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Yunarmeytsy Krasnoyarsk completed patriotic rally

Behind a 50 Russian cities and 15 thousands of kilometers of road - the participants of the youth patriotic movement "Yunarmiya" nearly a month spent on the road, and just yesterday, 4 July, returned to his native Krasnoyarsk.

Юнармейцы Красноярска завершили патриотический автопробег

The action "Yunarmiya - from victory to victory!"I was timed to the anniversary of the Great Patriotic War. It was attended by representatives of the movement "Yunarmiya", the Military Commissariat of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and veteran public organizations of Krasnoyarsk. Through Russia was drove twenty-meter copy of the Victory Banner, which solemnly demonstrated during impromptu parades in Volgograd, Kerch, Sevastopol, Kovrov, Murom, Voronezh and Taganrog. Along with the, in years along the route of the rally, participants met with local residents, veterans and participated in commemorative events.

However, in other regions, not affected by the large-scale action, yunarmeytsam summer does not have to be bored. In the Moscow region, in Chernogolovka yunarmeyskim orders eastern suburbs is awarded their own banners. The event was held at the military-patriotic museum. In this case, for the right to receive the banner of "Yunarmii 'children had yet to be overcome. But a little examination of drill in the presence of a strict judges - representatives of the Ministry of Defense and Veterans - passed all.

Юнармейцы Красноярска завершили патриотический автопробег

The commander gave a solemn oath to protect the red flag "Yunarmii", as a pupil of the eye. After that, before the guys with parting speeches by distinguished guests, who noted combat yunarmeytsev enthusiasm and expressed confidence, that in the future they will become a reliable support for their Motherland. In addition to the words of the deputy of the Moscow Regional Duma VV. Fomichev made Chernogolovskaya guys nice gifts: first I handed over the kit form. Thanks to its catchy style - scarlet beret, beige pants and shoes, crosslinked by type of army - a form yunarmeytsev become a kind of calling card traffic. She is very popular with the children, and its importance is no less, than the banner.

Recall, officially-Russia military-patriotic movement "Yunarmiya" came less than two years ago - in the autumn 2016 of the year. Its main goal was to patriotic education of schoolboys, but the guys are involved in a wide variety of active: master the techniques of first aid, play sports and orienteering, learn the history and geography of the country. Movement is actively supported by authorities, and commercial sponsors, which help the regional headquarters with the purchase form, search for classrooms. Actively cooperate with the "Yunarmiey" and military units, inviting students to his excursions and thematic events.



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