missile body parts - 24,5 kg (with stabilizers - 26,4 kg).

Making poluzaryadov carried out on a specially developed automatic production line. It provides automated support for poluzaryadov, they overload, geometry control, weighing, gluing "crackers" and end plates, marking. Packaging container in poluzaryadov conducted in semi-automatic mode. Gradually, manufacture and operation of the charge technology simplifies. allowances were extended to foreign and air pockets, It was capable of storing charge in a non-pressurized container. In the late sixties it was worked charge production of denser fuel PCT-4K, which allowed while maintaining the desired weight more to reduce the size and geometry to unify poluzaryadov. Instead glued "crackers" Apply a small ridges - ridges on the outer surface, formed in the manufacturing process checkers. Somewhat later, the production of fuel poluzaryadov mastered using a special recipe, in the manufacture of which were used products processing fuel charges, extracted from outdated missiles with an expired warranty period of operation. Production of such charges with ridges, without pasted "crackers", peredelochnyh of formulations was conducted in 1975-1980 g.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

Ignition of the propellant charge of the projectile is made pirozapalami, Triggered by the impact of the current pulses from the junction box fire control system. Duration volley one BM-21 - 20 seconds. If necessary, a volley could not produce from the cockpit, and a remote panel, The assignment of a few tens of meters. The most widely used type of missile MRL BM-shell 21 is M-210F (9M22U) with high-explosive fragmentation warhead. The length of the projectile fuze with MRI-U is 2,87 m. weight with fuse - 66,4 kg, weight battle part- 19,18 kg, the weight of the explosive - 6,4 kg.

powder charge (gunpowder RCI - 12 m) weight 20.45 kg provides the greatest shell flight speed 690 m / s. fuze arming made after exit from the rail at distances of 150 450 m from the war machine. The installation depends on the nature of the projectile fuze action of the target: in instantaneous - preferably fragmental, during slow - mainly high-explosive.
By fragmentation warhead projectile M-21 RP twice effective M-140F, and in just fugasnomu- 1,7 fold, what impact greater elongation of the new missile. Accuracy in the direction of fire was 1/180, on a side napravleniyu- 1/110 range from.

When starting at a distance 20 km half results fit into the removal within 200-300 m from the center of the grouping of discontinuities. The maximum missile velocity was about 690 m / s. To preserve an acceptable accuracy when shooting at distances ranging from 12 to 15,9 km between fuse head and a missile warhead fastened low brake ring, into smaller range - large. As a result of the launches were carried out without the use of an extremely steep or flat trajectory, the use of which is associated with a large dispersion of projectiles. Volley one combat vehicle provided space engage manpower around 1000 m2, and soft-skinned vehicles - 840 m2.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story


9M22 – high-explosive fragmentation projectile

9M22U – enhanced high-explosive fragmentation projectile;

9M22S – carcass;

9M23 – Chemical fragmentation projectile, by major flight characteristics corresponding projectile M22S;

9M28F – high-explosive projectile with detachable warhead;

9M521 – high-explosive fragmentation projectile

9M522 – high-explosive fragmentation projectile

9M28D – propaganda shell;

9M43 – dymokuryaschy shell (Ten rounds of this type creates a continuous curtain of smoke over an area 50 ha);

9M42 – illuminating shell for the system “Illyuminatsiya »;

9M28K – projectile with submunitions with antitank mines PTM-3;

ZM16 – projectile with submunitions landmines POM-2 (Forty shells of this type undermine one kilometer front);

9M519-1-7 ("Lily-2") – Set shells for the production of radio interference in the HF and VHF. as well as other types of shells.

"The threat-1M" – drone

Actively developing new ammunition for the BM-21 is also the country, letting the system under a license or illegally.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

Artillery unit BM-21 includes a package of 40 tubular guide having an inner diameter 122,4 mm and length 3 m. The guides are located in the 4 tier of 10 guides in each tier. Guidance package guides in the vertical and horizontal planes is performed by first primereniya on land and manually drive MRL. The lifting mechanism is located in the center of the base, Its root gear engages the toothed sector of the cradle. Hovering electrically or manually radical gear rotates sector gear part and swinging combat vehicle elevation angles are given to. Rotating mechanism located on the left side of the base. Its fundamental gear engages the stationary inner ring overhead.

When you hover the combat vehicle electrically or manually root gear rolls on the stationary inner ring and thereby rotates the rotatable part fighting machine. The vertical guidance possibly with an angle of elevation to + 55 °. The horizontal spread can package the guide at angles up to 70 ° right and left from 110e and forth direction along the longitudinal axis of the machine. Within horizontal fire sector to 34 ° above the cab car minimum elevation angle is limited to 11 degrees. For partial equilibration swinging portion counterweight mechanism used, Located in the cradle. Sights consist of a mechanical sight, PG-1M panorama and a collimator K-1. It should be noted, that thanks to the sophisticated design of the majority of its artillery mechanisms nestled under the covers and cradles swivel base. This has increased the reliability of the arrangements.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

Chassis launcher represents chassis "Ural-375" terrain truck (Axels 6 x 6). This chassis has V-type eight-cylinder petrol engine Zil-375, develops when 3200 rev / min maximum power 180 HP. two-plate clutch, dry. Transmission - a five-speed, synchromesh on 2,3,4 and 5th gears. Due to the presence on the chassis centralized air pressure control system in tires, launcher has a high permeability in soil with a low load-bearing capacity. When driving on the highway it has a top speed 75 km / h. Depth of crossing ford without preparation is 1,5 m.

A number of MLRS launchers BM-21 released on truck chassis "Ural-4320" and ZIL-181. Rocking the launcher during firing is minimized due calculated using the EFM sequence descent guides projectiles. This would eliminate the use of hydraulic outriggers on the chassis and confine the use of springs off mechanism during shooting. Reloading launcher is done manually with the help of transport and loading vehicle, as a vehicle that uses a triaxial Zil-131 with two racks 9F37 (each rack can hold on 20 shells). The launcher is equipped with 21 MB-extinguishing means and radio R-108m.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story


9K59 "Prima" - multi-purpose high-power with the MLRS 50 guides;

BM-21B «In City» - MRL with aviadesantiruemaya 12 guides, capable of producing fire all missiles BM-21;

9K132 "P-Town"- lightweight portable single-barrel launcher for firing 122 mm shells “Grad-P”;

A-215 "Grad-M" - MLRS ship for amphibious ships of the Navy;

«City-1» - 36-barrel multiple rocket launcher systems for artillery units armed with the regimental level;

BM-21 PD "Damba" - MRL for the protection of naval bases from demolition divers and marine commandos.

9K510 “Illyuminatsiya” - rocket system to fire star shells. Each missile system that illuminates the terrain diameter circle 1000 m with a height of 450-500 m, wherein during 90 second illumination provided 2 suites.

9K51M "Tornado-G» - further development of the system: modernized combat vehicle 2B17-1 / 2B17M, new Nursi with increased up to 40 km Maximum range.

RSZO "City-1A» (Belgrade) - represents Belarus modification "Grad" system to combat vehicle BM-21A based cargo MAZ-6317-05.

Bastion-01, Bastion-02, BM-21U "Verba" - modernization of Ukrainian BM-21.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

Modification of combat vehicles

2B5 - combat vehicle BM-21 MLRS 9K51 on the chassis Ural-375.

2P17 - combat vehicle BM-21-1 MLRS 9K51 on the chassis Ural-4320.

2B17-1 - modernized combat vehicle BM-21-1 9K51M MLRS "Tornado-G" on the chassis Ural-4320.

2B17M - modernized combat vehicle BM-21-1 9K51M MLRS "Tornado-G" on the chassis Ural-4320.

2B26 - combat vehicle BM-21 MLRS 9K51 on the chassis of KAMAZ-5350. Modernization fighting vehicle 2B5 and transferring the firing of the chassis Ural-375 on the chassis of KAMAZ-5350. Modernization carried out by JSC "MZ". The first sample of the combat vehicle 2B26 was publicly shown in Perm 23 September 2011 of the year.

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

Performance characteristics of BM-21 Grad

– Year(s) production: 1960 — 1988
– The number of issued, PC: more 8500
– Chassis: family of trucks Ural-375 and Ural-4320
– Kolёsnaya formula: 6×6

Overall dimensions of the BM-21 Grad

– The length in the stowed position, mm: 7350
– Width in traveling position, mm: 2400
– The height in the stowed position, mm: 3090
– Clearance, mm: 400

Weight BM-21 Grad

– Mass without shells and calculation, kg: 10 870
– Weight in firing position, kg: 13 700

Caliber BM-21 Grad

– 122 mm

Calculation of the BM-21 Grad

– 3 man

– Number of rails: 40
– The maximum elevation angle: 55
– Accuracy (diffusion), m: When the maximum range of the MSE distance was 1/130, and lateral - 1/200.
– Aim: Panorama cannon PG-1M
– Translation system from traveling to combat is not over, min: 3,5
– time volley, from: 20

Firing range BM-21 Grad

– minimum FFS: 4000 m, KAS: 2500 m, UAS: 1600 m
– maximum FFS: 40 000 m, KAS: 33 000 m, UAS: 42 000 m

Area covered by the BM-21 Grad

– 145 000 m²

Engine BM-21 Grad

– engine's type: Ural-375
– Engine power, l. from.: 180

The speed of the BM-21 Grad

– Maximum road speed, kmh: 75
– Cruising on the highway, km: 750

Photo BM-21 Grad

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story

 RSZO BM-21 Grad. area covered by. missiles. Caliber. story


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