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Tank T-90MS

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

Tank T-90cm - export version of the T-90AM. One of the most important tasks to increase the firepower of Russian tanks was the development of new armor-piercing projectiles (BPS) high-power. These works were carried out in the framework of the ROC "Lead-1" and "Lead-2" and ended with the creation and adoption of shots with so-called "long" (L = 740 mm) BPS.

Tank T-90MS – video

The basis of the complex on-board equipment is modern MSA “viburnum”, comprising multispectral sight the gunner, commander's panoramic sight with a digital ballistic computer and a set of shooting conditions sensors. The MSA is integrated combat information management system tactical. Multispectral MSA is intended to provide for days (day and night) high efficiency of the combat vehicle in conflicts at various levels. Integrated multispectral sights occupy a smaller volume zabronevoy, MSA and generally has a significantly smaller controls, which simplifies training and operation of the tank crews. When mixed manning armored divisions with tanks and combat vehicles such as fire support BMPT high degree of unification of the JMA is a must in this case is provided. Such unification is guaranteed due to the wide use of developments in this area, obtained by performing OCR “Slingshot 1” and, special, – “Frame 99”. Integration into an automated control system of a tank battalion (ASU tb) performed as part of OCD “slider”.

The general principle of the JMA “viburnum” It is a complex interaction of sighting system, guided weapon system, electric stabilized pointing weapons, control systems executive armed elements, panels and control panels with corresponding computational complex equipment MSA, providing reception of information signals, generating control commands and other information required in accordance with the algorithms work in different modes OMS. When this pair of elements is provided by an information exchange over a shared channel (POST R 52070-2003 - the Russian equivalent of the US military standard MIL-STD-1553). The structure of the OMS integrated equipment system setting spray and smoke screens, as well as equipment, providing recognition “friend or foe” and the work of ACS TB.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

The main elements are combined OMS gunner's sight ISM “Pine-in” and the commander's panoramic sight PC PAN “Hawkeye”, configured as a stand-multi-channel sighting system, providing the gunner and the commander of the high efficiency of combat use of weapons at the expense of the broad search capabilities at any time (in the afternoon, in conditions of reduced visibility and at night), high-precision stabilization of the line of sight in two planes.

Job Gunner ISM “Pine-in” It is the complex interaction of these systems:

1) stabilization system and mirrors by VN GBV, needed to precise targeting, target tracking, and survey the terrain regardless of the conditions of the object;
2) optical system (sighting channel with two magnification), with the help of which the review area, detection, identification purposes and aiming at daytime;
3) thermal imaging system (thermal imaging channel with three fields of view) a device videosmotrovym, which is used to duplicate the optical system in the conditions of restricted visibility and in the dark;
4) channel laser rangefinder, serves for measuring the distance to the target with a pulsed laser;
5) laser kanalaupravleniya, intended for the targeting of SD beam modulated laser.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

For further automation mode “Arrow hunter” the EIA “viburnum” It has a feature dual-channel automatic target tracking (simultaneously and independently with the gunner and commander seats). This function is realized by integrating SLAs automatic target tracking (ASC).
ASC is designed for digital video processing, received from the vision channels, and precision weapon guidance on the fixed and mobile (including maneuvering) purpose and conditions of movement of the carrier - object BBT. Application of ASC determined, first of all, the possibility of partial or complete exclusion from the management tasks of the JMA the functions of the human operator, as insufficiently accurate and reliable, and not always predictable. The most significant gains in accuracy ASC provides guidance with mutual moving target object and BBT and the average reaches almost 3 time, and in some areas - 4-5 time, due largely to the effect of the combat operator (stressful) conditions and local overloads, resulting from the motion of the object on a model track.

Another important aspect of the application of ASC is a possibility of reducing the time of preparation of the shot through the introduction of interactive targets capture procedures, not requiring the operator to accurately align the targeting and target angular velocity and the line of sight to target capture for automatic accompaniment. time winnings achieved schettogo, that the operator needs to make only one control action - move the line of sight to the target area and, in the presence of ASC readiness to seize targets, permission to grip goals. In this case, the guidance of the aiming mark in the center of the target is performed automatically, with the greatest possible speed. These experimental testing interactive capture show, which may be reduced when used in the preparation of the shot 2-3 from.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

The structure of the OMS “viburnum” integrated software and hardware (PTK) interaction tank / motorized battalion. It allows you to combine into a single information network all combat units and attached machines, to exchange information about the location of any armored battalion and gave him strength, enemy placement, receive and transmit information to higher-level control units.
Practical work on the integration of Russian armored vehicles in the sample to create a single tactical control system (TK rowing) currently held, basically,towards the creation of the basic set of automated control system tank battalion (BK ASU tb). Ideologically it was developed as part ESU BK TK as a set of information and technically conjugate between an onboard PTC, as well as portable and wearable individual computer workstations battalion officers persons, with no fixed jobs in armaments and military equipment facilities. When equipped with the PTC-board military technical level factor value for the commander and linear tanks with appropriate integration tanks tb ASU increases by 40-60%.

When creating complex ESU TK as part of OCD “Constellation-M2” concern “Constellation” intercom equipment was developed, Switching and Control (AVSK), designed for installation in mobile units tactical level. ABCK construction principles are based on the requirements of the full cooperation of the object crew, as well as external users through appropriate channeling equipment. The proposed “constellation” apparatus is functionally complete set of small blocks, combined network Ethernet IEEE 802.3 with speed 100 Mbit / s. ABCK corresponds to the architecture of open systems, configured in a modular design and provides various configuration settings, from the simplest means of transport to the most complicated objects command and staff vehicles tactical level. Directly involved in the development of PTC VNIITransmash involving UKBTM. AT 2010 g. PTK was adopted and started to be installed on the production of the T-90A
(“Object 188A1 PTC”, or “object 188A2”) and T-90AK (“object 188A2K”), When this tank is equipped with a linear equipment PTC-T-2, commanding a PTC-T-1.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

For navigation software meets the combined system of orientation with satellite navigation equipment, modes having electronic mapping and interaction mezhobektovogo. Equipment complexes with priemoindikatornoy equipment GLONASS / GPS 14TS821 “Grotto In”. The structure of the navigation apparatus includes girokursoizmeritel, cartographer, kursoukazatel and antenna SNS.
In order to operate the PTC modernized tank T-90 equipped with means of internal and external communication. For external communication on two channels installed radio-P and P-168-25U 168-5UV, running on one wide-range antenna board P 168BSHDA antenna unit through the filters F-168BAF-25U, and for internal communication in the car has equipment intercom and switching P-168AVSK-B. ABCK serves for an outside connection commander and gunner through radio-P and P-168-25U 168-5UV, and the driver - through the radio station R-168-25U. The radio provides the 2nd communication quality class (92-95%) verbal and speech intelligibility for the radio station R-168-5UV at a distance 10 km and for the radio station R-168-25U - 20 km, that meets the requirements of GOST 6600-72.

For the safety of data transmission equipment using encryption. The equipment of cryptographic protection of information intended for cryptographic protection, simulation protection, interference-free data transmission / reception, their distribution between the channels of communication and workstations.
In the export SLA performance instead Russian PTC-T-1 /2 KUVz set - a set of control: Internal and mezhobektovym interaction. The orientation system - odometer, using satellite navigation. station used for external switching P-2 168-25UE, internal - equipment ABCK-E. optional, on request, can be set tactical control system is a field-BMS boyaT, designed for the automated control of military objects on and below the level of battalion. As part of the tank T-BMS controls via HF and VHF TRC-3730 and TR C9310 (company Thales) using GPS satellite navigation equipment.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. storyThe main tasks to be solved KUVz and T-BMS:

- Work with e-card, Tactical situation playback;
- operational management of combat units and the atmosphere in a controlled area;
- dislocation and navigation data;
- definition of parts of the network location;
- information on the situation in a given zone of hostilities, issuing an alarm signal when input into the forbidden zone;
- transmission and reception of orders, messages, technical information.

The complex interaction management provides a significant reduction in the time tactical situation assessment and decision by the commander in combat units, It reduces the workload of the crew members.
The structure of the OMS “viburnum” and integrated management of the modernized system setting screens (SDR) Tsu 1-2m, which is designed to protect the tank against antitank guided complexes with semi-active laser homing and artillery systems with laser rangefinders, and smoke screen for the selected direction commander.
Experienced TShU-1-2M system of positive samples have been stand-alone preliminary tests, interdepartmental tests,state tests as part of BMPT (OCD “Frame 99”) and extended acceptance tests as a part of the tank “object 184M” (OCD “Slingshot 1”, 2 stage).

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

The upgraded T-90S tanks significantly improved visibility from the crew working places. The range and number of installed on the machine monitoring devices are selected based on the performance requirements of the TTZ visibility to the jobs of the crew members and the compatibility of devices on a periskopichnosti sights commander and gunner. Given this approach,, by car, except sights commander and gunner, establishes the following observation equipment:
- the commander-eight devices TNP4E-06, located on the perimeter of the hatch unit;
- in the gunner - two TNP4E devices-06;
- at the driver - a surveillance device TVN-10.

The three-channel surveillance device of the driver TVN-10 enables the clock and all-weather driving tank. It includes a prismatic channel direct observation, thermal imaging and low-level television channels. Both channels have a horizontal field of view of the order of 50′, vertical - 37 '. The thermal imaging device for driving has the advantage over existing devices day and night, as independent of the level of ENO (Natural night lights) - performance ensured for any ambient light when using the spectral range 8-14 m, and the ability to monitor in fog, smoke and dust, which is particularly important when driving tank columns on unpaved roads dry summer.
Provided a hydraulic and pneumatic input windows TNP4E devices-06 The commander and gunner, and TVN device 10 of the driver.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

To monitor the situation behind the car and the convenience of reversing mehannikom-driver uses a rearview video camera television system surveillance.
TV system surveillance and has the disposal of the commander.
Using four cameras TVKT-95N, working including in low-light conditions, It provides all-round visibility adjacent to the tank area.
Generally, search and observation and sighting opportunities MSA “viburnum” provided through integrated solutions detect problems and recognition by goals:
- integration of the tank by means of a system of interaction in ACS TB, that allows you to receive information about the type and location of the prospected goals;
- visualization of multi-system interaction with information about the current state sector commander observation panorama; this makes it possible to quickly move the field of view of the panorama in the target location area, found on the digital map;
- the most rapid recognition and identification purposes using multispectral commander's panoramic sight, having a low-level television channel (observation in the visible spectrum) and TP-channel (IR observation- spectrum), as well as by the use of treatment regimes (improvements) the observed image;
- on target capture and tracking of its transmission through the target indication mode to the field of vision multichannel Gunner (function implementation “hunter- shooter”);
- commander of multi-prism instruments, providing near-visibility, with commanding views of the organization at the expense of bringing the panorama mode for the selected prism instruments, and displaying information about the position of sight line pan the field of view corresponding to the prism unit, system television surveillance. Upgraded stabilizer arms provides high speed transfer - before 40 city. / c.

Estimating JMA “viburnum” on a range of features and the range of tasks, we can speak with confidence about the fact of creation in Russia of Armored MSA not only meet world standards, but his superior.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

The most important task to increase the firepower of Russian tanks was the development of new armor-piercing projectiles (BPS) high-power. These works were carried out in the framework of the ROC “Lead-1” and “Lead-2” and resulted in the creation and adoption of the so-called shots “long” (L = 740 mm) BPS. Application shots ZVBM22 with BPS ZBM59 “Lead-1” and ZVBM2E with BPS ZBM60 “Lead-2” and propelling charge 4ZH96 “Ozone-T” It makes it possible to significantly improve the armor while increasing the actual shooting distance. The UBM “Breakthrough” provided by the use of such rounds.
UBM “Breakthrough” standardized for installation guns 2A46M 2A82-5 or the placement conveyor with ammunition automatic loader in the hull bottom area.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

Smoothbore gun 2A46M-5 modernization is well known guns 2A46M (D-81TM). The design of the upgraded gun provides interchangeability with gun 2A46M (2A46M-1) by substituting tank armor and plants of the attachment devices tsapfennyh with installation of additional balance weights. In addition to new rounds, shots provided the use of all types of ammunition gun 2A46M, including TOUR.

Cannon 2A46M-5 has the following structural differences from the serial 2A46M:
- the trunk has a differentiated tolerance raznostennostennosti, in the muzzle of the variation in no more 0,6 mm;
- the rigidity of the barrel increased to 420 kgf / cm;
- the barrels of guns 2A46M-5 interchangeable barrels of guns 2A46M;
- stem guide in the cradle of the prism type;
- introduced additional lyuftovybirayuschie device in the neck cradle (2PC.), in lyuftovybirayuschih devices instead thrusts applied rollers, eliminating the effect of wear on the barrel abutments to preload the guide cage and reduces the friction force in this compound substitute sliding friction to rolling friction;
- play-free used tsapfennye nodes with elastic rollers and a reverse wedge, as a result of the influence of backlash in journals on shooting accuracy is reduced;
- for the automatic registration of the barrel when firing the bend on the muzzle of the barrel pipe bending fixture is provided accounting apparatus reflector (UUİ).
AT 2003 g. state tests 2A46M gun-5, and 2005 g. It was put into service and is serially produced at the Ekaterinburg artillery factory №9. Currently 2A46M-5 installed on all tanks T-90A, coming off the assembly line Uralvagonzavod.
Smoothbore gun with a high-power avtoskreplennym and partly chrome plated barrel 2A82 is a completely new development, only superficially similar to the 125-mm tank gun of the previous generation.
The achieved level of energy characteristics of guns 2A82 allows it a significant advantage over serial and developed by domestic and foreign analogues. 2A82 gun muzzle energy substantially greater muzzle energy is widely known gun Rheinmetall Rh 120 / L55. The technical level of the superiority of the new gun is estimated at 1,2-1,25 fold. Particularly impressive values ​​have a metal ratio of use and the specific loading of the barrel - the most important parameters, characterizing the structure perfection.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

One of the essential factors, affect the accuracy of the tanks in actual use, It is the deformation of the gun barrel, which depends on the solar heating barrel, the rate of firing, sediments, wind chill, mechanical stress on the gun in the process of moving objects. Deformation of the gun barrel leads to a shift of the bore axis direction in the region of its axis relative to the cutoff area pins and to disruption of alignment with the gun sights.
To compensate for thermal bending (one of the components of the deformation of the barrel) on foreign tanks used collimators - encoders end of the gun barrel, installed at the muzzle. On the domestic tanks used simpler optomechanical embedded control device alignment (UVKV), also solves the problem of partial account of thermal bend (about half) and mechanical churning sight boresight relative to the bore axis.

However, for manual alignment using collimators and UVKV required tank and stop time for the control and recovery of reconciliation, it is not always possible to combat. Besides, It excludes the possibility of taking into account dynamic fluctuations barrel. In this way, It has become an urgent task automate accounting thermal and mechanical bending vibrations in the barrel during firing. This problem was solved by the integration of the MSA “viburnum” accounting device CID-1 trunk thermal bending.

CID is an opto-electronic system, consisting of a special block priemoizluchayuschego, installed at the bottom of the barrel artillery, and a reflecting mirror, disposable on the muzzle of the barrel. Applied in digital signal processing apparatus provides a measure of the required parameters of the barrel in a wide range of the disturbance and operational impacts. The measured parameters are issued as corrections in the ballistic calculator, which increases the accuracy of fire. Application CID improves accuracy when entering rapid-firing at targets several times.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

To improve the effectiveness of anti-tank hazardous manpower and antitank artillery ammunition in the tank introduced a new high-explosive shot ZVOF77V with high-explosive fragmentation projectile ZOF54, and ZVSH7 with a projectile shot with ready-killer elements ZSH7 “raven”. The shells are equipped with electronic fuses distantsionnokontaktnymi CWED Development Research Institute “Search” ZVM17 (for shrapnel and fragmentation shells beam) and ZVM18 (for high-explosive shells)a spectacle thread 52 mm. To ensure the fire these munitions tank is equipped with a system of remote detonation “Aynet”, FFS provides undermining at a given point of the trajectory. This system allows the effective use of the shell against hovering helicopters, manpower and light armored vehicles, disposed in the trenches opened and, at distances 4 km and more. Characteristics radius destruction and fragmentation grouping shooting range is improved threefold, which reduces average consumption of shells on a typical goal twice. With this system, all available compatible armed 125mm FFS provided regular replacement fuse to the electronic CWED.

It should be noted, that the system “Aynet”, developed for the T-90 tank and adopting a more in 1988 city, It was not effective enough. One of its weakest links was low precision laser rangefinder, the tank is part of the sight 1G46. However, more advanced OMS “viburnum” upgraded tank significantly improved system performance “Aynet”. Besides, currently under ROC for the modernization of the complex with the simultaneous introduction of a new fragmentation shrapnel shells and efficiency in 2 fold compared with the complex “Aynet”.
As additional weapons on the modernized tank has a traditional setting coupled with a gun caliber machine gun 6P7K PKTM 7,62 mm ammo 2000 shots, as well as a new remote-controlled machine-gun installation UDP T05BV-1 modular design.

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

UDP is designed for short-range self-defense, the suppression and destruction of tank hazardous manpower (infantry) enemy at ranges up to 1500 m. To achieve these objectives is enough gun caliber rifle. Therefore, as the main embodiment is provided control equipment 7.62mm gun with ammunition 6P7K PKTM 800 rounds in two stores. UDP is mounted in the turret just behind the commander's panoramic sight, to provide a circular firing (firing UDP sector is 316″). UDP skompleksirovana with the commander's panoramic sight, stabilization has biplanar, angles from the vertical pumping -10 to +45″ 26* .

of course, installation UDP increases the cost of upgrading, however developers upgraded T-90S proposed alternative (“budget”) variant additional armament: Luke commander accommodate gun to swivel (two set point). It can be mounted machine guns caliber 7,62 6P6 mm PKM, 6P41 “Pechenegishes”, FN MAG, or caliber 12,7 mm 6P50″knife” and FN Browning M2. At the same time provided by the following firing angles: horizontally - to starboard 102″, to port 88′ (with an additional installation point - 168′) and by +30 -10′ vertically.

The implementation of UBM “Breakthrough” the latest domestic developments in the field of artillery systems and ammunition provides the modernized T-90 fire superiority over all existing tanks, including the latest M1A2 SEP (USA), “Leopard 2А7+” (Germany), ZTZ-99G and ZTZ-99A2 (China), HK-2 (South Korea), “Altay” (Turkey), round 10 (Japan).

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

Performance characteristics of the T-90MS

Crew, pers.: 3
The layout: classical
developer: UKBTM
Manufacturer: Uralvagonzavod
years of production: from 2004

Weight T-90MS

– 48 tonnes

Dimensions T-90MS

– Length 9530 mm
– Width 3780 mm
– Height 2228 mm.

Bumper T-90MS

– Type broni: protivosnaryadnym combined with filler in the form of plane-parallel plates and inserts of steel with increased hardness and other materials
– active protection: KAZ nodes "Afghani" (T 90AM), optional CAP "Arena-E" (T-90MS)
– dynamic protection: «Relic»

Arming T-90MS

– Caliber guns and stamp: 125 5 mm 2A46M
– gun type: smoothbore
– barrel length, calibres: 48
– gun ammunition: 40 (22 NEA)
– firing range, km: more 3000 m BPS, 5000 m ATGM
– sights : SUO "Kalina", TVP third generation
– Shotgun: 1 × 7,62-mm PKTM (6P7K) with UDP (T05BV 1); 1 × 7,62-mm PKTM (6P7K)
– Other weapons: "Reflex-M" or "Invar"

Engine T-90MS

– engine's type: In-92S2F
– Engine power, l. from.: 1130

The rate of T-90MS

– Road speed, kmh: 65-70
– Speed ​​over rough terrain, kmh: 45

– Cruising on the highway, km: 550
– power density, l. p. / m: 25,11
– suspension type: individual torsion
– Unit ground pressure, kg / cm²: 0,98

Photo T-90MS

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

Protection T-90MS

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

Inside T-90MS

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story

 The T-Motor 90MS. The weight. dimensions. armor. story


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