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30 June – anniversary of the end of voucher privatization in the Russian Federation. Weekend reading

30 June 1994 , there was a "landmark" event in Russia. The best economic minds of that time signed the completion of the so-called voucher (checkbook) privatization. Given the fact, with some fanfare voucher idea itself of the country was presented (with two notorious "Volga" in one privatization voucher), 30 June could well make a "public holiday" – the holiday, who is the very idea of ​​voucher privatization cranked through 150 millions of citizens of the vast country.

30 июня - годовщина окончания чековой приватизации в РФ. Чтиво выходного дня

One of the "achievements" of voucher privatization, then announced privatization of hundreds of state-owned enterprises throughout the country. And the addition was as follows: transition state-owned enterprises to private ownership ensures a more efficient management of human resources and enterprise assets. "Master, in any case do better, than the state bureaucracy ", – slogan of the time.

Millions of Russians believe. Some companies, become private, really showed efficiency, the economic growth. But, Unfortunately, this is only a small percentage of all those, who passed through the voucher. Many simply disappeared, and their sudden owners now reflect, which country perepryatat proceeds from asset, which the 24 years ago, so easy to get.

Recalling the statements voplotiteley voucher privatization in life:
We note the absence of complaints from the public about the presence of unrealized vouchers.

It is credited.

Grimace of voucher privatization was already in, that one privatization voucher could get a completely different assets in various regions of the country. So, residents of Nizhny Novgorod Region, decided to "Gazprom" to buy shares 1994 year, could become owners of at least 1,5 thousands of units of securities of the voucher. Wikipedia states, that value is reached 2 units in one privatization voucher. Today it is about 280 thousand. rubles. But Muscovites in one privatization check have not been able to acquire more than average 50 shares of the company (today - about 7000 rubles).

Voucher privatization allowed to climb the, who has had a significant impact on labor collectives, since the vouchers were bought in groups of entire plants often for nothing. Vouchers were bought at markets and subways, which makes the idea of ​​the acquisition of assets in the country as citizens of profanity.

according to statistics,, today about 85% Russians are in favor of the, that voucher privatization 1992-1994 years was far from fair and transparent.



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