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Ka-8 from Irkutsk

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

With this small Ka-8 "from Irkutsk" started the creation of machines, which have no analogues in the world until now. TO 1945 , the creator of the best sovetskihavtozhirov NI. Kamov was out of work. Gyros have not lived up to expectations, and funding for further work on their development was considered a waste of resources. Nikolai Ilyich deprived KB, retaining only a tiny group, which at the end of the year worked real enthusiasts rotorcraft technology - Serkov Pavel and Margarita Lebedeva.

Ka-8 from Irkutsk – video

This unit was located in the same room at the plant number 456 Khimki. Kamov at this time actively engaged in scientific work, He wrote his thesis, book "rotorcraft", konsulytiroval diplomnikov MAI. He could not imagine his life without design creativity and trying to get an order to develop a small helicopter, Low Cost. In November 1945 , Kamov asked the expert commission People's Commissariat of the aviation industry and introduced conceptual design of single screw passenger helicopter Ka-12, M-21 engine power 600 HP. But he denied. Kamov has long nurtured the idea and another helicopter, which I have now decided to try to implement. Keenly aware, and that the fate of the machine, and his own fate depend on, find whether the helicopter pilot customer, Designer made a bid for the fleet. Naval aviation was very interested in aircraft, suitable for planting in the restricted area - deck ships.

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Kamov remembered interest, who called him a report on the test gyroplane KASKR, made 21 September 1931 at the headquarters of the Black Sea Fleet in Sevastopol. Especially attracted listeners possibility of vertical reduction gyroplane autorotation at zero horizontal velocity, that makes it possible to land on the deck. Now, Kamov decided to take into account the possible project requirements sailors. They certainly need a car minimum dimensions and high maneuverability - it determined the choice of coaxial rotors. The machine will fly over the sea - and as the chassis have been applied floats.
At the beginning 1946 , Kamov and his associates began designing a new machine. In February, the group received its first deposit - it became a graduate of the Moscow Aviation Institute Vladimir Barshevsky, who recently successfully defended his thesis under the supervision of the Kamov design of coaxial helicopter. Then came several experienced professionals: TA. Grishina, VV. Persia- new, A. N. Koiarev. Work progressed quickly. helicopter Kamov design was conceived as fully, that puzzle over the development of some new nodes do not have to. Barshevsky recalled: "Nikolai Lenin invented it all, entirely, from start to finish". Left to settle and turn ideas into a complete technical documentation.

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

3 May was an order number 26 Head of the 7th Chief of MAP management of subordinate groups Kamov Bureau of new technology TsAGI. As it appears, new status allowed to work on the machine in more favorable conditions. 13 November issued an order number MAP 721, according to which Kamov responsible for the fulfillment of official tasks to create a helicopter. To this end, adequate funding, on the same 456-m factory was given two additional rooms, and the team began to grow with new specialists. Among them were the candidate of technical sciences P.O.Yurchenko. Engineer Ishli freshly baked graduates MAI students Kamov VI. Ivanov and A.M. Konradov. However, no production facilities for the manufacture of prototype helicopter Kamov still did not have. Therefore, the construction of the machine had to carry out the "Left" ways, using dedicated money to complete the task. for example, details, requiring processing machine tools, We booked at the pilot plant Tupolev Design Bureau, and rotor blades - at a specialized plant near New platform Kazan Railway. In this case, Kamov helped extensive acquaintance, including among workers, which sometimes made him orders in secret from his superiors, and then carried illegally finished goods through checkpoints.

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

By the fall 1947 , virtually all components were ready. For final assembly of the helicopter KAMOV able to receive at 456th plant angle in a dilapidated workshop. Helicopter construction is a welded frame, which placed the motorcycle engine air cooling M-76, reducer, gasoline tank, column of rotors, and behind it - the pilot's seat with controls, which has become a characteristic feature of the steering wheel, steering wheel motorcycle type, on the right arm which was located gas sector. Front to install a small Plexiglas fairing. Instead, the tail light beams used trihedral pyramid of tubes, to the top of which was attached a trapezoidal keel. Both were three-bladed rotors are made of glued, reinforced timber. Brake rotor has not been, There was also no radio, and even a parachute pilot. Role chassis performed two tapered inflatable balloon of rubberized fabric. The strength of the design had to check their own weight, for several people climbed onto the frame and jumped on it.

Helicopter named Ka-8 "from Irkutsk". The birth of this name is not the puzzle. Ka-8 - consecutive index developed by Kamov projects. And the name "from Irkutsk" was given in honor of the creator is mashiny.Lelo, that Nikolai Ilyich was born in Irkutsk 14 September 1902 of the year. Besides, the helicopter is nicknamed "Air bike ', very suitable to this tiny device. To test helicopter at the factory airfield allocated a small area. She became a flight test station, chief of which appointed V.A.Karpova, Kamov is familiar with the technique since the pre-war years of flight in a gyroplane A-7. As test pilot NI. Kamov invited his old friend podp-ka MD. Gurova, which has already received the experience of flying in helicopters, testing machines I.P. Bratuhina.

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Before Ka-8 first flew, it was quite a long stage finishing. Already at the first promotion screws revealed significant shaking. According to the recollections Barshevsky, to eliminate it "above all decide to reduce the" cone "of the blade. This was done directly in the premises of the assembly by means of a pole with a fortified it twisted into a tube sheet of paper. blades, marked with different pencils, They left their mark on paper, then regulate their installation angles. As a result, vibration decreased slightly, but at high speeds still drastically increased. Nikolai Ilyich suggested, that this is due to insufficient stiffness control blades leashes, who had unsuccessful structure. leashes alteration was done very quickly, and a sharp increase in vibration at high speeds have disappeared. Much later, of Mi-4, and then on the Ka-15 to clarify the nature of this phenomenon - it was a flutter of blades. "Treat," it had to be at the expense of increasing the rigidity of the control wiring (Kamov and that made) or by setting counterweights on the blades ". Besides, where Ka-8vpervye into the water, He fell back strongly, although it remained afloat. I had to remake the floats, reducing their taper.

The next obstacle, not to let "from Irkutsk" in the sky, was the lack of power of the 38-strong engine. And without that Spartan design of the helicopter did their best to ease, removing all, that is possible, including the tail. However, neither this, no ingenuity mechanics PV. Ananiev, trying to squeeze out of the engine more "puny strength", to no avail. Yet Gurov pulled the car off the ground, but he stayed on it, and stood next to lift the helicopter on a leash. Then the tank filled "spirtzin", so mechanics dubbed alcohol-gasoline mixture (0,9 - alcohol, 0,1 - petrol). It is possible to raise the power to 10-15%, and finally start a tethered test. Case headway, Gurov and enthusiastically set about working out piloting equipment.

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Helicopter behaved quite decently, which prompted Kamov increase the height of hovering. To do this hastily extended leash and changed mooring space. but, When Ka-8 rose by about half a meter, He moved to the side, ropes stretched, and the helicopter rolled over. Gurov was hurt, but one of the blades flown away debris quite hit in the shoulder standing nearby Kamov. During repairs on the car set a new blade with a different profile, slightly increased float base. obviously, Then straight top tube attaching a tail unit was replaced with a curved. When the Ka-8 was ready to continue the test, the cold weather, which has a positive effect on the flight as a "from Irkutsk".

Helicopter decided to release from the tether, and 12 November 1947 Gurov year made its first free flight in a circle. Ka-8 flew more confident, but once, When the machine is about the high places 200 m, the engine overheated and stalled. "From the land it was clearly visible, - recalled Barshevsky, - in the silence Gurov translated helicopter in planning, and then I tried to "undermine" him in the air, collective pitch and pen, as if simulating a landing. The machine dutifully skabrirovala. The pilot turned her back to the planning and, repeating the alignment maneuver, He landed the helicopter on deep snow. Cylinders slid on the snow, then dig into it, and the helicopter gently tipped forward. Gurov safe and sound out of his chair ". Thus prepared were unexpected practical proof, that the helicopter coaxial beautifully freewheeling, and it is possible to demonstrate, how mistaken opponents Ka-8, authoritative utverzhdavshie: "The coaxial scheme is not freewheeling!». In his autobiography, NI. Kamov wrote: "Projecting the Ka-8, the first time we have solved the problem of creating a workable coaxial rotor system. Original was designed by us solid wood rotor blades, management, common mechanism and the differential step. These designs were the basis of all of our follow-up in the field of coaxial helicopter ".

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

To summer 1948 , the money, dedicated to the creation of the Ka-8, ended, and continue to support an unpopular topic Minaviaprom not going. Kamov employees no longer pay salaries, and even purchase was not on that "spirtzin". The situation was saved by the inclusion of "from Irkutsk" in the program of the traditional air parade in Tushino, under that Kamov struck continuation of work for six weeks. Shortly before the parade of the Ka-8 was able to show the commander of the air force of the Moscow Military District Vasily Stalin. Gurov perform short dempolet. who did not leave the general and experienced pilot indifferent: "It's great! Get ready for the parade ". In an effort to more effectively show the car to potential customers, Nikolai Ilyich proposed to use as a platform airfield, mounted on the back of a truck. This circus trick Vasily Stalin liked, and made to parade plan. The day before the holiday air Kamov was summoned to the Chief Air Marshal KA. Vershinin to clarify the performance of the program and the accompanying narration. During the discussion, Kamov suggested using the term coined them "helicopter", in his opinion, more suitable for naming devices with rotor, than that used when an English term "helicopter". The proposal was met very favorably, "Helicopter" made in narration, and soon it is easy to spoken word ingrained into our speech.

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

25 July 1948 year over the airfield Tushino airfield fly the best planes of the Soviet Union. People enthusiastically watching the demonstration of the power of the Air Sil.Neozhidanno to government platform arrives deserved truck ZIS-5. His body engine rumbles a strange device. Front of the podium truck brakes. apparatus, roaring engine, soars into the sky. It was the Ka-8.

In general, the Ka-8 show made the most favorable impression, not only on mere spectators, but also on the country's leaders. Stalin himself gave his congratulations and Kamov directly during a parade commanded aviation industry minister to provide the designer all the possibilities for full continuation of the work. The helicopter the next day demanded by the Scientific-Research Institute of Naval Air Force. Since for a single instance of "from Irkutsk" extensive testing was not enough, received an urgent task to make two more similar machines. Simplicity of design Ka-8 allowed to execute the order immediately. Institute tests lasted a short time and showed, that does not fit in the original form of the Ka-8 for use in the Navy. Due to the conical floats seaworthiness helicopter was just no - at the slightest wave it collapses back. Applying cylindrical floats, this lack persists. Worse was the case with the power plant. Motor power was clearly low. Furthermore, himself a motorcycle engine with its "spirtzinom" was not fit for military aircraft. Despite this result, the main objective has been achieved. USSR Council of Ministers decision of 29 September 1948 year was recreated OKB-2 headed by NI. Kamov and received an order to develop a new version of the helicopter coaxial.

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight

Performance characteristics of the Ka-8 from Irkutsk

– First flight: 12 November 1947 of the year
– Total built: 3

The crew of the Ka-8 from Irkutsk

– 1 human

Overall dimensions of the Ka-8 from Irkutsk

– The diameter of the rotor: 5,6 m
– fuselage length: 3,7 m
– Height: 2,5 m

Weight Ka-8 from Irkutsk

– normal takeoff: 320 kg

Ka-8 engine from Irkutsk

– amount, a type, mark: 1 × PD, M-75
– Power: 1 × 38 l. from., forced 1 x 42 HP.

Speed ​​Ka-8 from Irkutsk

– full speed: 80 kmh

Static ceiling Ka-8 from Irkutsk

– 50 m

Dynamic ceiling Ka-8 from Irkutsk

– 250 m

Photo Ka-8 from Irkutsk

 Ka-8 from Irkutsk Speed. Engine. dimensions. story. Range of flight


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